Can you send my logo that you made for me, in a large size with a transparent background?! Can you make animated logos too?! Thank you very much...looks very nice!!!
Benjamin_m5 said: Can you send my logo that you made for me, in a large size with a transparent background?! Can you make animated logos too?! Thank you very much...looks very nice!!!
that I would love to incorporate but the pic isnt mine. But if you could do something similar that would be amazing. If its to much just let me know and we'll try and work something out ( i do music, ;-) , Im just saying )
that I would love to incorporate but the pic isnt mine. But if you could do something similar that would be amazing. If its to much just let me know and we'll try and work something out ( i do music, ;-) , Im just saying )
Thx David
no problem, i am actually looking for someone who is good at making music. i will have your image done by tomorrow (need to think) would you like that image to be used or should i do something similar/different?
Well the image isnt mine ( i googled it , lol ) but if you can come up with something similiar that would be great !! Maybe your own version of the gryphon ;-) thx again.
jd_diaz said: Well the image isnt mine ( i googled it , lol ) but if you can come up with something similiar that would be great !! Maybe your own version of the gryphon ;-) thx again.
will take me couple of hours. will have it done tomorrow
akstudiodevelopment said: Mate! these are amazing!!! I would say quit your day job, start a logo company, and soon you'll be rich!
Any chance you would be able to do a logo for mine... it's kinda plain at the moment and was the only idea i could come up with...
+1000 these are incredible!!!
VeiraGames said: @icanmake, this is all I could think of at the moment. will make more but for now tell me what you think
i am speechless that looks so good =D incredible job! i would like to see what else u can come up with. if you could think of a way to somehow incorporate this character that would be great:
I know you said you're only doing a few... If it's not too late, any chance you could do one more for 'Chobbigames' one word? Theme is chubby, cute. I don't have mind whatever style it is really. Thanks a lot !
Wow, I am absolutely blown away. Your logos are fantastic! If its not too late, could you make me one for my company - PDL Productions, L.L.C. I was thinking something futuristic looking. You might also put our slogan "Software In Touch With Tomorrow" below it if that's alright. Thanks again, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Can you add please, at the bottom or in the middle too, of the picture: Benjamin Productions in a nice font?! It would be great!!! Then please sent it back to me in a large size with a transparent background Thank you very very much!!!
Is there any chance that you could make the "O" into an iPhone home button
This is Incredible
Off topic: Have you finished your game?!
what happened to my logo being made? Can you please make one that says "Ventora Studios" and make it cool and futuristic like? Thanks!
The name is : Gryphon's Realm:
Escape Reality
( if you could put the words in two lines, " Gryphon's Realm: " on top and the bottom Escape Reality )
here's a link to a pic
that I would love to incorporate but the pic isnt mine. But if you could do something similar that would be amazing. If its to much just let me know and we'll try and work something out ( i do music, ;-) , Im just saying )
Any chance you would be able to do a logo for mine... it's kinda plain at the moment and was the only idea i could come up with...
btw, what program do u use to make these?
Wow, I am absolutely blown away. Your logos are fantastic! If its not too late, could you make me one for my company - PDL Productions, L.L.C. I was thinking something futuristic looking. You might also put our slogan "Software In Touch With Tomorrow" below it if that's alright. Thanks again, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
- Alex
Can you add please, at the bottom or in the middle too, of the picture: Benjamin Productions in a nice font?! It would be great!!! Then please sent it back to me in a large size with a transparent background
Forget you've ever seen a picture, if i gave you a blank slate and said the only key part is it must say, what would you come up with?