Advanced Tables
Hi Guys/Girls.
Anyone aware of a workaround to be able to 'soft-code' the table name when using the tablecellvalue function.
{EDIT} A few views but no takers so I will elaborate a little.
I would like to do something like tablecellvalue("MyTableA",1,1) or tablecellvalue("MyTableB",1,1)
instead of tablecellvalue(game.myTableA,1,1). This is because I need to split up my data into duplicate tables. Currently my solution is with a rule i.e. if table = MyTableA etc etc
Anyone aware of a workaround to be able to 'soft-code' the table name when using the tablecellvalue function.
{EDIT} A few views but no takers so I will elaborate a little.
I would like to do something like tablecellvalue("MyTableA",1,1) or tablecellvalue("MyTableB",1,1)
instead of tablecellvalue(game.myTableA,1,1). This is because I need to split up my data into duplicate tables. Currently my solution is with a rule i.e. if table = MyTableA etc etc
Best Answer
adado Posts: 219
I believe that would be a great feature. I was coming to ask the same question. Here are a couple other forum posts asking for the same thing:
and "tatiang" mentions it in a comment here (fourth comment down...but this link and comment reference may change if new posts are added to that old is forum comment number "282657"):
It would add a greater range of usage cases for tables especially when trying to support complex multiple levels/rounds within one GameSalad "scene". This is very similar to the limitations of not being able to dynamically create the "scene" name/number to go to with the "Change Scene" behavior (as opposed to the current drop-down only selection). Not in front of a PC with GameSalad installed, but I cannot recall if the "Spawn Object" has this same limitation as well (i.e. limited to items in a drop-down).
If those two (err, three) features were added, it would greatly aid the GameSalad developers in versatility in game design decisions and further reduction in rule/behavior use.