We want our pro accounts extended (poll)

gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
enough is enough GS you need to start taking responsibility for your actions,and to show some respect to your paying users by offering an extra 2 months extended time on pro accounts.
for too long now releasing builds with bugs is becoming the norm,and its not acceptable.
so to that end if people think they deserve some kind of extension please leave a positive comment below.
hopefully something good will come of this like future builds that actually work.


  • FanStudioUKFanStudioUK Member Posts: 459
    This is not THE solution!

    My solution was iStencyl and I don't regret this, not even by one second! ;)
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Yes - there certainly needs to be some compensation for the considerable 'downtime'.
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    your missing the point this is to stop the buggy builds and have a more solid future foundation to work off,instead of the uncertain builds we keep getting every 6 months
    GS have an untold amount of people who will test, double test ,and triple test builds before it becomes available to everyone.
    FanStudioUK said:
    This is not THE solution!

    My solution was iStencyl and I don't regret this, not even by one second! ;)

  • FanStudioUKFanStudioUK Member Posts: 459
    I'm not missing the point, the thing is that I've lost my hope a long time ago when I lost a very important client because of the bugs in GS.

    That's why I was saying that you won't find the solution here, using GS ;)
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    I honestly think That as long as GS gives us the opportunity to publish from stable builds like 0.971 , then its fine if they make new features and fix bugs , then we will jump to our next stable build , (hopefully 0.9.86) .

    Just my 2 cents
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    ohh ok i read it wrong,i know what you mean
    FanStudioUK said:
    I'm not missing the point, the thing is that I've lost my hope a long time ago when I lost a very important client because of the bugs in GS.

    That's why I was saying that you won't find the solution here, using GS ;)

  • FanStudioUKFanStudioUK Member Posts: 459
    See for yourself, iStencyl will be released to the public soon.
    It has a drag&drop interface just like GS, the only difference is that it's a lot more complex, supporting all kind of features that GS can only dream of :)

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    this is not the place to talk about iStencyl.
    topic closed.

    gamedivisionuk, you're best bet is to contact support with your issues.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    I personally just walked away from GS due to all the poor updates and patches. I found myself spending more time trying to reinstall new versions of the creator and veiwers that wound up not working to well. Than actually working on something. So I decided to just sit back and watch and wait until something more stable came out. Im lucky to have made a app with my Pro Account that has paid me backmy 500$. So Im just sitting here waiting for a actual soild GS 1.0 non beta. Then I will fork over another 500$ then. But I agree that there should be some compensation or extension of the accounts. We are however forking over 500$ to beta test the Pro portions of this software. " beta testing" Right now for android publishing to be ironed out to run smoothly. It will take he dedication and faith in GS. Of the Pro Users to do this. So its more than fair to ask for a extension.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    tshirtbooth said:

    I think its not our place to close topics like this. These are opinions from people who forked over 500.00 each. They should at least get a voice.

    I'm glad to see the discussion was reopened.

    I think it's cool to let the community discuss these things. That's one of the things that I like about GameSalad. The forum seems to have gotten a bit too aggressive with the moderation lately.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    tshirtbooth said:

    I think its not our place to close topics like this. These are opinions from people who forked over 500.00 each. They should at least get a voice.


    THanks TSB!! Your a great sous! and I'm glad you reopened it!
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Nice one Jeff and Tshirtbooth for seeing the sense to reopen this. It should never have been closed for the reason given.

    I suggested last night they extend Pro for 2 months so I've voted yes to gamedivision's poll. Release after release adds and takes away - both in usability and general enjoyment. It's time for GS to admit things haven't gone well with every release for some time. While we realise its still in Beta we also (Pro users) have invested in the company/product and should be treated fairly under the circumstances.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I agree that these discussions should remain open too. This is what the forums are for, and there's no reason to close this particular thread.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    butterbean said:
    I agree that these discussions should remain open too. This is what the forums are for, and there's no reason to close this particular thread.

    Delighted that your still a sous! butterbean!, I though you were going to resign?,
    Anyway i am thrilled that you decided to keep up the job,
    Happy Sous-ing and developing,
  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    I am going to copy and paste what I posted in the current build thread bc I feel it pertains to this issue :

    Hopefully a fix is on the way ASAP....a lot of devs use interpolate, as mentioned earlier I have it in every part of my app :-/! As for the timers, sometimes there's no getting around having to use one, so the fact that those are fried stinks too. From coding daily in VB and C languages, I get it....things can go wrong and sometimes are hard to catch ahead of time.

    But having said that, GS is first and foremost a business, and the fact is a lot of us have paid for a product that is consistently burning the apps with bugs we are pouring our hearts into with every update."

    +1 for leaving this open TSB, I was a little shocked when I saw it closed. Nobody wants to start a riot by any means, I think Pro Users (myself included) just want our voice heard and our $500 taken seriously :-)
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I closed this thread because it turned into an istencyl thread not because of the pro discussion.

    So who deleted those posts?

    It's not our place to pick and choose what gets deleted. If a thread gets railroaded it deserves to be closed.a new topic can be created to continue discussion.
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    jonmulcahy said:
    I closed this thread because it turned into an istencyl thread not because of the pro discussion.

    So who deleted those posts?

    It's not our place to pick and choose what gets deleted. If a thread gets railroaded it deserves to be closed.a new topic can be created to continue discussion.

    +1, or you could have just deleted the stencil posts, but I'm neutral so i wouldn't mind either way
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    SaladStraightShooter said:
    I completely understand everyone's feeling on this and wanting the value you invested - GS is actively working to improve the user experience and offer more quality going forward for our Pro members. Android was a big step in this direction. While it cannot be denied that there are issues, as is the nature of software development, that need to be investigated and taken care of as soon as earthly possible.

    We are working to fix this, everyone - as I've said elsewhere I understand frustration levels are very high. But please know that we are working to improve, as always.

    Jon was right, however - while the thread should not necessarily have been closed, this forum or the threads within it aren't to be used to promote competitors. They have their own forums for that and are welcome to share their glory there. ;)

    +1 I agree with all this!,
    (Dear SSS, i sent you a PM regarding an issue i have, hope you reply soon, THanks!! :)}}
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Im not aware of any replys in this thread that mentioned a competitor in a promoting way other than comparing a issue. I wouldn't need to work if I had a dime for every time I heard " Im moving over to Unity" in this forum. Unity is mentioned in threads left and right on this site and does not get the quick closing of topic the way this one did.

    The heart of this discussion was extensions of Pro Accounts. And if someone wants to argue the fact by using outside facts Then they should not be shunned anyway.

    Everyday people move from PC to Mac, Mac to PC based on forums and discussions just like this. And I dont see apple closing topics just because some one mentioning that a PC processor run better than a Mac Processor etc etc. Healthy debate makes better products and better service.

    I agree with Jon if the said deleted posts were promoting a competitor. But from what I read I didnt see that. I agree with SSS. I also agree with TSB. And I also feel that before you go closing a topic. Maybe 3 of you Sous Chefs should huddle up and decide. Not just one of you. Im refering only to closing a topic.
  • dmilinovichiiidmilinovichiii Member Posts: 620
    tshirtbooth said:
    I did not delete any posts. I just reopened the topic.

    However there are way to many topics getting closed these days and i have talked with yoda about this. Rather then close a topic i think we as chefs can just post and steer the topic back on the right path.

    The topic is a valid one. And the last think GS wants to do is alienate the members who pay for the pro version. They have a voice and if should be able to use it.


    I find it entertaining that this is being talked about on a topic about extending pro accounts. Maybe someone could seperate these topics. These posts are starting to sound hypocritical.
  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    Thanks SSS for trying to clarifying things. It's nice to see you lurking and posting here even on a saturday night (well it should be afternoon in Austin). And it's nice to see that you're working on a fix.

    However I am a little curious on how you test builds. Apparently you have a small QA team that surely miss a lot of bugs and glitches, that may be understandable so to compensate for this you've decided to let sous chefs try the prerelease builds. That is good, however the strange thing is that some of them said many times that they reported bugs that nonetheless made through the final build. Why is that? Why wasting their time if you don't fix what they report?

    Also to remain on topic about the Pro extension on possible solution would be to extend it until 1.0 comes out. Since you stated that it's not so far that shouldn't be a big problem for you. It's not so bad to admit that you screwed up a little. In fact even Apple did a similar thing with Mobile Me.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Mr.Rinoy said:
    I find it entertaining that this is being talked about on a topic about extending pro accounts. Maybe someone could seperate these topics. These posts are starting to sound hypocritical.

    I did create one...... http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=34681 and obviously it has merit... because now this discussion is back up and running. SO therefore my complaint was legit and valid.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    I think we all let Unity slip by because its not a close competitor. Its 3D and thats a whole different Ballgame with a whole different sent of pain in the ass techniques. If GameSalad ever adds 3D support which i'm very doubtful of. Then I think you will see a different tune from GS about it. I can tell you there are 3 posts that where deleted. Cannot Tell you what they all say since I didn't delete it but at least one of them is quoted in someone else's post. And I saw one of the other 2, It went Something like…I changed to this SDK cause of these problems and you should too.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Thanks tenr...... and again you dont kill the merit of one idea " pro accounts issue" because someone brings up a competitor. I think as a Sous Chef, (with deleting abilities) would delete said comments and keep the heart of the original discussion continue. But in this case they were deleted and the topic closed. As SSS said it shouldnt have been closed. IMHO I think closing a topic should a last resort. Obviously someone was trying to do it correctly by just deleting unwanted comments.
  • azavegaazavega Member Posts: 362
    As a pro user i want to give my opinion... My pro membership its about to expired, i got it on january i think and i spend probably six month or so with the same tools that were suposed to be for pro members only... Iads and links... Not even and important update... Later gamesalad released a list of features they will start working on, some of them just for pro members and while they accomplished most of them on time they got here almost when my membership its about to be expired...
    Now I'm not blaming on gamesalad cause we are adults( some of us are lol) and when we decided to buy the pro membership wasn't base on promises or new features of any kind so we take the risk by ourself... But i'm sure that i'm not paying 500$ again, (even when i almost did that amount of money with my two crappy apps and probably the half of that money came by Iads...), till they don't pull a solid package to give us real advantages over the free suscription...
    By now almost at the end of the year they release a couple of new features that worth the money ( not the whole 500$ thought) but like the topic mention above some of the users should appreciated and extension... I'm not cying for help just for consideration...
    Gamesalad is a wonderful tool and we really should have a little respect before talking things about the work they are doing but yes enough its enough like the first post says...
    The ones who paid for it should be heard... Sorry about my english lol
  • osalzanoosalzano Member, PRO Posts: 136

    I know you probably have aready posted the email / page to submit a buggy project.
    But the forum is such a mess, with lots of disconnected posts and complaints (most of them unfounded). Could you please kindly post again?

    Lauching Android support, you guys took a HUGE step in making GS a mature product. As a GS member for 2 years, I think it's time for us to contribute. I'm very excited with the possibilities!

  • osalzanoosalzano Member, PRO Posts: 136
    Tks a lot, Ace! :D
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    firstly, one person posted about another product not the creator of the thread,and i emailed you pleading to reopen and you chose to ignore me,if you want to do your job properly at least have the decency to contact me back(im human as well)
    jonmulcahy said:
    I closed this thread because it turned into an istencyl thread not because of the pro discussion.

    So who deleted those posts?

    It's not our place to pick and choose what gets deleted. If a thread gets railroaded it deserves to be closed.a new topic can be created to continue discussion.

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