Import video in Gamesalad
Hi all! How can we import videos in Gamasalad? I have made an animation and i need to put it in the start of my game...
Thx a lot.
Thx a lot.
Best Answer
JohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
You currently can not import video. Youll have to render each frame of the animation as a individual .png and use the animate behavior.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
But it was closed down because I apparently advertised Adapter. X_X >:-( I really don't like having my discussions being shut down when I'm trying to help. And it's not illegal. But anyways, there it is. Hope that helps!
(Look at it quick! I might have to take it down!)
Us sous chefs dont make the rules, we just enforce them.
Its made clear in the advertising sticky if you have a site you want advertised you have to contact sss to have it added to the useful links sticky.
"Advertising your website where you sell your personal templates - this rule returns to its previous stance - no advertisements of personal websites outside of the "Third Party Links" thread or an unobtrusive link in your signature."
At the beginning it says specifically to not advertize websites where you sell stuff. And then it says "no advertisements of personal websites outside of the "Third Party Links" thread". I assumed that refered to websites that sell stuff. I'm sorry to create such a fuss, but I had made a goal not to get a closed discussion and to follow the advertising guidlines. If you could be a little more specific on why it was closed, that would be great. Feel free to take this to a PM or to Skype at Nathan.flurry. Apparently I don't get it.
free: MPEG Streamclip
click File > Export to Other Formats … Image Sequence …Options: select .png and size as you want, etc. … save in a newFolder
Voilá … all/any images ready to import into GS
export the audio and import into GS
down and dirty demo
clean it up and make it Pretty!
@};- MH
I didnt close your thread. If you have an issue with that take it up with sss or the sous that did. Im just saying try not to get mad at us for trying to do our job. Lately any link to personal sites have been closed and told to be added to the 3rd party links, weather stuff is paid or not.
If you want to post some free stuff on the forum or video tutorials then thats awesome and thank you for your contributions, its really appriciated. But if thats the case post the youtube video directly on the forum and you wont have any issues.
sfxr's perfect