BEJEWELLED Type Game WIP (Multiple Passes Working)
Hi Forum,
Since the introduction of writable tables a lot of us have been attempting to create a stable Bejewelled "match 3" type template. This thread is to show my attempt of creating a stable template.
Currently the template handles 4 types of gems, this was just to simplify things, however with the logic I have created adding additional gems would have no effect on the performance.
The following list illustrates what has been achieved to date:
1. Switching - the gems can be switched
2. Horizontal Matches can be found - These include match 3, 4, 5 etc
3. Gems fall once a match has been found
Frame Rate:
iPAD 1: 58fps
iPhone 4s: 60fps
Since the introduction of writable tables a lot of us have been attempting to create a stable Bejewelled "match 3" type template. This thread is to show my attempt of creating a stable template.
Currently the template handles 4 types of gems, this was just to simplify things, however with the logic I have created adding additional gems would have no effect on the performance.
The following list illustrates what has been achieved to date:
1. Switching - the gems can be switched
2. Horizontal Matches can be found - These include match 3, 4, 5 etc
3. Gems fall once a match has been found
Frame Rate:
iPAD 1: 58fps
iPhone 4s: 60fps
This discussion has been closed.
1. Multiple Passes - to check matches
2. Vertical Matches
3. Switch Back - if no matches are present
4. Super Gems - upon matching 4/5 gems
5. Variable Timer - this will alter depending on the progress made
For instance a "bomb" gem that, depending on the color, when destroyed in a line up, will destroy all gems of that color on the screen. Just an idea.
Also, like the original bejeweled, a meter that fills as you clear gems then reshuffles the game board.
Powerups would definitely be awesome, I am initially going to incorporate these into the "Super Gems" upon matching 4 or 5 gems. After I have this functioning, I will definitely be adding powered gems with various abilities.
The initial template would be that similar of Bejewelled Blitz, which is timed, I may add additional modes after this, like the one you suggested, which shouldn't be too taxing!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
For all of those curious as to whether this template would be available for purchase, initially I wanted to make this a kickstarter project but was shut down by members of the forum, I am now thinking of an alternative means of getting this out to you great folk without breaking any of the forum rules of course.
@creativeapps - Cheers for the wonderful comment
@tshirtbooth - Cheers! Yeah, the iPhone 4s tested at 60fps, with fluctuations between 63 and 60. I have yet to implement vertical calculations, which may have an affect on this figure, fingers crossed this isn't the case!
Just to update everyone, I re-tested on the iPad 1 and iPhone 4s and there was a drop in fps during calculations. The iPad drops to 38 from 60 and the 4s drops to 44 from 60. However both of these drops occur during calculations and table updates only and do not affect the falling of the gems since immediately after the calcs the fps rises back up to 60.
I am trying to keep the calculation time as short as possible, at the moment its around 0.3-0.5s. I'll keep you guys updated with the progress.
I have a major update to report to you, I have completed vertical matches & super matches!!! Now we have vertical & horizontal matching, multiple passes to recheck any matches and super matches, where matching 4/5 gems in a row/column would destroy the entire row/column!!!
I have also implemented switching back, however there seems to be a bug with this that I am trying to rectify, nonetheless you could see it in action in the video below!
In order to get this all functioning I had to rethink the logic, which is more efficient than the early version allowing you to select gems faster with a slight improvement in fps too!!!
Good work!
Lump Apps and My Assets
I have added a few extra things, I have changed the artwork a little to make the gems stand out more, and its building up to the final look that I wanted. I have also got scores appearing once gems are destroyed (there is a minor error which I am in the middle of solving, where scores double for the bottom row). In addition I have added the bar which fills up as gems are destroyed as requested by @DeadlySeriousMedia. The gems now shrink and rotate 360 during destruction, you cannot really see the rotation in the video, however I can tell you all with complete confidence that it looks awesome!!!
I have also managed to improve the fps during calculations, now it drops to 45 and 50 for the iPad 1 and 4s respectively, and like always shoots right back up to 60+. I am going to see if I could add chain score, so if gems are destroyed in rapidly succession the score increases. If I could create a rule that does this, I could also play around with the sounds once I implement them so the pitch increases every time a chain is made!
Heres the most recent vid!
I added some more artwork, while the gems are destroyed elements appear such as lasers, energy blast and explosions to give it that little extra visual. I also added a sheen to the gems that appear randomly. I included sound effects and digital vocals, most of them from my first game, Brick Breaker Wars. In addition I added some more logic, now when explosions occur the screen shakes (I need to enlarge the images so you don't see the bar while shaking). I also added another power gem, which occurs 1 in 50 (I might alter this), this gem blows up on match and takes out the surrounding gems! I have yet to add the gem that when matched destroys all matching gems as requested by @DeadlySeriousMedia, I am currently working on this one
Also, apologies about the wonky cam and poor audio, it was the only way I could record sound!
To increase the gameplay I am thinking to add elements that hinder the game play such as gems that change type, meanwhile your thinking you have stringed a match 4, when to your surprise, the gem changes type :O!!! Also gems that reduce the level in the bar...what do you guys think?
If I add the hindering gems, I would have created 2 game modes already, one would be infinite mode (or something along them lines) and the other would be arcade mode! In addition I have yet to create a timed mode...and if possible maybe a twist mode
I have created my final super gem, which when matched, destroys all of the same type gems on the screen!!!
Here's the vid, plus I can now record sound! However that isn't your speaker ripping at the begin, it was a glitch in the sound redirecting program I'm still not perfect but I'm getting there!
Also, I have work to do on the particles!
Gr8 work.. keep us posted..