gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
I have seen around the forum ALOT of logo design threads and there is a vast gap in the quality of them.
Sprite attack said the other day that alot of these logos lost the essence of what a logo ment to be.

Also ive seen alot of people (inc. me) that have seen no places online to really learn graphics design from THE GROUND UP, i hope that these set of threads will teach people the basis of it so we can build a great community of graphic designers/artists .

what i want to do is get the best from the forum to teach the rest of us in a set of lessons (if they have the time) starting from logos and moving on to using textures, composition, highlights, shadows ect.

so if you think you have a clue about logos


  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    ok ill start, alot of the bad logos miss the point of a logo because they dont stand out because of the composition of it

    example of a bad logo


    why is this bad?
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    this is a bad logo because it looks cheap
    a good logo will look clean, have alot of visual space and mostly be easy on the eye and bright
    the colours do not match the effects look fake and bad and the text dosent match and isnt easy on the eye
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73

    Example of a good logo
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    this is good because it has a SIMPLE RECOGNIZABLE design or picture= LOGO (not bad text on a messy back ground)
    the logo has lots of visual space (think of it as it has room to breath)
    it is very clean and well done with the highlights and such and the text is matching and professional
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    good logo done bu drak he is great check him out
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599

    Would it be ok if I use the red logo above for my new game PoorLogo™ ?
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73

    some logos incorporate cleaver double meanings
    this one also uses striking colours and well drawn designs
    logos require thought for best results
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    fail @tynan haha
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    so if you think you need improvement or you could contribute to help please take part

  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    the logo you have to make is for a fake company called LETTER GAMES
    1. try to be as creative as possible
    2. use visual space
    3. keep it clean - if your design looks messy than your company will seem bad as well
    4. use matching colours and nice contrast
    5. use a good font
    6. less is more- simple is best

  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2012
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    2 minute quick idea
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    see if you can top that (not hard)
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    This is a great thread @gilegska
    Well meaning, but my constructive criticism is: you don't tech people how to do it, all you do is tell them what a good and bad logo is, I would realy love if you put up sown tutorials and showed people how to make a basic logo
    Just my two cents!,
    Hope this helps!
    Yours sincerely,
    GS tutorials:
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    "fail @tynan haha"

    : )
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    Yeah. There doesn't seem to be a point to this thread right now...
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    yeah lol what was ment to happen was everyone taught each other but none of the good people have helped out lol
    i was doing it for me aswell because i am a beginner and stuff and when i see like sprite attack and that make logos they own mine but i dont know why
    i dont necessarily want to just do a tutorial but for others to teach the techniques they use to making a good one but if they dont help out then yea obviously theres no point to this thread
    like because i dont want to teach the wrong things to others but if none of the people i wanted help then yea ill do some tutorials :p
  • JamieOneilJamieOneil Member Posts: 877
    i think you should put your 'tutorial' into one post, instead of bumping it with a new picture.
    Just a suggestion to make it better.
  • RDRD Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2012
    If you want to see good logos, don't just search "nice logo" on Google, check out Dribbble! The most talented designers and artists all post great work there. Check out their work, get some inspiration and try mimic some designs.
    Check out the main site too!

    Made by Erfan Nuriyev and Morgan Allan Knutson - Find great stuff on Dribbble!
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    edited January 2012
    There is a simple and most important rule about a good logo that I am missing here.
    Why are logo's like Apple, McDonalds, Atari, etc look so good and last so long?
    Because they are simple and work on a lot of media. From what I learned at art school a logo should look good on a building and look good on a matchbox.
    Non of the logo's above comply to that rule. There is way to much detail.
    My 2¢
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    ok ill do a tutorial how i do it but i still want like the other good designers to give there take on it
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Here's some logos that my business partner and I have done over the years. I'm not so much in the graphic design/motion graphics field anymore as it has been a struggle for the last 5 years, which is why I ventured off into the iOS development field. Doesn't matter though, it's been a struggle no matter what I've done lately.

    Click Here for Logo Stuff
  • gilesgkagilesgka Member Posts: 73
    @SlickZero do you mind giving out some tips or the process that you and your partner took to make them logos
    they are great
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