Problem with Play Music for Windows
I have sound files imported into the creator. Even though I have created wav and mp4 files they seem to be converted into ogg files. When I go to use the Play Music behavior I only have the option for Resume Current Music, I can't select any of my tracks. I need to play music over scene changes and I am under the impression that you can only do this with the Play Music behavior. I have tried using Play Sound but it resets itself with each scene change. Any suggestions?
Please help.
I had this issue, then realised I was trying to play on .ogg file as music, this doesn't work and you only get the 'resume current' option.
You have to import any music as an .m4a file format, then the music shows up in the options.
Now my problem is this: My .ogg file was only 6.57MB.. my .m4a is over 40MB! WWWWTTTTFFFF??? Really?
I was resolved this proplem by converted music file to type *.ogg, and in GS, i used command: play sound --> select music type *.ogg and played.
p/s: I using Win 7 OS
Turns out that yes, MP4 works great in Windows Creator, but you do need to have the music file as an .MP4 format before importing into GS. HOWEVER, I also ended up going through about a dozen "MP4 Audio Conversion" programs before finally finding one that GameSalad liked... In other words, I would convert into MP4 format and import it successfully, but GameSalad still would not want to play the file.
This evening I will post a link to the actual Audio Conversion software (freeware) that works PERFECTLY for GameSalad so you folks don't have to go through the same problem. I just don't remember the name of it and I am currently at work.
After going through a LOT of programs to convert MP3's and WAV's into MP4, this is the only program I found (free) that GameSalad likes the files for music.
Give this thread a read as well, and try BlackCloakGS' suggestion:
If you are able to make the .mp4 files work for Play Music, this will make things easier once you start converting your Windows Creator files for use with the Mac Creator (assuming you have iOS/Mac development in mind).
Or you can wait a couple months (probably) for the impending Windows Creator update which should fix a number of previously reported bugs.
I can confirm that this software works. Take care when you install as it will try to install toolbars and such, so click wisely.
Also, the quality of the encoding is not fantastic, but at least it works!
I'm guessing it places something in the file header that makes GS able to play it?