How is this name and logo concept?



  • wallywally11wallywally11 PRO Posts: 5
    Thanks guys. And do you guys like my more complex logo not as my common logo, but to use here and there when there is a large space to fill or something like that? INS. Thanks a lot!
    No, highly recommend using just the one. I know it seems very cool to be able to add extra stuff but trust us when we say that it's just noise in a message that you definitely want heard. Keep up the effort, just direct it at your games! :)
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    As Steve Jobs once said, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"; you're second "logo" is not simple, and I don't really like it. The first one is great, but it needs just a hint of color somewhere to make it have a warming feel.

    The first one is definately heading in the right direction.

  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    As Steve Jobs once said, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication";
    Actually this is a Leonardo Da Vinci quote, but close enough

  • ZoytZoyt Member Posts: 374
    Thanks. Going around showing others, they all say the same. Thanks for helping me along the way guys!
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