This is gonna hurt.... Zanda: Linked Swords
Well I think this is probably gonna be the worst incident of Template publishing we'll have seen so far....
..and its already starting to build a strong backlash over on TouchArcade...
Its a real pity. Its a great template, with lots of really useful bits to learn from... but again, its obviously just too tempting for the morally corrupt to abuse.... I think the app description is obviously making things even worse... check it out.
I buy quite a few of Darrens templates, as like i say, theyre great to learn from.... but for Deep Blue Apps sake, GameSalads sake, and the sake of all the honest purchasers of the templates.... Darren, youve got to stop giving the templates such a polished finish. Your making it just too easy for things like this to keep happening.
..and its already starting to build a strong backlash over on TouchArcade...
Its a real pity. Its a great template, with lots of really useful bits to learn from... but again, its obviously just too tempting for the morally corrupt to abuse.... I think the app description is obviously making things even worse... check it out.
I buy quite a few of Darrens templates, as like i say, theyre great to learn from.... but for Deep Blue Apps sake, GameSalads sake, and the sake of all the honest purchasers of the templates.... Darren, youve got to stop giving the templates such a polished finish. Your making it just too easy for things like this to keep happening.
This discussion has been closed.
How Apple could approve this App?
Its not Darren fault for sure. I love when they released extremely polished and complete templates.
But I think the should include the Images, that should solve part of the problem.
Or include them as learning purpose, but with watermarks or something like that. Just my opinion, Love Darren Templates
just wrong
It's obviously an award winning game!
I'll have more thoughts later. Be warned though, as Chunky put it, 'this is gonna hurt'...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
why not just have video of templates and remove all art?
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For instance I have been working hard, some times 4-5 hours a night on Suburban Grand Prix (based on Darren's racer template) and even though I've replaced 98% of the graphics and sound I still feel terribly guilty for using any of it!
Hopefully karma will take care of those who think they are getting away with it but I too wish threre was a better way to stop such blatant rip offs.
We make these templates for users to learn from not to be shipped straight to the store.
With some user effort we've had a number of our templates hit N&N and front page.
Devs making a fast buck is not why we spend time doing these templates so something will have to change.
The guys who released this aren't developers anyway. They have no creativity, no ideas and no talent. The only way they can possibly make any cash is by piggy-backing on those who do have talent (and unfortunately are perhaps a bit too trusting in what they hand out in their templates).
As for GS reputation - not worth worrying about it. Seriously, no one who buys games has a clue who or what GS is. Only a handful of people on Touch Arcade enjoy bashing GS, and everyone else just plays on oblivious.
Rant over.
It would be a great game if you extended the template about 20-30 times it's current length. And wrote a creative storyline to go along with it. That would make a very good game that might land N&N on the App Store.
But people who publish unfinished templates are really ruining what reputation (if any) GS holds with game reviewers like TouchArcade.
Their quick bucks have been made, but their reputation is dirt now. Oh well…
A fellow ticked off GS dev
How is this related to game support? (probably not even their site). Yup they got "shyster of the year" written all over them.
This damages Gamesalads reputation in 3 ways:
1) The word "Gamesalad" features half a dozen times in the above TouchArcade Post on this game. This is a very negative post about a game that was compiled with GameSalad and has conned them out of their money. People are angry and all they now see today is the name Gamesalad and warnings saying Do Not Buy. This is terrible PR for Gamesalad as i'm sure most experiences devs and marketers would agree. There are still a lot of review sites that won't touch a Gamesalad game and this is part of the reason why.
2) It dilutes the effectiveness of the great template. Imagine if you were about to release your RPG game tomorrow that was made with the above template but different art. There will now be a huge amount of sceptical players who will say "oh its another gamesalad rpg template" and beware etc. Trying to promote a game like this on TouchArcade now will be mighty difficult.
3) Apple will not be happy with Gamesalad. Sure, they should never have allowed this "game" template to be released in the first place but once they start getting complaints and refund requests someone will look into it. If this keeps happening I worry about Apple and Gamesalad's relationship. We don't want our GS community to be associated with such rubbish.
I really like Darren's (and Wayne's) templates but to not replace/watermark the art is just lazy in my opinion. This sort of thing is happening a lot but is completely preventable. A youtube video showing all the art in glory is enough to sell the template. I hope this can be resolved shortly, we should all be working to improve Gamesalad's image. And finally, to Pixelknights, we don't want to encourage more lame developers because its all competition for our games in an already overcrowded App store
and many others.
Just saying...