A Little observation about the timers and interpolate and props to Deep Blue Aps

TeamLava8TeamLava8 Member, BASIC Posts: 294
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am working on a project that is long overdue for a client of mine, and I was frustrated because of many of the issues people had been describing involving interpolate and timer issues. I decided to just try some things out and I found that if you use the Deep Blue App's PreLoader tool, and shut all the preloads to off, it virtually eliminates these issues.

I think it has to do with gamesalad trying to process too many things at one time. I know a fix is eminent in the next day or so, but I have tried this with a few other GS projects and experienced similar results.

So for a temporary fix to work through the issues the PreLoader tool, which is free, is amazing and seems to work out my timer interpolate issues.

Thanks Darren and Wayne.

Anyone else want to verify my findings

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