How complex can you make the Music system?



  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    Good grief that was a tediously technical post . . . ! LOL !!

    8-X ;)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Haha thanks for that, to be honest, i had noticed that but never really thought much about it! Just thought it was a temp glitch and palmed it off! I had seen a few people mentioning the interpolate glitch but never put 2 and 2 together!
    I shall now go and fix a few things on a few projects to take advantage of that! Great info, thanks man!
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    "I shall now go and fix a few things on a few projects to take advantage of that! Great info, thanks man!"

    Like you said in an earlier post: ("Its those little things that if you get enough right of, can make a big difference overall") - sort out some little glitches here, a bit of bad quality anti-aliasing there . . . and so on . . . and your stuff starts to look polished.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Thats a good point .. I had touched on it earlier and must stick to it. ha.

    The anti-aliasing, i've seen you've championed this a bit before by adding a 2 pixel alpha border around the image ... Does this stop the actors looking so naff when you rotate them? On 1 of my w.i.p games i use a blank actor with no picture attached to it a lot, when i rotate it at certain angles it does look pretty bad, is this what you're anti-aliasing tips would fix? If so, i was thinking of creating a blank cover up actor that will sit on top with the alpha border so it stops it looking bad and the collisions still register where it should.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    "The anti-aliasing, i've seen you've championed this a bit before by adding a 2 pixel alpha border around the image ... Does this stop the actors looking so naff when you rotate them?"

    Just 1 pixel will do, it makes an enormous difference to rotating actors, actors growing or shrinking in size

    "is this what you're anti-aliasing tips would fix?"

    Absolutely . . . check it out yourself - normal rotating vs anti-aliased rotating . . . & . . . . normal scaling vs anti-aliased scaling

    "If so, i was thinking of creating a blank cover up actor that will sit on top with the alpha border so it stops it looking bad and the collisions still register where it should."

    No need to cover up the blank actor, just put your PNG on the main actor.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Yeh thats the one :) Does make a fair bit of difference!

    I'll have a play whether to use it as a cover up actor or just drag the png on top, the actor is used heavily and i want the collisions to be as tight as can be.
  • aumaum Member Posts: 8
    The timed sound effects are possible - GS is polyphonic as are the platforms it runs on - and it has a timer built in (to several decimal places) so if you know your BPM you can have an attribute that forces the effects to only play at certain points (ie: you can make it quantize where you can play the audio).

    Sounds complex, but it's not really once you know the logic.

    Hi Tynan, could you please elaborate on how you would go about making the logic for quantising sounds using time and BPM.

    Would love to hear your solution :) Thank you in advance ;)

  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    Nicely observed Tynan! I'd been niggled by for absolutely ages but have just about been managing to shrug it off as a slight annoyance. Mildly reassuring to know that there's not much I can do about it :L Wonder if anyone has any work arounds, or if the devs have any input?
  • SlowboySlowboy Member, PRO Posts: 329
    ...Sorry, I was talking about the ease in/ease out behaviour that Tynan posted on the previous page! I didn't notice that I was replying a page early...yeah, that interpolate, how about that? Hmmm.
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