<ins> <b> All from the USA READ THIS! <b> <ins>
Dear All Americans,
Im not american, but i think you americans should read and be aware of this:
Im not american, but i think you americans should read and be aware of this:
The internet censorship bothers me even more, though, since it's made to be fully editable by anyone. When we control what Americans can hear with the FCC, it's bad enough, but this Internet censorship bill would control what we can say, and that's even worse, by a long shot.
Unfortunately, this bill probably will be passed. Maybe not, but it probably will.
Lol, random!
watch this video the guy is a little psycho but just watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WJIuYgIvKsc
Once we reach a modest range of adulthood, We don't need more parenting. We also don't need governance over our own creativity or comprehension (That itself is a crime).
When I learned about SOPA, I first saw the outcry... how it was bad for the Internet. But after looking into it, I'm not seeing why it's so bad. I'm not worried about the government randomly shutting down my blog. Instead, I see an end to the wild west of the Internet. As a content creator, I like the idea of being able to go after sites that simply don't care about theft... or those sites that simply look the other way.
If there's some off-shore website that's hosting my content illegally, why shouldn't the United States government block them? Why should search engines and aggregators profit by indexing and linking to such sites? Boo hoo... those sites will either have to rigorously police the content posted on the site or be shut down.
I'm thinking this argument of free speech is just a red-herring for theft. If I ran a store where my only business was selling bootleg CDs, DVDs and games... the government would shut me down. If they did, would people argue how my right to free speech was violated? I don't think this is about free speech. If it is, then fight for refinements to the law to offer protection for legitimate websites. What we have right now is broken. Your work, my work, it can be ripped off with little recourse. Why shouldn't the government have a legal weapon against crime?
Anyway... I'm not sure if SOPA is the right tool for this job, but why let other people do your thinking for you?
You might want to look into it for yourself...
There are arguments for and against SOPA.
I think if YouTube is legitimately fighting against copyright infringement... if it's working with content creators to protect their rights... then YouTube shouldn't be randomly shut down. I can't really get mad at YouTube, as they have procedures in place to fight against piracy. Yet, when there are sites that are simply dedicated to ripping off content creators, why shouldn't they be blocked?
There are strong arguments against SOPA. I think shutting down a website should be a weapon of last resort. Example... why should GameSalad.com be shut down because one of its users is uploading pirated games? I don't think that GameSalad should be shut down in that scenario... as GameSalad tries to do the right thing. It seems to respects the rights of content creators. Yet, if some website simply refuses to comply with the DMCA, why shouldn't the government drop the hammer?
"Example... why should GameSalad.com be shut down because one of its users is uploading pirated games? I don't think that GameSalad should be shut down in that scenario…" - But it will be. Again, it wouldn't be up to you.
This is simply a case of "One bad apple spoils the bunch" Just because there are a few malicious sites….we all have to pay.
Tiocfaidh ar LÁ means: Our day will come
Which means if you keep trying your day will come!
Im irish by the way!
The Internet has existed this long without government control. Why is it people are letting the government driven programs convince them it's a good thing?
Under united nations control the government can not take away anything from your rights!
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Oops... Sorry well apples international headquarters is in Ireland, so is face books, twitters, dells, ibm's, microsoft's they love us!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Lol!, i love the love around here.... Ya so did ozboybrian.... But I have 2 Skype accounts and I can't figure out ow to log out of my other one so I can accept your requests! :P please help me!
Lol yeah, the UN will come save the day!!!
I like the flag symboligy, but I seem to recall quite a few of those lobby to those who support censorship.
But it's not just the Stop Online Piracy Act going through Congress that we should worry about. There is also the Protect IP Act or PIPA which is in the US senate right now. PIPA is purportedly "a bill to prevent online threats to economic creativity and theft of intellectual property, and for other purposes." But this bill, like SOPA will give corporations (the entertainment industry is drooling over this one) similar quick, easy and unchecked power. PIPA will give corporations the power to make ISPs block access to infringing domain names, the ability to sue search engines, directories, blogs and other websites to remove any links to infringing domain names. PIPA also gives the power to force advertisement and payment services (iAd, Admob, PayPal, Mastercard, etc.) to cancel accounts for infringing domains.
Check out this nice video explaining PIPA.
That's not to say I'm in favor of SOPA. I think it should be a fairly difficult thing to shut down a website. My point is that I'm not inherently opposed to the blocking of obvious pirate websites. The nice thing about United States is that "we the people" run it. The politicians, they're people that can enjoy funny cat videos too. I'm not worried about YouTube or GameSalad getting shut down. Now that there is a healthy backlash to SOPA, maybe the issues in the bill could be properly addressed.
Yet, the status quo is not going to be good for content creators. I've seen how mad you get when someone rips off your stuff. Do you think a site that exists just for piracy should be afforded "Free Speech" rights? That doesn't seem logical to me.