What is your Favorite Game of All Time?
If you had to pick just one game in the history of video games, what is your all time favorite, classic or current?
My pick is Mega Man II
My pick is Mega Man II

Order is not ranked, these tie each other
Super Mario Bros - Arcade (thats where the memories are)
Yoshi's Island - imported FAMICOM before SNES was released OH YEAH!!!
Mario 64
Kings Quest 5
Metroid Prime GC
Mario Kart 64
Goldeneye 64
@ Butterbean
MM ii was the only mega man i ever beat
Some real great ones have already been mentioned...
I'm gonna go by number of hours spent playing...
Ok, old and old ish, new ish
Mario Kart on the snes....
Quake (the original) on PC,
and Resident Evil 3 on the Wii, (versions since then have been rubbish and on rails).
I love it I still play it now on my Macbook Pro!
Thats just one and me also not saying any already mentioned. My ultimate, yes Super Mario Bros.
Oh crikey just thought of the first Prince of Persia as well, blimey there are loads.
Urrm, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro (PSOne versions). They keep coming so I'll stop there, hehe.
I also love Yoshi's Island, and forgot about that one, so that would be tied with MM II for me
So firemaple and Tinymonster you beat me to it!
By the way, what's the diff between Yoshi's Island for the Super Famicom and U.S?
It is hard to pick just ONE so all in all I'd say top 5:
Mega Man II
Yoshi's Island SNES
Castlevania SOTN Ps1
Legend of Mana/Seiken Densetsu series all systems
Wario Ware original GBA
However, the title of 'Favourite game of all time' is...
I kid you not. It's the only game I've played on one format or another, consistently, since it launched in 1990 with the Game Boy.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Did you ever pick up the "Tengen" version of Tetris that was pulled from the shelves and became a rare gem?
Unfortunately not, but I do have a mint copy of this:
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
That's awesome I'd keep that awhile or you could always sell it now
I have a few games I'm keeping in my collection for a long time too:
I am INSANELY jealous.
Edit: Swap mine for yours
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
SO many options... I don't know what my favorite would be, but this one I have some really good memories playing. The original Deus Ex! Surprised not to see if on the list.
I LOVE Mario 3, (I could play for days too), but since it was taken Deus Ex is really good too.
I love it!
I also love the myst series and the neverhood.
Old games: almost all point&click adventure games