Animation help
Hi everyone .! Recently I made 3 actor, one Left Button , second one Right Button and third one is a character, when the first two actor touch it will move left or right and it's fine but I want to put a Animation Behavior of the character simulating that is runnin either left or right. Where should I put the animation behavior and how? Please explain step by step please
you;ll have to draw the character;s animation yourself though
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
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0 = stand still
1 = run Left
2 = run Right
on leftButtonActor:
Rule: when
Event: touch is pressed
--changeAttribute: game.touchFlow To: 1
ah … here is a demo:
(sssh! I swiped two images of the little blue guy from GS Platformer Template … don't tell @SSS … I am in enough trouble!)
@};- MH
Timer Actor
-display text
- abs(prec( Timer,1))
-change att
- gamestarttime to game.time
-Att gamemytimer > 0
-constrain att
-game.mytimer to 40-(game.time-gamestarttime)
- Att gamemytimer=0
-after 2 seconds
-pause game
all that code show from 40 second to 0 and show a pause scene, but i want the display text show the minute to 0
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Do it ?