we understand your trying to fix the problem straightshooter,and we all appreciate your efforts,but this is happening to often and becoming the norm,people who buy your product rely on it, as for some people, its their livelihoods,and dont have a second job to support them,so its vital that your product works consistently.so we all feel that GS would do the right thing by the people that buy your product, to offer some kind of token,good will gesture,apology take 2 months free for current pro users.not much to ask for the trouble your updates are causing people.
SaladStraightShooter said: I completely understand everyone's feeling on this and wanting the value you invested - GS is actively working to improve the user experience and offer more quality going forward for our Pro members. Android was a big step in this direction. While it cannot be denied that there are issues, as is the nature of software development, that need to be investigated and taken care of as soon as earthly possible.
We are working to fix this, everyone - as I've said elsewhere I understand frustration levels are very high. But please know that we are working to improve, as always - and we do value your feedback and put it to good use.
Jon was right, however - while the thread should not necessarily have been closed, this forum or the threads within it aren't to be used to promote competitors. They have their own forums for that and are welcome to share their glory there.
appsiedaisies said: I hope you guys repeat the GS Pro upgrade Promo from last year. That will be the perfect Christmas gift to both Pro & Non-Pro users
I would love that. Even with the new upgrades coming, I don't think $500 dollars will be worth it for me again. If I can get it for $99, I will upgrade for sure.
tshirtbooth said: you guys do understand that if they don't make money then they don't stay in business right? They can't work for free.
500.00 is cheap for what we are getting now.
just my 2 cents.
Then maybe give us less. We could buy just iAds, Androids, or URLs seperately. They could also offer a package that comes with a 15% discount or something.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
tshirtbooth said: you guys do understand that if they don't make money then they don't stay in business right? They can't work for free.
500.00 is cheap for what we are getting now.
just my 2 cents.
Really the begging for something even cheaper is just getting insulting. At least it would be if it was my tool.
I am not a pro user, yet. But my thought is, you should know what you are buying before you buy it. You are getting a program that is still in beta. I hear a lot of complaining about bugs which is confusing to me because I would think that before anyone spent $500 they would have realized that bugs/problems are part of it. If you know it's in beta, yet you still buy it anyway, well who really is to blame?
I guess what I am saying is, if you don't want a buggy program, don't buy one that is still in beta.
$500 really isn't that much. $500 a year is probably less than you're paying for your Iphone contract. Only about $42/month. However, I'm a pro user too, and I really, really wish it was made clear that you could publish with the previous build. I don't mind working through bugs, but there were a couple times where the software was just unusable. If they solidify the process of being able to publish with the previous build, then I am okay with the status quo.
gamedivisionuk said: we understand your trying to fix the problem straightshooter,and we all appreciate your efforts,but this is happening to often and becoming the norm,people who buy your product rely on it, as for some people, its their livelihoods,and dont have a second job to support them,so its vital that your product works consistently.so we all feel that GS would do the right thing by the people that buy your product, to offer some kind of token,good will gesture,apology take 2 months free for current pro users.not much to ask for the trouble your updates are causing people.
I agree. 500 isnt that much. And I agree the GS needs to make money to continue making updates and features. And Im glad they are looking into giving back a lil to the pro users who have stood by them all this time. I think we are all gonna be happy and ok in the end. I cant wait till we are all laughing at this 2 yrs from now and hopefully 5 years from now. 5 yrs from now iphones will be in our eyes. Anyone seent the futurama parody to the iphone?
And its not your place to undo what another moderator has done.
The image you portrait by doing this is that we have no form of true moderation. Just what most of us agree with and what you agree with. What you did is no differnt then me re closing this thread right now cause i think it should be closed. If you think somethign should be reopened that another moderator has closed talk to a head chef about it. Or at the very least have the respect to pm the mod that closed it and discuss it.
Jeffnichols said: I agree. 500 isnt that much. And I agree the GS needs to make money to continue making updates and features. And Im glad they are looking into giving back a lil to the pro users who have stood by them all this time. I think we are all gonna be happy and ok in the end. I cant wait till we are all laughing at this 2 yrs from now and hopefully 5 years from now. 5 yrs from now iphones will be in our eyes. Anyone seent the futurama parody to the iphone?
JohnPapiomitis said: And its not your place to undo what another moderator has done.
The image you portrait by doing this is that we have no form of true moderation. Just what most of us agree with and what you agree with. What you did is no differnt then me re closing this thread right now cause i think it should be closed. If you think somethign should be reopened that another moderator has closed talk to a head chef about it. Or at the very least have the respect to pm the mod that closed it and discuss it.
There is no true form. Thats what this whole thing has been about. But we have found out that there was a large mass of mis communication and it has been fixed. But the true heart of the original topic is now back up and running. And many have stated that it should not have been closed. One being a Head Chef. A unknown chef was trying to fix it with deleting certain posts and another trying to fix it by closing it all together. But I like your idea about confronting another chef. In regards to closing a topic maybe it should take the final decision by a head chef to close a topic fully. That way there is a yellow explanation as to why. But the last thing Im sure GS doesnt want is for customers to feel like they cant voice their opinions especially when they are paying 500$ to be allowed to beta test for GS.
Are you for real Tshirtbooth does more for this community than you will ever do,so you need to sit back in your chair.to tell you the truth I don't even think GS would be as big as it is today if it wasn't for him.second you talk about getting an email reply" practice what you preach" you and a couple other sous need to take a leaf out of tshirtbooth book way to aggressive,this is not your company nor will it be,so don't ruin it by turning people away with your attitude. and another thing it will be closed with people like you posting crap like that changing the topic,so as a non moderator to a moderator stick to the topic or I'll revoke your status.
Thank you Peace out
JohnPapiomitis said: And its not your place to undo what another moderator has done.
The image you portrait by doing this is that we have no form of true moderation. Just what most of us agree with and what you agree with. What you did is no differnt then me re closing this thread right now cause i think it should be closed. If you think somethign should be reopened that another moderator has closed talk to a head chef about it. Or at the very least have the respect to pm the mod that closed it and discuss it.
Most of the time i DO ask yoda first. And he agrees and i reopen. Its the weekend so that was NOT an option.
SO MANY times you guys shut people down, close there threads and make them feel bad for even posting.
THis is a year old open a new thread, DONT bump old threads.(closed)
This has been asked 100 times learn to search the forums!! (closed)
Keep this discussion in this threads (Closed)
Im not saying they should not be closed but they way you guys say it makes people feel bad.
Last time i checked this was North America!!!! A place where people can speak there ****'n mind. They come here for help not to get scolded by chefs.
Do you even understand how much damage you do when you make a member feel bad for posting. It makes them think why the **** do i bother asking for help or speaking my mind when I'm just gonna get yelled at. (NOTE: that part is not directed so much at you but other chefs)
But in this thread a paying member had a concern. And you basically said you know what we don't care.
Its wrong. and a lot of other long term members agree. Even SSS agreed.
Im getting SO sick of the the Militant Attitude that is going around here these days. We are nothing more then a normal member with some mod privileges. We are not the boss of people, we are not the masters of these forums. We are no better then a member who signs up today.
Its time we all get a reality check and get back to ****'n work.
Now that SSS is an active person in the forums I hope they limit the stuff chefs can do in the forums.
WELL SAID!!!!!!!! I THINK THAT IS WHT EVERYOnE WAS TRYING TO SAY!!!!!!! (I'm glad you put this bluntly) (Sorry for caps) jack,
tshirtbooth said: See this is why i stay up so late. I get to hang out with guys just as your getting up and to work
Haha, I knew there was a reason to it... You miss my morning ritual of making a coffee then posting on the forum before getting to work on my project. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you're here with me in spirit
Answering the original question: I am not sure if I will extend. Not due to buggy updates though. GS is beta and knowing this I never update immediately and wait for post on the forum on how to walk around bugs. The reason for perhaps not updating GS is that I found its speed slow and the loading times still awefull. I want no loading times and I don't think GS can ever manage that because of its structure. I love GS for its drag and dropability but it's to little. Not being able to use the editor like say illustrator with simple copy paste, aligning and such simple tasks is anoying me. And sometimes the structure of the program stand in my way. I would love to do a search and replace in all actors. Something that you can do in a less visual setting. So I am looking at competitors too. On the other end I love this forum and the GS team. Support is good.
$500 is not a lot for a game developer, but it's a LOT for a product full of bugs and performance issues.
@sous chefs: I wasn't promoting iStencyl here, I was just saying that iStencyl saved me when I was struggling with GS.
And I believe it's fair to let other people know that there IS an option out there.
GameSalad taught me to understand the logic behind the games and I'm very thankful for that, but I'm very disappointed with the product now. They managed to get funds from different investors and I don't see any change in the GS engine. I see new features, but how can I use them when the engine in nor performing well?!
Most of the time i DO ask yoda first. And he agrees and i reopen. Its the weekend so that was NOT an option.
SO MANY times you guys shut people down, close there threads and make them feel bad for even posting.
THis is a year old open a new thread, DONT bump old threads.(closed)
This has been asked 100 times learn to search the forums!! (closed)
Keep this discussion in this threads (Closed)
Im not saying they should not be closed but they way you guys say it makes people feel bad.
Last time i checked this was North America!!!! A place where people can speak there ****'n mind. They come here for help not to get scolded by chefs.
Do you even understand how much damage you do when you make a member feel bad for posting. It makes them think why the **** do i bother asking for help or speaking my mind when I'm just gonna get yelled at. (NOTE: that part is not directed so much at you but other chefs)
But in this thread a paying member had a concern. And you basically said you know what we don't care.
Its wrong. and a lot of other long term members agree. Even SSS agreed.
Im getting SO sick of the the Militant Attitude that is going around here these days. We are nothing more then a normal member with some mod privileges. We are not the boss of people, we are not the masters of these forums. We are no better then a member who signs up today.
Its time we all get a reality check and get back to ****'n work.
Now that SSS is an active person in the forums I hope they limit the stuff chefs can do in the forums.
Tshirtbooth YOU ARE 100000 PERCENT RIGHT, Alot Of Sous Chef close down threads that were created by people just to express their word on the forums, but they close them down. Every since GameSalad made people Sous Chef (NOT TSHIRTBOOTH HE'S FAIR) I'm afraid to post a new topic because I will get a bunch of negative responses from SOME Sous Chef and feel stupid that I created the Topic.
SaladStraightShooter said: @FanStudioUK - there are plenty of other places for people to seek options and information on said options. GameSalad, despite the issues we are experiencing at the moment, is a quality product with amazing potential. When you say things like, "This program does things this program never dreamed of!" it implies you are attempting to promote this product over the product which this forum is created for. Hence the moderation in this regard.
Let me clear here - if you are having an issue on the weekend - or any time, for that matter, please contact me. Bickering and antagonizing each other serves no purpose outside of feeding the frustration people are feeling.
I'm removing the comments that are not thread specific - if you have issue with this, please feel free to contact me. It is indeed still the weekend but I am happy to discuss issues and assist in a resolution.
Yes, I have a quick question , is anyone having any problems with android publishing.
tshirtbooth said: Oh I see so now even my posts are being deleted. Maybe I should just stop posting in the forums altogether then. It's like we live in North Korea around here.
my post got deleted to. But no need to try and get attention by saying your gonna leave the forum. If you want to go right ahead.
And you might think some stuff can be less strict sometimes, but this isnt a personal discussion forum. Its the gamesalad forum for gamesalad related stuff. Theres this thing called friends to have regular discussions with.
And i wouldnt be surprised if it was a head chef deleting posts. What they say out rules whatever we think. And if they want to delete comments there complelty in there right to do so.
Calm it down guys!, there were posts deleted, ok , leave it at that, if you had ea problem with a sous chef who deleted your posts, contact him privately on that matter, do not clutter this topic which your complaints on that sous, and please do not offend or take any personal criticism against that person
tshirtbooth said: JohnPapiomitis, you have some nerve on you my friend.
Would you be surprised to know i got up this morning to find 7 emails all about how they agree that you guys walk around here closing threads like you own the place?
You guys are killing the forums. And you have the nerve to tell me to leave.
Just another post to show you don't give a crap about these forums.
LOL well its a good thing i could care less what you think isnt it? Dont be mad cause i called you out on trying to seek attention by threating to leave. I didnt tell you to leave you said you were going to , all i sad was go right ahead.
tshirtbooth said: Just like this thread "Where is Icanmake" Why was it closed?? What gives you the right to say he can't ask where another member is? YOu did not close the one when people asked where mynameisace was.
Its BS and you know it !!!!!
A headchef told me. Thats why. Any thread trying to reach a personal member like that should be closed. Contact sss if you dont believe me.
Whoa,Whoa this is getting out of hand, Look Tshirtbooth I agree with you like I said before, and your right its wrong that they close topics for every little thing. Everyone should just take a chill pill.
kirk1234 said: Whoa,Whoa this is getting out of hand, Look Tshirtbooth I agree with you like I said before, and your right its wrong that they close topics for every little thing. Everyone should just take a chill pill.
take 2 months free for current pro users.not much to ask for the trouble your updates are causing people.
Really the begging for something even cheaper is just getting insulting. At least it would be if it was my tool.
I guess what I am saying is, if you don't want a buggy program, don't buy one that is still in beta.
One person's opinion in a sea of many.
The image you portrait by doing this is that we have no form of true moderation. Just what most of us agree with and what you agree with. What you did is no differnt then me re closing this thread right now cause i think it should be closed. If you think somethign should be reopened that another moderator has closed talk to a head chef about it. Or at the very least have the respect to pm the mod that closed it and discuss it.
Tshirtbooth does more for this community than you will ever do,so you need to sit back in your chair.to tell you the truth I don't even think GS would be as big as it is today if it wasn't for him.second you talk about getting an email reply" practice what you preach" you and a couple other sous need to take a leaf out of tshirtbooth book way to aggressive,this is not your company nor will it be,so don't ruin it by turning people away with your attitude.
and another thing it will be closed with people like you posting crap like that changing the topic,so as a non moderator to a moderator stick to the topic or I'll revoke your status.
Thank you
Peace out
Lets calm down everyone , and keep this thread running .
The reason for perhaps not updating GS is that I found its speed slow and the loading times still awefull. I want no loading times and I don't think GS can ever manage that because of its structure. I love GS for its drag and dropability but it's to little. Not being able to use the editor like say illustrator with simple copy paste, aligning and such simple tasks is anoying me.
And sometimes the structure of the program stand in my way. I would love to do a search and replace in all actors. Something that you can do in a less visual setting.
So I am looking at competitors too.
On the other end I love this forum and the GS team. Support is good.
So my answer is I don't know yet.
Lump Apps and My Assets
@sous chefs: I wasn't promoting iStencyl here, I was just saying that iStencyl saved me when I was struggling with GS.
And I believe it's fair to let other people know that there IS an option out there.
GameSalad taught me to understand the logic behind the games and I'm very thankful for that, but I'm very disappointed with the product now. They managed to get funds from different investors and I don't see any change in the GS engine. I see new features, but how can I use them when the engine in nor performing well?!
And you might think some stuff can be less strict sometimes, but this isnt a personal discussion forum. Its the gamesalad forum for gamesalad related stuff. Theres this thing called friends to have regular discussions with.
And i wouldnt be surprised if it was a head chef deleting posts. What they say out rules whatever we think. And if they want to delete comments there complelty in there right to do so.
I am contacting gs on this issue, for now read and post in the thread,