Release note questions?

LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
edited February 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Dear All,
As you may know, SSS released a new post earlier but I've just got a few questions:
HEre is the original post:
Release Notes, GameSalad 0.9.91

Kiip, Available only in North America (Pro Feature)
Real world rewards for virtual achievements
Playhaven, Worldwide [Localized to nearby app stores]
Provides interstitial app referrals
Option to turn app referrals off (Pro)
Revenue share for completed referrals (Pro)
Users can now insert a custom splash screen into their game!
Clear resolution on submitted Mac App store Icons
My questions; What the hell is play haven? Is this only pro?........ App referrals? So basically peoples apps get advertised in non pro apps and we have to pay $500 to turn them off???
"Users can now insert a custom splash screen into their game!" Is this just for pro members, I thought they already had that? Or is this true and could it be happening that GS is finally removing they're own splash screen for free users aswell??


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