Advanced Tables

KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
edited September 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi Guys/Girls.

Anyone aware of a workaround to be able to 'soft-code' the table name when using the tablecellvalue function.

{EDIT} A few views but no takers so I will elaborate a little.

I would like to do something like tablecellvalue("MyTableA",1,1) or tablecellvalue("MyTableB",1,1)

instead of tablecellvalue(game.myTableA,1,1). This is because I need to split up my data into duplicate tables. Currently my solution is with a rule i.e. if table = MyTableA etc etc


Best Answer


  • KiwiLeeKiwiLee Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2012
    Okay. I now have my x number of tables and lots of duplicate code.... Anyone else think it would be a cool suggestion to extend the table name to a expression :-) If so, I will raise an enhancement request.
  • slattzo2000slattzo2000 Member Posts: 15
    Yeah -- the whole "derive actor attribute from table value" for use in tables is rough on the brain
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