Jump Issue
So I did get jumping to work, however my issue is now that I have added a second type of ground actor. The original actor is fine, my character can jump on it all he wants. However when I wanted another type of ground I just copied my original one and changed its graphic so it has the same properties but looks different. Now on my new actor, my character won't jump on it, even though they have the same properties. What shall I do?
So I did get jumping to work, however my issue is now that I have added a second type of ground actor. The original actor is fine, my character can jump on it all he wants. However when I wanted another type of ground I just copied my original one and changed its graphic so it has the same properties but looks different. Now on my new actor, my character won't jump on it, even though they have the same properties. What shall I do?
Off the top of my head, without knowing any more info, I would say to make sure it has all the same rules as the original. Have you opened the copied actor & looked to make sure all rules were the same? More info will help us help you
I was quite confused as to how it all worked, so I think when I did get it working I ignored what I did to do so, haha. Not very helpful. I have a rule so that when my character collides with all the different ground types I have it is changes a boolean attribute i made for my character called touchingground to 0.
Then I have a new rule, the conditions being that touchingground is false and the key 'up' is down my character will then move upwards to 0.15 seconds at a speed of 300 and then I have a change attribute behavior on that rule changing touchingground to 1.
My character actor is movable, on a fixed rotation, and collidabe. My ground actors are all collidable and on a fixed rotation.
All of this is on my character actor. I have no rules or behaviors on my ground actors. Sounds very confusing, not sure how else to explain it. Hopefully you guys are smarter than me and figure this out. JUst say if there is anything else you need to know.
It seems that once the attribute becomes true, its stays true forever, hence being only able to jump once. How can I change this?
With it like the above, I have discovered, I can only jump once, then it stops me from jumping all together. But if I add a behavior in the Otherwise part of the rule telling it to change my touchingground attribute back to false I can jump all I want, but now my character flies if I keep pressing up. So I need to stop him from flying. How?
Should work in theory. Also take out the otherwise part.
Anything we can do about this? I would appreciate your help, thanks.
Though I hope you learned something by trying to reproduce it.
You can also play around with the Interns' new games this week. http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=238
Mainly, where can I find out when the new version has arrived. Where can I check?
You shouldn't need to rework most things, if any at all, with your old games. So you can keep adding to your game.
Well I seem to be in a pickle with this jump thing still. I am concentrating on your first method in this wiki: http://gamesalad.com/wiki/how_to_gsc_jump
I can't seem to replicate what you have done. Copying and following everything it says so it fits my own game and I cant do it. Any help? Sorry Im not very specific, I just cant get it to work. Also in the equation for the ground actor (in the wiki as shown) what do the /2 mean?
But I took out the complex one. I was assuming non-rotated platforms, and now that I think of it that first set of complex logic wouldn't work. You can just go with the easy one. Its better anyways if you want to make a donkey kong clone.
EDIT: Easy one has more detail. This should work a lot easier.
hey k, i know the feeling of frustration when things don't work. if you post a pic of your rule setup it might help someone here figure out what is going on.
just a thought. codemonkey and others helped me a lot by looking at my 'code' and giving me suggestions.
I have followed what it says in the wiki, although Im not sure if something else I have would effect it or not. I have also the made the collision group, called 'Ground Actors' as you can see. In this I have put all my different types of ground actors. So that my character can jump on any ground. I only have different types so that I can give them different visuals.
The only thing I left out from the wiki tutorial is the buffer actor, as it seems to only act as something to stop you from bouncing when hitting the underneath. However My character will never be able to anyway, so I don't think its necessary. Although I did try with it anyway and it still did not work.
The only rules my ground actors have it automatically since the update in the beta, they have collide rules with a couple of actors, such as the character. I left them there as they were there automatically anyway. They are also non-movable and are on a fixed rotation.
Thanks thats all, if you need to know anything else to help me let me know. Other than that, I hope you can help me. I just don;'t have a clue to how this isn't working, haha. Thanks.
Also added this wiki how-to: http://gamesalad.com/wiki/how_to_know_which_movement_to_use
hey k, glad you found your problem...good catch. i could not see your gravity settings in the pics you posted.
for the jumping, you can experiment with the gravity settings and with the running distance. if you run a short distance and jump, do you go higher than if you run a further distance? also, check out the platformer template and see if it behaves the same way as yours. if not, compare the two to find ways to change yours.
and codemonkey is right about the move behavior. it is a very finnicky beast, that i myself am trying to tame at this very moment.
i'm glad you posted the fix because some others might need to understand that in debugging a problem you can't stay fixed on what is not working, because the problem may be elsewhere. giving yourself a broader understanding of how all the interfaces in gs work will go miles in helping to find and fix problems. the documentation and the wiki are your friends.
stay motivated, another problem is around the corner...take my word for it...lol
Or is there a way to just stop my character sliding around and move at a constant speed without accelerating with the accelerate behavior?