The ability to pay for specific Pro tools..

FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
instead of having to pay the $500 why not make it so we could purchase specific tools, like pay 100 for each cause im interested in custom splash screen and leaderboards.

So $500 is overkill for the 2 things I want!


  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    FrontRoomGames said:
    instead of having to pay the $500 why not make it so we could purchase specific tools, like pay 100 for each cause im interested in custom splash screen and leaderboards.

    So $500 is overkill for the 2 things I want!

    This is one of the best ideas yet!!!!!, I would gladly pay $100 a year for in-app purchase and maybe custom splash or something!!!!!! I also like the idea of instead of paying $500 dollars maybe a publishing tax for everyone, This is a very good idea and i hope one of the head chefs sees his idea!, Keep thinking FRont Room Games!!
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yours sincerely,
    Jack Leonard,
    C.E.O of Thermo-Apps
    Contact me on:
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    yeah same here! thanks for the support man!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    This has been gone over again and again. Personally I think it a horrible idea. GameSalad is in the business of making money. They cannot make money if everyone is nickle and diming them to death.

    If you are into iOS development to make money then the cost of Pro is a cheap investment in your business. If you are not in it for the money then GameSalad has been more than generous in letting you use the publishing tool for FREE. If your not in it for the money, Who cares that there is a GameSalad splash screen. Its a small price to pay IMO for the free software they let you use.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @Tendrmer: Agreed. I think the current price for Pro is a steal, and allowing anyone to use the publishing tool for FREE sans the Pro features is amazing.

    I think for every thread started on this topic, we should add a $1 to the Pro Price (damn GS could retire by then) :P
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    yeah $500 does seem like a good deal IF you are going to use all the features, I just dont really want to pay that much for just the custom splash screen tool or the game center.

    and i think game salad would greatly benifit from it cause people would still pay for the full package but then you would get even more people buying individual packages, but once i get the $500 ill deffintly go pro with GS, im supprised it free honestly, like you can do SO much with it being free.
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Some people may want all the features offered in pro, and those people will decide to buy the full pro membership. But I definitely think there should be second options for those who want to have access to only a few pro features.

    I really hope gs moves in this direction, I think its a great idea!
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    artonskyblue said:
    But I definitely think there should be second options for those who only want to have access to only a few pro features.

    make the free version $99 and throw in iAds or something :)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I think if that door opens GameSalad will lose money cause while some cannot afford it. Many that can will drop their subscription down to something lower.

    Just one mans opinion though. :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    tenrdrmer said:
    I think if that door opens GameSalad will lose money cause while some cannot afford it. Many that can will drop their subscription down to something lower.

    Just one mans opinion though. :)

    I happen to agree.

    Though I have pro, I don't use iAds at all, for example, and don't really ever plan to. For me it's useless. But the other parts of pro (and the stuff coming) make up for that.

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    quantumsheep said:
    I happen to agree.

    Though I have pro, I don't use iAds at all, for example, and don't really ever plan to. For me it's useless. But the other parts of pro (and the stuff coming) make up for that.

    QS :D

    Exactly, I have a couple apps with iADs but… Its mainly cause I have it so I might as well use it. If I could save $100 and drop iADs from my account. I wouldSo thats $200 lost for GameSalad and your willing to pay only $200 for the features you want so. right now its a wash. I bet theres more that drop a couple features than people who pick up a few.

    I still don't understand why you feel you need a CustomSplash screen if your not trying to make money off the app. and if you are trying to make money. Then show some confidence in yourself and invest in your future.
  • FrontRoomGamesFrontRoomGames Member Posts: 116
    I just think GS would make alot more if they did this, if i had the $500 i would have no problem buying it, but my way of thing is theres 5 pro features and pro is $500, why not make it open to buy each or 100, i mean you would still get people buying the full packages,

    I plan on having pro soon, or at least eventually, so i can make some professional apps, but i want to get good with GS because i dont want to way 6 months of my first GS pro year on just learning GS.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Well it'd be up to GameSalad to do the following if it went that route;

    Finally add more pro features so although somethings like iAds maybe dropped, others would be purchased.

    I then guess they would need to look at their current pro numbers and say although some may take iAds off and drop their subscriptions by $100, would more of the free users upgrade making them $200. Its a numbers game and surely they want more users on pro.
  • perfectanswerperfectanswer PRO Posts: 121
    Imo this is not only a great idea, it is also another business model.
    The one price-fits-all-$499-deal is a kind of natural selection inside the buyers wallet.

    I believe the actual price- and business model is not the last word at all. GS is in beta.

    Functional business models for this kind of software you can find e.g. at anscar corona.
    $199 for iOS developer only,
    $199 for android developer
    $349 for Pro (iOS & android)

    Same model you will find at Unity3D
    from $400 for the smallest IPhone version up to several thousand $$ for the Pro Version with all the other features.

    Furthermore I believe in a free version to stiff your nose inside without any risk of money, but with less features during the publishing process. I am at this time a pro user and use only the splash screen and IAd. Leaderboard for a upcoming title. For this features in my eyes $499 its pretty much, but on the other hand this software is in beta and the money is also a kind of support + development fee to make all this possible and keep GS alive.

    And if there in future more features and goodies in the software, I will use the same budget, but pick the best feature for my special use cases. This kind of options generate satisfied customers.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I do think its a lot harder to make the $500 back on the app store nowadays.

    You could release a few decent games a year and still not make the money back if your games fail to get N&N or you fail to get any decent press coverage.

    Personally i have cancelled my pro subscription as i want to see whats available when i have to renew and I'm keeping a close eye on gamemaker studio.

    I think the price does need to be lowered for pro but i also think they should charge for the free version.

    $250 a year for pro and $50 for free i say :)


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  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    This is partly why I moved to Stencyl (iStencyl)

    I just didn't feel like I was getting much for my $500, maybe I'll feel differently when the Android publishing releases.

    I'm not allowed to say how much iStencyl Pro is as it's still beta (about to release though) but I can say that it's significantly cheaper than GS Pro.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Most people aren't willing to pay 500 for a couple of features they don't even need the only features i want are: iAds & In-App-Purchase,
    An done of those features isn't even out yet, so i don't really want to pay €500 a year for that, so i would settle for maybe €200 for those features
  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    From Pro, I would need only custom splash screen, and GC. I would like to pay 250 USD for this two features, but not 500.
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Same Here I only need GC and custom splash screen and I paid 500 bucks for those features. But i think the next major update will bring stuff like GC achievements and InApp purchase (I dont think table, arrays and joints are going to be pro only) and those two features alone I think are worth the 500 bucks for pro.

    So the pro features are going to get better with time.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    TheMoonwalls said:
    From Pro, I would need only custom splash screen, and GC. I would like to pay 250 USD for this two features, but not 500.

    Yes, i really believe the they're should be a cheaper option for different features
  • mithraweptmithrawept Member, PRO Posts: 167
    The more complicated the purchase options the less time the GS team have for developing the app, fixing bugs, etc. There are always features of any software that you don't use, GS is no different. GS is inexpensive for pro software.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Yes it is in-expensive, but it doesn't make any more or less expensive by letting you pay for individuals, and it only takes about 2 minutes to change the prices and it's not complicated, so I don't see your point.
    mithrawept said:
    The more complicated the purchase options the less time the GS team have for developing the app, fixing bugs, etc. There are always features of any software that you don't use, GS is no different. GS is inexpensive for pro software.

  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    UtopianGames said:
    I do think its a lot harder to make the $500 back on the app store nowadays.

    You could release a few decent games a year and still not make the money back if your games fail to get N&N or you fail to get any decent press coverage.

    Personally i have cancelled my pro subscription as i want to see whats available when i have to renew and I'm keeping a close eye on gamemaker studio.

    I think the price does need to be lowered for pro but i also think they should charge for the free version.

    $250 a year for pro and $50 for free i say :)


    I can attest to this scenario. Been pro more than 2 years with 4 games and even with Darren's brilliant templates I haven't made 100 bucks yet (how's that for depressing?) will keep at it though as i love the process of creation but it gets harder to justify my investment unless I can get more return. Getting it noticed is the hardest part of all. Think I should call my next game "Buy my damm game!"
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    SingleSparq said:
    I can attest to this scenario. Been pro more than 2 years with 4 games and even with Darren's brilliant templates I haven't made 100 bucks yet (how's that for depressing?) will keep at it though as i love the process of creation but it gets harder to justify my investment unless I can get more return. Getting it noticed is the hardest part of all. Think I should call my next game "Buy my damm game!"

    Maybe when in-app comes out you might do better eh?
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    "Maybe when in-app comes out you might do better eh?"

    Someone has to buy the game first though! ;)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    SingleSparq said:
    ...and even with Darren's brilliant templates I haven't made 100 bucks yet...

    What does the template have to do with making a good game and getting noticed? If anything its probably hurting you since Darren's Templates are uploaded as is the second they are offered for sale. Everyone has seen the game several times over before you have ever had a chance to make something unique with it.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    The whole point of using a template is to make it so unique, that noone would even recognize it, if compared to the original.

    QS's .Matrixx is a perfect example of what should be done with a template.

    Templates are not designed to make you money. They are designed to aid you in the first step towards making a game.
  • JPickardJPickard Member Posts: 477
    I will have no qualms paying 500 for pro when I'm ready, I just have issues with paying it as one years rent instead of a purchase. I despise the concept of software as service. I either buy the bits or I don't. Though, I am more than willing to pay for upgrades/updates. Also, I'll most probably not pay for beta software by anyone, so I'll wait until 1.0

    This isn't a slam on GameSalad, I love the program, but I don't love it 500 bucks every year yet.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Me thinks you all got the wrong impression. I mention templates as in it's a good base to begin from NOT I bought it and uploaded it and expected a money maker.

    As Darren would tell you himself from my Suburban Grand Prix game (and he has) - I am the example of using a template and building on it and making it my own (isn't that the point?). I worked 4 months making that with my own style and features so look at it first before you assume. I've been around here long enough to at least deserve that.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @SingleSparq: Sorry, my post was not directed towards you, but rather as a general point. A lot of people think templates will make them easy money, and it's not the case. They are simply an aid and a stepping stone into making a full game.

    I think you did a great job on your Suburban Grand Prix game, and it looks like you put a lot of work into it.

    Even so, there are no guarantees with the app store, and all you can do is keep planning subsequent projects.
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    butterbean said:
    @SingleSparq: Sorry, my post was not directed towards you, but rather as a general point. A lot of people think templates will make them easy money, and it's not the case.

    I think you did a great job on your Suburban Grand Prix game, and it looks like you put a lot of work into it.

    Even so, there are no guarantees with the app store, and all you can do is keep planning subsequent projects.

    No prob, yeah I've gone in to this keeping my expectations in check but if Charlie sheen can win why can't I ;)
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