GameSalad for Windows?

HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Please can we have a windows version for this?

If it is just a Level Editor kind of thing, which needs translation into xcode anyways, I think, it would be possible to make a windows version too.

I am really tired with the crashes on my hackintosh and I have no money for a mac right now. Beside that I have really much fun developing my game finally without having troubles with programmers.


  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    not gonna happen any time soon I would'nt think...

    How about buying an older mac off the ebay....I'm sure you could get an old intel mac mini for maybe £150 £200....or dollars depending where you are....

    I know that means having that much money, but its not too bad...
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    can get an older mac mini with 10.5 for super cheap.
    Just don't eat for a week and you're there
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I would like to have it possible to make games that windows users can play online or as exe files. So making GScreator for windows is not a priority but it would be nice for the rest of the world to be able to play our games online even if they can't make them without a mac. Though I would love to teach kids at my school how to use GS, but my school will not buy macs (I've tried all forms of groveling!)
  • CoIinCoIin Member Posts: 197
    One reply that has been given in the past is that they want to get it finished for Mac/Safari first. Maybe when there is a 1.0 release version it could either come at the same time as a plugin for other browses and OSes, or those could follow soon after.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Yeah, that's my hope.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    @Colin: That would be awsame.

    Mac users are still the inority and if GS would be available for windows, the devs would hope for much more money too.

    Then everybody and their mothers would make iphone games, which is not really good for us, but hey, the app store is already overcrowded with crap apps, so it couldn't be wors. :-)

    Then I will wait patient for a win version and try to get a mac until then.
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Big mac for BurgerKing? Anyone? :P

    All jokes aside it will be nice when the plugin works for IE and Mozilla in windows. Im sure it will in time
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    since you need a mac to do the certificate stuff to even be able to uplaod to itunes so, seems like it would be hard without offering some kind of service to post games for windows users.

    Game Salad should get commission from apple seeing as how i am probably not the only one who hopped on the website and ordered a mac just for GS
  • micahmicah Member Posts: 85
    Alternatively, I think it would be awesome if GS could publish to Flash. In a way, it would be less work for them because they wouldn't have to re-write the same browser plugin for each different browser plugin architecture, and if they didn't want to they wouldn't have to work in Windows at all to do it (imagine writing an IE8 plugin without working in Windows).

    As it is, there's a _huge_ barrier to people playing GS games online. They need a Mac (most people don't have one), they need to be using Safari (my guess is most Mac users have Safari but use Firefox though I could be wrong), and they need to download and install an extra browser plugin, which means people won't impulsively play your game unless they're really interested in it to begin with.

    If you could export to Flash, then it will already work in all web browsers and on all operating systems. I think they would need to get a copy of Adobe Flex ( and port the GameSalad engine to it, and then just read individual game data files to play the game, like the iPhone version of the engine works. Easier said than done, yes, but still I think easier done than making tons of different versions for different platforms and browsers and keeping them updated with the browser updates.
  • rebumprebump Member Posts: 1,058
    Great idea micah.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Great idea, but around here Fl@$h is considered the F-word (FYI)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    It is a great idea with flash and if this is the F-word here, then the devs are really short sighted....meh...

    I hate apple and mac too, still working with it, because that is what takes me forward, so I put my feelings away.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Seriously, Netuddki them are fightin' words!!!!!

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Flash has absoluTely horrible performance on macs. It constantly crashes. I can't remember the last time I went to YouTube and it didn't. Plus, developing for iPhone Requires a mac no matter how you cut it, you NEED Xcode for the certificates process. So, I don't know how practical a windows gamesalad app is. The web viewer would be great, but a creator won't work without a mac
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    @Scitunes: Yes, but I hate them. Can't help :-)

    @mulcahy: everybody knows that you need a mac for development, but what about this:

    I have a friend, who has a mac, and just makes me the needed provisioning files? I don't need a mac anymore.

    What if I made my provisioning files and all other stuff once with a hackintosh and now I am happy to throw it out, because I can develop under windows?

    I wouldn't need a mac with game salad. I need a mac once to make those stupid provisioning files, which I can use for all my apps (except I want inapp purchase, which is not possible with GS I assume, so no topic).


    AND it (windows and flash) is not really about development, but about accessibility.

    Now I can let only mac users to access my games. If I could make win exe and flash webgames with a win GS, then I could cover the needs of 90% of the users. Now I can 20%?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    Gamesalad is linking Into Xcode to get the provision profiles and keychain cerificates, it's not just a random file somehwere.

    I know where your coming from, but for the same reason apple does not have a windows version of Xcode, I'd be surprised to see a windows version oF gamesalad (for iPhone publishing, Web games and otherstuff I see no conflict).

    As far as coverage. Right now you can reach 100% of iPhone and iPod touches :)
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    mulcahy: I didn't start with web and exe releases. The devs did. I just thought, I help to tell them doing things right :-)

    I am happy with iPhone and iPod users for now.
    I would be happier if the devs would also rather concentrate on adding stuff for iPhone and not mac exe ability and web... :-P
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    i just want them to bond the version number to the player so that we have no more 0.8.x explosions. I think outputing to .swf is a wise idea too.

    the creator as mac only is fine with me. You need a mac to publish to AppStore anyhow.

    as for a teaching tool: check out Microsoft's Kodu, it runs on xbox and lets you make games with a gamepad and nothing else.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Here's where I see a reason for gamesalad for windows. I am a middle school science teacher and if there were ever a gamesald for windows I would start a game development club for the students at my school. I have pleaded with my school to get a few macs, but for some reason they will not budge. Being able to learn about gamesalad and publish to the web would get these students really excited. I could almost guarantee that many of them would go on to using GS on their mac at home (or get a mac for home) and begin making their own games.

    Having a GSviewer plugin for IE or Firefox for Windows would also help to spread the word about GameSalad. Obviously these folks would need macs to make games for the iphone, but I have run across folks on this forum who have done exactly that after coming across GS on the web. Just think what the potential effect would be if GS web games were available to everyone.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    "You need a mac to publish to AppStore anyhow."

    You don't.

    As I said, you need one certificate and a provisioning file once. You can do everything else from windows too.

    Assuming you work only with game salad and assuming there is already a windows version.

    I don't understand, why you try to convince everybody against win and flash, when the devs already stated that there will be a windows version.

    If you want to develop on mac, please, do it, but let me work on a windows, if I already have the possibility.
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    You wanna be lucky to be on page 12 when you release an app?

    Theres always the fact that maybe its nice to have a little something special for mac.
    Open it up for windows and you'll have to compete with about 1,000,000,000,000,000 more crappy apps in the app store.

    I bet the number of people who do a google and find game salad is in the thousands everyday.
    The number of people who just move on: Most of them because they have windows.

    I'll probably get flamed for it but, i see it as a nice filter :)
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    @TinyMonster - I agree. If I had my way there would be a windows IE and Firefox version of the web plugin but no windows version of GS creator.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    You are right. I also told it above somewhere, that it would increase the competition for sure, but now it is already too big and too many crap on appstore.

    To be honest, If I were Apple, I would allow only companies to release apps. If people would want to make apps, they would need a publisher.

    That would decrease at least the boob apps and other crap stuff.

    But I also know that the free accessibility is one of the main reasons for its success.
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Or just grandfather everything as of right now lol

    Keep all devs already signed out of courtesy for me. Next really screen new devs to make sure they are capable of releasing halo or warcraft (or whatever is being played these days) on the iphone

    Short of that... DENIED
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    "To be honest, If I were Apple, I would allow only companies to release apps. If people would want to make apps, they would need a publisher.

    That would decrease at least the boob apps and other crap stuff."

    I have to respectfully disagree with you there!

    In the UK, oooh, about 28 years ago, there was a beautiful machine called the ZX Spectrum. It created a 'bedroom programmer' culture that in its infancy was a hotbed of creativity.

    Individuals, not companies, could make games cheaply from home. They had final say on everything. And some real gems were created that way!

    I see the app store in the same way. Of course it's difficult to compete with the polish of 100 man teams like those at Gameloft. This is an industry now. But that's not the point. People, individuals, have the power to make games they want to. And in between the boob apps (steady!) there are some real gems again!

    The old socialist in me wants to yell "POWER TO THE PEOPLE" ;)

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Is the socialist saying we should let the free market decide?

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    The free market has chosen boob and fart apps.

    The socialist laments the free market.


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    lol !

    It is good to know there are other liberals out there on the GS forums!
  • JGary321JGary321 Member Posts: 1,246
    Yea, but QS is in England, they don't have a choice =)

    He doesn't count
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