♡♡♡Cafe Template: Food Simulation Style Template for Sale! $20♡♡♡

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

Price drop to $20, anyone who paid the original price will get a refund, thank you!

This is my first template up for sale, and it's similar to Food Sim apps you see in the Games:Simulation section like Burger Queen, Bonnie's Brunch, & Diner Dash etc, but is styled a bit more like Bonnie's Brunch.

Very easy to modify, it may look a bit complex at first, but I tried to code it so it's easy for you to read, and I left a ton of notes in the game explaining what you need to do to add more items, add more customers and so on.

All actors are recycled, and everything on scene is recycled so there is no spawning.

There are 3 scenes. The first scene has 1 customer, the 2nd has 2 customers, and the 3rd adds a beverage in addition to the cookies.

Very easy to modify, and there are plenty of notes there for you to read to clarify the logic, and where things are being tracked.

I recoded this to make actors recyclable, so I'll be using this for my games in updates too, much smoother!

If you have questions, feel free to email me, here's a link to the video on my site, as well as a paypal link!

I'm available via skype under my company name if you have questions!

Thanks for looking!

This template is priced at $20.00 and will be fixed at that price, so you can be reassured the price won't drop after you've paid that amount.

Link to payment:


ALL artwork is Copyright Beansprites LLC, and is not to be used in a publish game. We reserve the right to have your app removed from the app store if artwork is used.


  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Price has been lowered to $20!

    Very good starter template for a food sim app :)
  • hman360hman360 Member Posts: 590
    Nice work, I think this is worth buying if I had some extra cash laying around :) Great Job!
  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    I had to scoop this one up looks like a real helpful template. Was there a link I missed or do you send the file out manually?

    You rock!


    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Sorry didn't check my beansprites email, I'll send it to ya manually! I have your email address jaylee so I'll send it right over :)

    Thanks hman! Appreciate it :)
  • ARandomDayARandomDay Member, PRO Posts: 124
    What a wonderful template!

    Great work butterbean - and the graphics are wonderful!
  • TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
    This template is a great value for $20 this gives you all the basic components of a food sim.
    I'm a happy guy.

    Making the world better one pixel at a time!

    My Website
    Over 70 AWESOME Gamesalad Templates by me!
    HIRE ME!

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I guess $20 was the perfect price point, emails sent to everyone who purchased, thank you again for your support, and thanks Jaylee & ARandomDay for the Kudos! :)
  • ARandomDayARandomDay Member, PRO Posts: 124
    If I wasn't snowed under butterbean - Id be buying your template right now!

    I know If i get it i'd just have another game to test and finish off!

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Just sent ya some $$$
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Projects sent to everyone that purchased, thanks again, and skype or email me if you have any questions!
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Just want to thank everyone for their purchase, and if you have any questions, feel free to skype me! Look forward to seeing all your creations :)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Haven't bumped this in awhile!

    Thanks everyone for their recent purchase, and you have my contact information if you have any questions, or need tips.

    There are tons of notes in the template (overkill if you ask me :) But I try to be as helpful as possible!
  • rePlayrePlay Member Posts: 23
    Thanks for rebumping this. I've been looking for this. I've bought a few templates lately & hope you will continue to make more at this quality.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Thank you :) I'm not a regular template maker, but may have a couple more in the works before xmas
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