We're looking at possible solutions for Pro Users a brand free way to publish their games with HTML5. As seen with our different tests, this is obviously not just for Facebook.
At the same time, HTML5 is still very new. We're really exploring where we want to go and how we want to roll it out. We're doing this tests now, so when it comes time to enable this type of functionality, we've been through it before and we've tried several options and we now which method works best.
Also, all these tests require very little development resources as we don't want this to eat into our roadmap feature list.
It is actually good news. With HTML 5 exporting, that would be a good reason to renew my subscription... as I could use GameSalad to build an online arcade at my website. I've been looking at other software to complete this task, but I already have a bunch of finished GameSalad games.
uptimistik said: No man, it means we will be able to embed it branding free on other sites.
If that's true, GameSalad has a problem. Is it really going to want to host all of the GameSalad games in the world? I don't think so. A game like Two Broke Girls could get millions of downloads. Times that by a thousand and then suddenly the bandwidth costs skyrocket. Without advertising, or some type of marketing for GameSalad, it would be like throwing money away. (Although, that would add value to the Professional subscription fee.)
Maybe GameSalad is fine with hosting the game, as long as the main version is playable here... as that builds up their arcade. But of course, professional game developers might not be OK with that — I'm not. Exclusives are important to building up an online arcade.
Competition will likely force HTML 5 exporting. Already, the application "Hype" has HTML 5 exporting. It's not rocket science that requires advance testing. It's just a folder with some web files.
Carlos over at Ansca Mobile said that Corona doesn't try to own your game. I consider that a veiled shot at GameSalad. The community fragmented over GameSalad Direct, losing many important members of this community as a result... like Peach Pellen, Firemaple Games and Synthesis. The same is with HTML 5. Without simple and "no strings" exporting... GameSalad will have a handicap against competitors.
Two Broke Girls shows how important it can be for a project not to be tied to GameSalad. Currently, the game is not on this website... but it's on another. Sure, Yodapollo stated that's because of technical issues. That's not really the point. The point is that we don't have access to that option. We don't get to make those decisions with our games.
Relax dude, I think you may reading into things a bit much.
And not to be a jerk but mentioning Peach Pellen and Firemaple Games in the same breath is a bit of a disservice to Firemaple.
People don't leave for these one or two issues that crop up, they move on from a accumulation of many different things.
Right now you're just speculating the worst case scenarios and there no use in that. Everything that Yodapollo has said has been fairly positive, no offense but you seem hell bent on finding some kind of negative spin on it. Just relax.
tbh i think having the function to turn off branding for pro users is a must for html5 - that is how they will help convert more and more people to pro - i think it should stay branded for free users to help spread the word and to encourage pro - at the end of teh day GS is a business.
Id love to turn of branding in html5. in fact id have this before android publishing tbh
Dizko said: And not to be a jerk but mentioning Peach Pellen and Firemaple Games in the same breath is a bit of a disservice to Firemaple.
That statement right there highlights how this community has degraded since GameSalad Direct. I think it's more bitter and competitive around here. It also the exact reason why I'm posting right now. Branding/Export limitations on HTML 5 is not the same as GameSalad Direct, as it's not really driving people away. Yet, it has a similar limitation... attracting new people. Which is more attractive for professional game developers? ...games tied to GameSalad.com or games that don't have such limitations?
Peach Pellen moved on to be a leader in the corona community. She loved GameSalad. So not only is she not helping around here to make this a nice and friendly place, she's helping the competitors. She wasn't the only one that was excited and friendly about GameSalad... but are now cheering along the rivals.
It's simple logic. It's not a doomsday scenario. Restrictions and limitations on the software are like food for the rivals... and it's not just feeding Corona.
Two Broke Girls shows what can be done with "Project Masala". I don't think it was "face melting", but I think it's nice... a good head-start on what's out there already. With just some minor improvements, it could be really awesome.
It seems odd to me that the game is still not on this website. How could the game run on Facebook and not this one? That seems like an unusual technical issue to me.
But then... I saw the show. HA HA. GameSalad is kid friendly... this show, not so much. Maybe it's not such a bad thing that the game is not on this site.
2 Broke Girls has a good concept, but it's a bit too stereotypical for me. I thought that the humor was crude too. There were some good jokes, but I thought that the game was better.
And wow... that's the main reason for this post. GameSalad, you did a really nice job on creating a game based on this show. It really reflects the theme of the show, but without being too vulgar.
I wanted to like this show, but I was a bit confused. Why does there need to be a horse... in Brooklyn? Neighbors would likely complain, with calls into 311.
forgive me if i missed it, but can we now remove the loading symbol? or change it like it is in 2 broke girls? or is that the stuff thats not available to us yet?
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
freon1200 said: forgive me if i missed it, but can we now remove the loading symbol? or change it like it is in 2 broke girls? or is that the stuff thats not available to us yet?
Negative, None of the fancy coolness like no GS branding is available to us Commoners yet. Or heck even us pro users
At the same time, HTML5 is still very new. We're really exploring where we want to go and how we want to roll it out. We're doing this tests now, so when it comes time to enable this type of functionality, we've been through it before and we've tried several options and we now which method works best.
Also, all these tests require very little development resources as we don't want this to eat into our roadmap feature list.
"As seen with our different tests, this is obviously not just for Facebook."
That seems to suggest that HTML 5 exporting is being considered.
Maybe GameSalad is fine with hosting the game, as long as the main version is playable here... as that builds up their arcade. But of course, professional game developers might not be OK with that — I'm not. Exclusives are important to building up an online arcade.
Competition will likely force HTML 5 exporting. Already, the application "Hype" has HTML 5 exporting. It's not rocket science that requires advance testing. It's just a folder with some web files.
Carlos over at Ansca Mobile said that Corona doesn't try to own your game. I consider that a veiled shot at GameSalad. The community fragmented over GameSalad Direct, losing many important members of this community as a result... like Peach Pellen, Firemaple Games and Synthesis. The same is with HTML 5. Without simple and "no strings" exporting... GameSalad will have a handicap against competitors.
Two Broke Girls shows how important it can be for a project not to be tied to GameSalad. Currently, the game is not on this website... but it's on another. Sure, Yodapollo stated that's because of technical issues. That's not really the point. The point is that we don't have access to that option. We don't get to make those decisions with our games.
Relax dude, I think you may reading into things a bit much.
And not to be a jerk but mentioning Peach Pellen and Firemaple Games in the same breath is a bit of a disservice to Firemaple.
People don't leave for these one or two issues that crop up, they move on from a accumulation of many different things.
Right now you're just speculating the worst case scenarios and there no use in that. Everything that Yodapollo has said has been fairly positive, no offense but you seem hell bent on finding some kind of negative spin on it. Just relax.
Id love to turn of branding in html5. in fact id have this before android publishing tbh
Peach Pellen moved on to be a leader in the corona community. She loved GameSalad. So not only is she not helping around here to make this a nice and friendly place, she's helping the competitors. She wasn't the only one that was excited and friendly about GameSalad... but are now cheering along the rivals.
It's simple logic. It's not a doomsday scenario. Restrictions and limitations on the software are like food for the rivals... and it's not just feeding Corona.
Two Broke Girls shows what can be done with "Project Masala". I don't think it was "face melting", but I think it's nice... a good head-start on what's out there already. With just some minor improvements, it could be really awesome.
But then... I saw the show. HA HA.
GameSalad is kid friendly... this show, not so much.
Maybe it's not such a bad thing that the game is not on this site.
2 Broke Girls has a good concept, but it's a bit too stereotypical for me. I thought that the humor was crude too. There were some good jokes, but I thought that the game was better.
And wow... that's the main reason for this post. GameSalad, you did a really nice job on creating a game based on this show. It really reflects the theme of the show, but without being too vulgar.
I wanted to like this show, but I was a bit confused. Why does there need to be a horse... in Brooklyn? Neighbors would likely complain, with calls into 311.
The video is online...
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for the double question marks and abbreviation of GameSalad. :-D
Anyway, now that the game is back, I can go show off what can be done with GameSalad.