The ability to pay for specific Pro tools..



  • mtinglemtingle Member Posts: 41
    if they charged $50 bucks to loose the slash screen PER app GS would make a ton of money in a continuous stream that I'm guessing would be larger than their entire current subscription based model.

    Think about it, everyone loves their app enough to spend $50, they are bound to make more and so it goes on..and it appeals to ALL the user base, which is massive.

    I didn't find out about GS from an app splash screen so I'm not sure GS are loosing out on that much advertising, in fact you could argue that those splash screens loose GS money as most of the time you see a GS splash screen it's on a cheap nasty looking free app that takes ages to load and crashes your old ios device.

    I don't like subscription based software either.

    but saying all that, if GS didn't change how they do things, I still think they are great and will happily use the current model :)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    mtingle said:
    if they charged $50 bucks to loose the slash screen per app GS would make a ton of money in a continuous stream that I'm guessing would be larger than their entire current subscription based model.

    Think about it, everyone loves their app enough to spend $50, they are bound to make more and so it goes on..and it appeals to ALL the user base, which is massive.

    I didn't find out about GS from an app splash screen so I'm not sure GS are loosing out on that much advertising, in fact you could argue that those splash screens loose GS money as most of the time you see a GS splash screen it's on a cheap nasty looking free game app that takes ages to load and crashes your old ios device.

    I don't like subscription based software either.

    but saying all that, if GS didn't change how they do things, I still think they are great and will happily use the current model :)

    Sure as long as everyone has more than 10 apps each. I have been at it for a year now and only have 6 different listings on the app store but only 3 of those are different games so they would not have made as much off me. Its actually very VERY hard to produce several Quality Games so I think GameSalad would be in the hole big time if they went with your idea.

    In case anyone doesn't know i'm very much for the current Subscription model and pricing of pro. I think they need to do away with publishing for free and charge $99 for that again. So you guys that are getting to publish for free should be thanking your lucky stars and not be so greedy with what you think pro should cost. Its going to be well worth it down the road IMO. and if they decide to not make it worth well then i'll ditch it with the rest of you.
  • BeanstineBeanstine Member Posts: 101
    i tink that GS needs to think about their prices a little, and try some things out.
    some examples are:
    -make pro $100. then everyone would go pro and more money could be made
    -make option for memberships in months to let people try it first
    this would be the time to try things like this, because there isnt as many pople as there will be years down the road and if they do lose money then they wont lose too much
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    This idea of charging for individual parts could work if it was done right. If you look at how Cinema4d is set up right now,
    http// you'll see that they have different versions for different types of people in the industry, each one with a different set of tools, as well as one version with all tools. If more things were added to the pro version, like, say, more advanced physics tools, then you could have a Physics Membership, or an Advanced Publishing Membership with all the custom splashes and such. You could even do Multiplayer Membership or Online Membership, with leaderboards and such, as well as wifi-multiplayer stuff. Maybe someday, gamesalad could do something along these lines, and make more money in the long run.

  • mtinglemtingle Member Posts: 41
    tenrdrmer said:
    Sure as long as everyone has more than 10 apps each.

    basic maths error. they would make the same money if each of the current pro users made 10 apps a year. true. but that is not all that this model would appeal to. it would also bring into the equation literally 1000's of the current non-paying community. so if there where 10 times more free users than pro users then to generate the same revenue each person would need to remove the splash screen for just one app per year. baring in mind that it is probably far greater than a factor of 10 and that a lot of users would do more than 1 app per year AND you would still have some of the pro users on the $500 subscription model as they would need some of the extra pro features and you can see it would all add up. I believe they would make more money quite easily.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    SingleSparq said:
    "Maybe when in-app comes out you might do better eh?"

    Someone has to buy the game first though! ;)

    Perhaps you should invest a lot more in marketing, I did this when i was first making apps for nokia, and it really helped!
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