How to open all of my Templates? There are no *.gsproj files
So my Windows beta installed perfectly on my Windows 7 x64 machine!! So awesome!
I have at least 50 GS templates on my system. When I click open it is looking for
a *.gsproj file. I do not have a single *.gsproj file anyplace on my hard drive.
(ALL of my GS file are stored on my PC, I would just share the folder to my Macbook, works good)
So how can I open or import my templates and current projects into the new
GS windows? Or is that something coming in 0.9.93?
btw: LOVE the windows look and double screen features.
so much MORE ROOM to work with than my MacbookPro 15".
I have at least 50 GS templates on my system. When I click open it is looking for
a *.gsproj file. I do not have a single *.gsproj file anyplace on my hard drive.
(ALL of my GS file are stored on my PC, I would just share the folder to my Macbook, works good)
So how can I open or import my templates and current projects into the new
GS windows? Or is that something coming in 0.9.93?
btw: LOVE the windows look and double screen features.
so much MORE ROOM to work with than my MacbookPro 15".
Best Answer
part12studios Posts: 620
I missed this too but found it.
in short.. you can't.. only pc to mac.. no mac projects to pc.. so just start a new project..
Win version of files:
1. assets.xml,
2. info.xml,
3. object.xml,
4. gsproj file.
Mac version of files:
1. assets.xml,
2. info.xml,
3. object.xml,
4. gsuser file.
**Solution** rename Mac ext .gsuser file to Win ext .gsproj
It works great, windows will give you an error before it renames just click continue