Jump Issue



  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Try this:

    Make sure it's set to ALL rules, not ANY

    When right = down
    When up Does NOT Equal down
    When up Does NOT Equal up

    move right

    same for left.

    that way if you press up it won't do anything. Instead do your accelerate so

    when right = down
    when up = down

    accelerate = blah blah
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Not sure how this would work. I want to use the move behavior to be able to move left and right without my character appearing to slide (which the accelerate function does). My problem is, when using the move behavior, I can't jump while moving left and right because the move behavior overrides the accelerate behavior which allows me to jump.
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Is there a way of using the accelerate function but making it so that my character doesn't actually accelerate, but moves always at the same speed?
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    You could set the acceleration high, but set max speed/apply max speed in the actor's motion attributes.
    Then use something to stop motion on key up conditions.

    This is one of those, I think it should work suggestions.
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Ok I have this, but when I am running and then jump, it halts my character and then jumps, only moving forward a fraction, well this is turning out to be a lot of trouble haha. Don't worry for now guys, you have been loads of help, Im going to try a few other things and if it still doesn't work then I'll start over and try and clear my mind a bit, haha.
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    what's cookin,

    have you tried the 'move-to' behavior in place of the 'move'?

    is your movement solely left and right? if so, i'm working on something that might help you if i can get it working right.
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    hey k,

    if you have not already found your own working method of movement. here's a link to the thread where i figured out how to do my movement without physics. it may help your particular situation.


    hope i helps...
  • JoshKahaneJoshKahane Member Posts: 470
    Ahh yes Harrio, that works, good movement, however jumping doesn't work now, haha. Using the accelerate behavior to jump now means if I press up (my chosen button to make you jump) he jumps statically, and dosen't move forward and cancels the move to behavior. Boy oh boy, its a funny old world, will this ever work? Haha.
  • harrioharrio Member Posts: 234
    what's cookin,

    hey k, have you tried changing the behavior of your jump rule setup? from what i've read, you can set the direction of your acceleration. so you could do something like checking which direction the player was moving and accelerate in that direction. as opposed to just accelerating straight up.

    have you read the wiki article on jump methods and behaviors. i think you may be able to tweak your jump behavior to work the way you want it to.

    post pics of your most recent version of your rules so people may be able to see something that they can suggest to help you. it definately helped me to find and work out my movement problems. and i had to go through five rule chg setups to get there.

    keep at it. you're almost there when it seems like you'll never get it to work.
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