

  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    But I advise you...just be careful...
    maybe you can help me with a side project relevant to game dev...I think you would be perfect for it!!!

    send me an email at my email address of "furiousApps" at the google Gmail service.
    I will reply.
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    I sent you an email

    But I am able to skype only on monday. I have no mic now on my laptop.

    Tshirt: Thanks for being so helpful until now. I will miss you :-)
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Back at you...
    Hope you like the idea!
  • adadoadado Member Posts: 219
    @butterbean: Thanks for the Whookie plug! ;-)


    (sorry, couldn't resist)
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    By the way...
    I just pushed a test of my current game. I did not update the software.
    Now when I launch my game...The gameSalad intro screen is oriented correctly. then the game launches upside down...then after a second or so...it rotates 180 degrees.

    So obviously...this bug is in the compiler...as I did not change anything to my game since the release of 0.8.4.

    Come on GS...lets fix the compiler instead of issuing black-screen fade-in workaround suggestions.
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122
    Language issues aside, any fix for this yet? All my scene attributes are set to landscape right. When my first screen loads the opposite /upside down of the GS logo then flips. The rest of the game plays fine. I'd like to get an update of my game out ASAP and I'd rather not worry about the work around if it's going to be fixed soon.
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122
    Any update on this? Anyone.... Bueller......
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I REALLY want to put out an update and it's just sitting and waiting for this. If a fix is coming soon, I'll wait. If there is no ETA or if it's know it's going to be a while I'll just put it out with this bug and wait for the fix.

    Can someone in the know please comment?
  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    Im getting the same thing too. any workaround for this!
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122
    For all we know, it could be happening that way on the iPad apps everyone's been building.
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122
    Codemonkey or anyone with Gendai.... WHAT IS GOING ON? This still is broken. GS logo loads landscape right. My first screen pops up landscape left then rotates to landscape right. Using your work around would further add to the frustration end users experience because it takes so long for the games to load. Sometimes they see the GS logo for 10 or more seconds then you want us to put up a completely black screen for who knows how long?!?!?! Another few seconds of waiting around for the end user is completely unacceptable. They'll think the game has crashed and move on to something else.

    I'm begging you guys... Please fix this.
  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    I only suggested the black screen fade out as a temporary work around. You could even just use a Change Attribute to change the Alpha on that black screen actor to 0 right after the auto-rotate finished. So it will only take as long as when that auto-rotation readjusts itself.
    We are still working on that rotation issue. Please be patient. Thanks.
  • ckurt25ckurt25 Member Posts: 122
    Anything new CodeMonkey?
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