When will gamesalad support iPad Retina graphics?
will support for retina display for iPad 3 be available in the next version release?
[renamed the title from ipad3? To better represent the contents -jonmulcahy]
[renamed the title from ipad3? To better represent the contents -jonmulcahy]
All my actors are in stretch mode (graphics).
My picture size = 512x512 pixels, so my actor size is 256x256 (for retina effect in game).
The Retina work perfectly with the Gamesalad Viewer (Really greats graphics!)
But when i Upload it using an Ad Hoc (Publish), the icon is poor and ingame graphics too.
Why all good in the Viewer?
Can we do something?
We really need to publish an iPad retina version of our games...
When i publish, for an AdHoc test, graphics look worse
I know you probably have your hands tied on this one and can't tell us when this is likely to happen, but from the point of view of game development / planning could you say whether it's likely to be a matter of weeks or months ?
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'Months' . . . . that's a great pity, Retina is an enormous selling point right now, and from what I've heard (although yet to be confirmed) non-Retina GameSalad games don't look great on the new iPad - as the scaling Apple use tends to make them soft in places.
I have no clue how the behind-the-scenes programming and code works for things like GameSalad, but is it not a case of the final build simply referencing higher resolution image assets ?
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It's just a pity GameSalad's user base are unlikely to be part of the vanguard, let's hope we are not too far behind. It may suck, but boy is it going to be worth it ! The screen is simply fantastic, oddly after playing with an iPad 3 for an hour or so the overriding impression I was left with was not how great the Retina screen looks, but how bad the iPad 1/2 screen looked !
The iPad 1/2 screen I had previously thought was great, nice and bright, good colours, a sharp and punchy image - looked hilariously cheap, washy, low-res and dull afterwards, the difference was really pronounced.
Having said that, we are still way behind in many areas anyway. I just want to them get it all together and release a version of GS that brings us the ability to develop some really amazing games that perform great.
the new iPad is Retina. That's all people talk about. it sucks not being able to take advantage of all the buzz. especially since people have been testing using the iPhone Retina graphics button, and everything seems to work fine except for images over 1024/1024 due to the GS import limit.
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The one and only App which I have written is basically an animated children book which relies very deeply on the high quality of the illustrations.
The new iPAD brings an enormous opportunity for this kind of App. The users can finally enjoy the details of the artworks, which look impressive at this high resolution.
The lack of retina support and the even worse lack of plan about when this will be introduced, make me feel I might have taken the wrong choice when deciding to go for GS (as a Pro user).
Don't take me wrong though. I still believe GS is an invaluable tool for easying the creation of not only games (as in my case) and I thank the whole GS team for their work.
Still I miss this crucial feature and will necessarily need to look to other SDK shouldn't it come in the near future.
i have 664 building pieces that I painstakingly made in retina resolution
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Can't wait for this update too...
My project is ready to be published with RI!
It will be good to compare how these games look once we are able to create resolution independent games on GS.
I would assume (I don't have a new iPad so not sure) that if you create an iPAd app with the current GS creator and just make all your iamges twice the size of the actor your going to use it in, your game will have iPad retina graphics. It's just that the iPad 2 and iPad 1 users may seem a performance drop.
I am wrong on this? I guarantee that my non res ind iPhone games have full retina graphics on my iPhone4.
However the problem here is the limit of 1024 pixels that GS has. Right now if you try to add a 2048 px image it will automatically resized. You can manually add it in the image folder inside the project but it will broke during the publishing process and will result in a white box.
So we still have to wait until that limit is raised.