@tatlang I manage invisible actors by adding a change attribute outside a rule to make actors invisible that I want to see during editing but not on screen during play so I can work with them easily. this works fine and avoids the need to use the layers list unless they are under something...
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
@old_kipper I'm not sure why I didn't think of that... it's so simple! Thanks for the good suggestion. The only thing is that if I add a change attribute self.Graphics.Visible to false to an actor, it doesn't change the visibility. Is there another way I should do that? change attribute self.Color.Alpha to 0 does the job, I guess I could use that instead.
• Resolve performance problems • When you delete images, sometimes you don't delete the one you chose, then you receive a white box instead of the image thumbnail. Quite messy... • Universal App (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad) • Tables: Copy paste from one table to the other, generate a duplicate from one Table, organize tables by dragging the rows up/down • Show better what can the Pro Version do in comparison to the Standard • Better way to align elements on the editor • Video embedding feature
For the rest, I'm happy with this great piece of software
1. Support for iPod Touch 1g (iPhone) with iOS version 3.1.3 so I can test my game! 2. Update game viewer so you can use it on iOS version 3.1.3. 3. fix bugs that makes the program crash. 4 Make it easier to make your own attributes. 5. Make an attribute that says: When actor1 overlaps/collides with actor2 - (actor1) change self.Position.X and self.Position.Y to actor2s Position.X and Position.Y
1Camera/mic access 2movies 3inner features such as led light, settings options,gps,push notifications,vibrator 4spritesheets 5gamecenter achievements 6coustom loading screen and we already have iap (ps dont give me sas for having 6 @thecodemonsters has 7)
Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head since I have been using GS! 1. I saw from some people addressing that pixel collision is not possible in GS but what about Custom collision hit box to where you can customize the size of the square or circle collision box. 2. A wrap X and wrap Y attribute for separate actors which are created so you can put wrapping on a specific actor rather than just the scene. 3. When there are actors on the scene and I select one, it would be cool to list at the bottom the name of that actor and it's X,Y position so you don't have to double click into it for that information. 4. Zooming for the scene when working in it. 5. Fix bugs that when I import an image and have then realized I have to edit it for some reason. When I go to import the new edited version, if I did not rename the new image and just replaced the old image with the new one but with the old name, GS doesn't recognize that I the were changes to the image and it keeps the properties of the previous image which I imported before.
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Keep up the great work GS!!!
1. Zoom in and out in the creator, for easier workflow on large levels. 2. Support for short video files? Like animated intros and endings. 3. Performance improvements, and less crashes. 4. Better tamplates in the +new section, and get rid of all the bulls*#$t templates. Theres only about 5 or 6 good ones here. 5. Are turnbased mulitplayer possible? Like a Battleship game, Chess, or other boardgames. This would open a whole world of cool possibillities.
firstly, thanks for making a really neat piece of software, it really is a wonder. for my dream list
1) Parenting - constraining seems such an expensive method of doing parenting (and parenting is super useful) 2) Universal builds for iOS 3) writing, moving and searching tables - dammit I want to do a word game in GS! 4) workflow - back button is weird in the editor, grids, separate or pullout panel for actor Attibs. 5) sprite sheets 6) hiding, locking layers - for ease of selecting, constructing, editing scenes
but my pet-peeve at the moment is cookbook - it really isn't a good way to get help - the forum is still a better option (and the wiki wasn't too bad IHMO) strong examples of uses of the expressions would be super-duper mega helpful. It seems that people would rather sell you a template that offer help - not really in the spirit of game developing.
I'd also like to second danneman101's comment: "1-infinity: The ability for one actor to access (at least read but write would also be nice) other actors' attributes."
having a tick box next to the attribute to say that the attribute is accessible by actor,scene or game ( public or private in coding terms I guess) would be AMAZING and save so much time connecting/constraining actor attributes to game attibutes. I think this may be my number one request now.
1. Better performance for the game engine. 2 More phone functions, like camera, contacts etc 3. Publish in real HTML 5 without game salad branding. 4. Universal apps. 5. Proper white label, oh my game is 8mb upload, your game is now 16mb with our videos whyyyy? its supposed to be white label why are they needed?
What about usability stuff? An example. The following stuff should remember your last position, and return to that configuration on return from a scripting window or preview: -place in the variable list if scrolled down. -if you were in layers view, it should be back in that view -if you resized windows, they should keep that size forever, until you resize them again (like most tools do)
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
My biggest ask is the ability to publish to PC. And then some kind of functionality that would allow us to submit to steam and the various indie bundles/online stores that are springing up.
If we could do that with our new game Ashley Ao it would be a really big deal for us.
Hey GS ... had a thought yesterday when I was thinking thru about the Playhaven issue ... wasn't sure where to post it but here seemed ok. So please bear with me, just a thought ... will need to be seen from others points of view but maybe worth discussing.
So here's the logic behind why: I get that free users of GS don't offer much value to GS hence the Playhaven idea. What about a different idea for the future. Create an internal ad network that PRo's can submit their game to. Tie in links as an Affiliate seller of Apps (so GS tracks and gets paid as a seller) and have that 'ad' show in certain pages within a Free users project. IE: An options page, a credits page, high scores or whatever ... what does this do ... well the free user (me) would be happier to show (even more than one place) the apps of our brothers and sisters (the Pros), I am leaning towards thinking that the Playhouse thing shown right at the start is going to be negatively perceived in a pay-for app (I could be wrong so I'm not trying to start a debate on that here) ... so having it in other places tastefully would be fine by me.
You would need the Pro to self submit their apps to be included and set a rating to not have shooting apps ads shown in a kids app etc .. but the info could be embeded when the app is wrapped so online wouldn't be needed, PRO's don't have to worry about not wanting to be in crap apps ... becuase it would be just like signing up to a media aggregator ie: you and the customer realize this is not associated, and crap apps are not getting many eyeballs so it shouldn't matter too much anyway. But could there be a better way to monetize the free users AND promote value of PRO ... I mean making the game is one thing but the marketing is the challenge .... this could be one hell of a great idea if done right (or complete doo-doo of an idea ... ok I can take it just be gentle )
EDIT: Just read through some documentation I hadn't seen on Playhaven and I see that GS has plans for promotion of GS games in the Playhaven loop it seems for the future so looks like the above is doo-doo ... but an inhouse ad network with more desirable placement and GS only game promotion would be cool IMHO.
I think 2 amazing additions for pro would be these:
1) Create a GameSalad server to allow Cross Platform. So our Android customers and our Apple customers can all compete in score or even be able to challenge eachother. i.e. If it was chess you could challenge someone on the server to a game of chess.
2) Create a GameSalad Leaderboard. I'm not a big fan of Apples and it also hinders us from putting leaderboards on Android (which can sometimes really help a game). Not to mention you guys can do something like where it works for other developers outside of Gamesalad. Maybe charge a small membership fee of like $10 a month for those people. If you set the Leaderboard up to display scores across Android and Apple the same as #1 you would likely get alot of developers.
Idk I think they would offer great potential and not to mention I would assume it will bring alot more people to the Pro version. Alot of really good games could be made with those.
I can't remember if I've posted in this thread or not, but I'd like some really simple stuff please:
GameCenter Achievements - I've waited patiently for nearly a year since leader boards were introduced. It makes no sense to me that we have Kiip achievements ahead of GC ones, which are pretty much standard in games now.
Facebook/Twitter integration - would help spread the word about our games.
Universal Builds.
Custom Font integration.
I know faster loading/performance is coming, as are writeable tables so I won't ask for those!
In short, you've had your fun adding in all this monetisation bullshit. Can we now get back to adding features that put us on a level playing field with the rest of the app store please?
'Can we now get back to adding features that put us on a level playing field with the rest of the app store please?' - Oh you mean like Joints QS? Don't know if anyone has seen that mentioned around here
@quantumsheep faster loading/performance are the features which put us on a level playing field with the rest of the app store. And imagine once native code comes we can add more fun elements in games like air supply. For now I am requesting for Native code only because all other features are useless without loading and performance.
There are plenty of GS games that do just fine. Spooky Hoofs is one I'd mention, but there are loads of others.
Performance increases and faster loading will be brilliant. But I'd also want the other stuff I mentioned. Because faster loading and performance increases on their own aren't enough to level the playing field in my opinion.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Thanks for all the great work!
Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
• When you delete images, sometimes you don't delete the one you chose, then you receive a white box instead of the image thumbnail. Quite messy...
• Universal App (iPod touch, iPhone, iPad)
• Tables: Copy paste from one table to the other, generate a duplicate from one Table, organize tables by dragging the rows up/down
• Show better what can the Pro Version do in comparison to the Standard
• Better way to align elements on the editor
• Video embedding feature
For the rest, I'm happy with this great piece of software
thats about it
2. Update game viewer so you can use it on iOS version 3.1.3.
3. fix bugs that makes the program crash.
4 Make it easier to make your own attributes.
5. Make an attribute that says: When actor1 overlaps/collides with actor2 - (actor1) change self.Position.X and self.Position.Y to actor2s Position.X and Position.Y
That would be awesome.
3inner features such as led light, settings options,gps,push notifications,vibrator
5gamecenter achievements
6coustom loading screen
and we already have iap
(ps dont give me sas for having 6 @thecodemonsters has 7)
1. I saw from some people addressing that pixel collision is not possible in GS but what about Custom collision hit box to where you can customize the size of the square or circle collision box.
2. A wrap X and wrap Y attribute for separate actors which are created so you can put wrapping on a specific actor rather than just the scene.
3. When there are actors on the scene and I select one, it would be cool to list at the bottom the name of that actor and it's X,Y position so you don't have to double click into it for that information.
4. Zooming for the scene when working in it.
5. Fix bugs that when I import an image and have then realized I have to edit it for some reason. When I go to import the new edited version, if I did not rename the new image and just replaced the old image with the new one but with the old name, GS doesn't recognize that I the were changes to the image and it keeps the properties of the previous image which I imported before.
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Keep up the great work GS!!!
2. Support for short video files? Like animated intros and endings.
3. Performance improvements, and less crashes.
4. Better tamplates in the +new section, and get rid of all the bulls*#$t templates. Theres only about 5 or 6 good ones here.
5. Are turnbased mulitplayer possible? Like a Battleship game, Chess, or other boardgames. This would open a whole world of cool possibillities.
2. Pixel Collision
3. Universal builds
4. GS Achievements
for my dream list
1) Parenting - constraining seems such an expensive method of doing parenting (and parenting is super useful)
2) Universal builds for iOS
3) writing, moving and searching tables - dammit I want to do a word game in GS!
4) workflow - back button is weird in the editor, grids, separate or pullout panel for actor Attibs.
5) sprite sheets
6) hiding, locking layers - for ease of selecting, constructing, editing scenes
but my pet-peeve at the moment is cookbook - it really isn't a good way to get help - the forum is still a better option (and the wiki wasn't too bad IHMO)
strong examples of uses of the expressions would be super-duper mega helpful. It seems that people would rather sell you a template that offer help - not really in the spirit of game developing.
"1-infinity: The ability for one actor to access (at least read but write would also be nice) other actors' attributes."
having a tick box next to the attribute to say that the attribute is accessible by actor,scene or game ( public or private in coding terms I guess) would be AMAZING and save so much time connecting/constraining actor attributes to game attibutes. I think this may be my number one request now.
2 More phone functions, like camera, contacts etc
3. Publish in real HTML 5 without game salad branding.
4. Universal apps.
5. Proper white label, oh my game is 8mb upload, your game is now 16mb with our videos whyyyy? its supposed to be white label why are they needed?
An example. The following stuff should remember your last position, and return to that configuration on return from a scripting window or preview:
-place in the variable list if scrolled down.
-if you were in layers view, it should be back in that view
-if you resized windows, they should keep that size forever, until you resize them again (like most tools do)
2. Pixel Collision
3. Universal builds
4. GS Achievements
5. Snap to grid
Wow, pretty much what Beefy said lol. :P
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
3.Universal build
2. More layers of sound
3. Support for more compressed image formats like jpg and giff
4. Guides
5. Grids
2. openfeint
3. Joints
4. admob
5. Cheaper pro or feature select
If we could do that with our new game Ashley Ao it would be a really big deal for us.
So here's the logic behind why: I get that free users of GS don't offer much value to GS hence the Playhaven idea. What about a different idea for the future. Create an internal ad network that PRo's can submit their game to. Tie in links as an Affiliate seller of Apps (so GS tracks and gets paid as a seller) and have that 'ad' show in certain pages within a Free users project. IE: An options page, a credits page, high scores or whatever ... what does this do ... well the free user (me) would be happier to show (even more than one place) the apps of our brothers and sisters (the Pros), I am leaning towards thinking that the Playhouse thing shown right at the start is going to be negatively perceived in a pay-for app (I could be wrong so I'm not trying to start a debate on that here) ... so having it in other places tastefully would be fine by me.
You would need the Pro to self submit their apps to be included and set a rating to not have shooting apps ads shown in a kids app etc .. but the info could be embeded when the app is wrapped so online wouldn't be needed, PRO's don't have to worry about not wanting to be in crap apps ... becuase it would be just like signing up to a media aggregator ie: you and the customer realize this is not associated, and crap apps are not getting many eyeballs so it shouldn't matter too much anyway. But could there be a better way to monetize the free users AND promote value of PRO ... I mean making the game is one thing but the marketing is the challenge .... this could be one hell of a great idea if done right (or complete doo-doo of an idea ... ok I can take it just be gentle
EDIT: Just read through some documentation I hadn't seen on Playhaven and I see that GS has plans for promotion of GS games in the Playhaven loop it seems for the future so looks like the above is doo-doo ... but an inhouse ad network with more desirable placement and GS only game promotion would be cool IMHO.
1) Create a GameSalad server to allow Cross Platform. So our Android customers and our Apple customers can all compete in score or even be able to challenge eachother. i.e. If it was chess you could challenge someone on the server to a game of chess.
2) Create a GameSalad Leaderboard. I'm not a big fan of Apples and it also hinders us from putting leaderboards on Android (which can sometimes really help a game). Not to mention you guys can do something like where it works for other developers outside of Gamesalad. Maybe charge a small membership fee of like $10 a month for those people. If you set the Leaderboard up to display scores across Android and Apple the same as #1 you would likely get alot of developers.
Idk I think they would offer great potential and not to mention I would assume it will bring alot more people to the Pro version. Alot of really good games could be made with those.
GameCenter Achievements - I've waited patiently for nearly a year since leader boards were introduced. It makes no sense to me that we have Kiip achievements ahead of GC ones, which are pretty much standard in games now.
Facebook/Twitter integration - would help spread the word about our games.
Universal Builds.
Custom Font integration.
I know faster loading/performance is coming, as are writeable tables so I won't ask for those!
In short, you've had your fun adding in all this monetisation bullshit. Can we now get back to adding features that put us on a level playing field with the rest of the app store please?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
2. Easily Navigable Forums
3. Nook Publishing
4. Pro Membership Maybe a bit cheaper
5. Lamps? (IDK)
There are plenty of GS games that do just fine. Spooky Hoofs is one I'd mention, but there are loads of others.
Performance increases and faster loading will be brilliant. But I'd also want the other stuff I mentioned. Because faster loading and performance increases on their own aren't enough to level the playing field in my opinion.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io