Leaderboard Score Post won't work
So, my 1st time posting a game with a leaderboard appears to be a loss. The Game Center leaderboard displays; but the post score behavior won't post the score to the Game Center leaderboard. I saw some people had similar problems while in sandbox mode. So, I hoped letting it get approved would fix the problem; but it didn't. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
I was hoping to see the post score behaviour more consistent when published. Maybe not.
Good luck!
Cheers for the great communication on the forums!
It would be cool if Kiip had leaderboards, too (when we finally receive Kiip behaviors). Then I would just abandon this never ending obsession to have an Apple leaderboard that works.
However to try to clear some doubts on Gamecenter the post score problem is indeed a known apple bug BUT it only happens while trying to post scores from an adhoc version using a sandbox. How to fix it: post the scores using another sandbox account and you will see your score along with the other one.
Published games DON'T have this post score problem (at last mine so try too check again your rules). The only problem that happens with both adhoc and published games that happens exclusively with GS (I never found documentations of this happening with the official SDK or other tools) is that sometimes the shows leaderboard behavior may become unresponsive and that the leaderboard on the iPad are always on portrait orientation. Other than that so far I don't have other problems with GC.
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The scores get posted correctly. Only remember that they will shows up only if there are two players that posted their scores.
Any news about this? I'm having this issue now.