Enemy art for my game (bitblockrunner)

Xibbe1Xibbe1 Removed Posts: 23
My game bitblockrunner will soon be done but I need a square enemy (or like.. stone block something like that) i have the coding but i need art for this square enemy .. plz help me!


  • Xibbe1Xibbe1 Removed Posts: 23
    btw plz make it for free..
  • EthanZarovEthanZarov Member Posts: 156
    @Tynan Your crap sucks

    I could probably put somethiin together soon. Do you want it like an 8x8 block with little detail, or do you want a lot of detail in each of the blokcs?
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2011
    @etzer - Tynan was joking and even if He wasn't, 'Your crap sucks' isn't the most productive comment. I also mirror what RKS said, a LOT of people around here expect everything for free, they unfortunately get GameSalad for free and expect other people to put work in for them for no reward. I put A LOT of hours each day in to helping people and making templates for free and don't expect anything in return, it's when people just expect stuff and are ungrateful that it gets to me.

    Also, and sorry for ranting, but if different people are doing different bits of art for you (free or paid) and have not seen/farmiliar with the current art in your project, it's more than likely that the art style will not suit the rest of it and almost definite the colour (yes, colour, I'm English, we invented the language, that's how it's spelt haha) palette will differ and look amateuristic (okay, I'm English and my forefathers may have invented the language, but not sure if I spelt that one correctly haha).

    If you pay an artist or learn to do art yourself, your games will look a lot better for it.

    P.S. This is no way is directed at @Xibbe1, I don't know if you are grateful and stuff or if you do always ask for free stuff - I still think your game will be better for using paid art/one artist though.

  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2011
    Okay, I take back what I said about it not being aimed at you, I just looked at your posts:


    Almost every single one is asking for art, with multiple identical threads created on the same day asking for the same thing and only one is paid, but on that thread you don't comment when people ask for your budget and stuff, so yeah, my post is aimed at you... Bigtime

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    edited December 2011
    I agree with Ace. If you want your art to be consistent, you need to do it yourself, or have the same artist do all of it. If you have limited funds, you might as well embark on learning one of the many graphics software image maker things, and take some tutorials and such. And there's always the Marketplace. You can get an art pack for considerably cheaper than dealing with an artist, and the headaches that come with not getting what you want, when you were told you would get it.

    Edit: Wow...
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    *and the headaches that come with not getting what you want, when you were told you would get it.* Someone sounds like they've been stung and are still bitter haha.

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Haha! Nah, not me. I do all my own, but I've seen the squabbles around here that happen every couple of months over such things.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Haha. Yeah, I know what you mean!

    I've been meaning to ask you for a year now... Is that your Les Paul in your icon? Looks like a VOS, right?

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Long story, kinda. That is my 1980 Tokai Reborn Old. I don't know if you are familiar with Tokai, but they are a Japanese company that currently make the Fender Stratocaster MIJ models. Back in the 70's they basically stole the Les Paul blueprints, and started making guitars to the exact specifications and materials that Gibson used. This guitar is based off of the 1959 Les Paul that currently sells for $1,000,000 at auctions. 1 piece mahogany body with a mahogany top. Even the Gibson 1959 re-issues aren't built to the same specs as the original, they use a 2 piece body, and a maple top now. Mine is built to the exact specs as the 1959, down to the pickups. Gibson started using cheaper materials once the 70's came around. All that being said, it's still not a Gibson Les Paul. But I have been a guitar player for 33 years, and I would put this guitar up against any Les Paul made after 1970. The only Les paul I have played that felt and played better than my lawsuit model was a 1969 Les Paul Goldtop.

    So in 1980, they got sued by Gibson, and they had to change their productions. The used to even have "Les Paul" written on the headstock pre-1980, but switched it to "Love Rock" after the lawsuit. And from a distance, Love Rock has a striking similarity to Les Paul. It's written in the same style. So during this time of the pending lawsuit, they changed the name of the model to "Reborn Old" and only made these models for 6 months. These are the rarest of the rare of vintage Tokais, and are very collectable and valuable. Mine is one of these rare "Reborn Olds" Today, my guitar goes for upwards of $3000 on Ebay when you can find them. I'll never sell mine. It's the best guitar i have ever owned, and one of the best I have ever played.

    They are very popular with the underground, because the quality of Tokai is superior to Gibson Les Pauls made after 1970. (That is not an opinion, that is fact based on the quality of materials used when Gibson switched materials) They are illegal to sell in the United Stated by retailers still to this day, but you can get them all day long in Europe. Any Tokai made before 1982 is handmade. The ones made after 1982 are mass manufactured, but still great quality. Although they are made in China now as well, and you have to be careful, because those suck. You gotta get the Made in Japan ones. There's even a website dedicated to Tokai players and fans. Check it out if you aren't familiar with them, and test one out yourself to see what you think about them. http://tokairegistry.com/tokai-registry/tokai-registry.html

    I think you have seen this already, but here it is in action.

    Sorry for the de-rail, but I hope your question has been answered by now, Xibbe1
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Heheh, I feel bad now... You typed loads... Shoulda just said it's a Tokai, I'd have known exactly what you meant. The Tokai lawsuit was like the most famous guitar lawsuit ever :)
    Is that a touch of Phrygian Dominant I hear in that second video ;)
    Guitar talk is better than free art talk, so I'm not apologising for the tangent :)
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2011
    Sorry, just harmonic minor, not Phrygian Dominant... I'm tired and hearing b2's apparently lol.

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    @Xibbe1 ... buy me a house on a beach somewhere hot (it has to be hot) and i will do all your art for you
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    edited December 2011
    Awesome…Sorry for the un-needed dissertation. You already knowing about Tokai says it all for me. If you mean Phrygian at the 13 second mark, yes, maybe a touch, but mainly it's just a combination of a pentatonic and basic 6 string major scale done my way. I like to play a lot of traditional pattern major scales in minor notes to give it a sadder, darker feel. :P
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited December 2011

    •••mynameisace: "Tynan was joking . . . . . "

    You are right, I was joking / but there was a point (my square was highly tuned piece of subtle sarcasm, lol !!)

    It just seemed to me like less than ideal approach to getting a good result - I want someone else to do something for me - I want it for free - and I am not going bother to do anything at all to make your job easier - no screenshot so you can see the style I am working in - not even a description of the look of the game - just do me an 'enemy', it's a block, what more information do you need.

    : )

    Unless he is happy with disparate and mismatched styles between the game elements - then I suspect most attempts at his block 'enemy' will be rejected because they don't fit in with the style of the game (as he's not told us the style of the game) -the corollary being you are almost certain to be wasting your time helping out - but if he doesn't mind what things look like, what colour they are or what style they are rendered in . . . . . . then I am your man (see excellent square above).

    There's nothing wrong with asking people to help out, but you have to at least meet them halfway and give them some basic clues !

    P.S - I am struggling with my game at the moment, can someone do me some code to make some stuff move around and like kill some stuff and also a monkey kind of thing or maybe a robot monkey or dog or something and some music and sounds - please PM me when you have it finished.

    : P
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Yeah man, I love playing with all that stuff. Especially when you're playing over a power-chord sequence of say E5-D5-C5-D5 which would outline E minor, but because they are power-chords, you can get away with doing E Lydian-Dominant over the E, then D Dorian, then C Phrygian to D Minor and playing around between major and minor to get some crazy modal sounds.

    Anyway, enough with the guitar geeking and back to the thread...

    I agree with 100% of what Tynan just said... And I envy your square ;)


    P.S. I'm a GameSalad veteran, but the engine can't handle a robot monkey, I'll have to do a robot hamster. I'll have it finished with a cover flow menu and 9000 levels in 10 minutes.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    I can play a pretty damn meaty 'Smoke on the Water' riff ....... what? Just saying
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    If your amp goes to 11, you're good to go ;)

  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599

    •••"I agree with 100% of what Tynan just said... And I envy your square ;)"

    It only took me a couple of hours, if you ever need helping out with a game I can also do triangles.

    •••"P.S. I'm a GameSalad veteran, but the engine can't handle a robot monkey, I'll have to do a robot hamster. I'll have it finished with a cover flow menu and 9000 levels in 10 minutes."

    Excellent, once I have the robot hamster I will dress it up like a monkey, no one will know except for me and you, but people have a habit of disappearing once I finish a game, so let's just say no one need ever know.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    My Mesa only ever went to 11 ... unfortunately i sold up to get into app development ... i miss it ... I MISS IT MAN!
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484

    In all hush, hush land, I'm actually signing an endorsement deal with Mesa!

  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    I have a pignose.

    That's not an admission to a genetic flaw, but me trying to get in on the guitar talk action.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2011
    Awesome! I once had a Pignose megaphone ;)

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    edited December 2011
    haha quality Tynan.

    Ah i had to Ace, i've sold some lovely equipment, the mesa went, my home studio pro tools rig went, my stat deluxe, my gibson j45 imported from states and all my other bits and bobs that aren't as glamorous. My band broke up as drummer left and bassist went to uni, at that point i put all my time into app dev and didn't make sense to have all this lush expensive equipment when i had a loan needing to be paid!

    And thats some awesome hush hush you got right there!
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    The thing is I make music for a living (TV / film), it's my day time job, but haven't got a clue what you two are on about - once you get beyond major or minor chords it's all witchcraft to me, it's far too complicated, you should see me playing the piano, it's like someone fighting a cupboard with teeth, very ugly stuff.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Metaphor of the night goes to .... drumroll ....... Tynan. Step right up Sir.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    I'm a session musician for my day job... To be fair, once you get past major and minor, who cares as long as it sounds good? Well, i kinda do, but that's besides the point lol. At the end of the day, if something sounds good, it IS good :)

  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Anything and Everything sounds good baked ;)
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    How to make super sounding music for TV ads.

    1) stab out something rudimentary on the keyboard
    2) compress it so it's loses all dynamics.
    3) cover it in reverb.
    4) compress it again, just for fun.
    5) run it though a mastering plug-in
    6) compress it again.
    7) limit it.
    8) volume maximise it.
    9) send it to the client/agency/sound session
    10) wait for the PRS check.

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    I got a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectum Fryer that i've had for a good 13 years now. Pure power!
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