Brand New Developer! Brand New Games!

PixelX_GamesPixelX_Games Member Posts: 3
edited February 2013 in Non-GS Game News
Hi and welcome to my announcement reel of 2 new games following my YoyoGames Creations. (search me up on yoyogames!) I am SnakeMakeCreations, a great game developer. If you already know, I made the unsung hero: Dr Dad. I am here to announce Dr Dad Plus and Retro Blocks!


  • PixelX_GamesPixelX_Games Member Posts: 3
    These games shall be released some time soon in the next 3 months.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Seems like you're a little ahead of yourself. In most cases, this sub-forum is for announcements for games that have already been published. When people do announce WIP games, they are usually accompanied by a decent description of the game, some screenshots and/or a gameplay video (see

    You've just posted an announcement that your games will be released in the next 3 months, which is a long time in terms of game development, and without offering any details or glimpses of the games.

    You'll generate a lot more excitement for and interest in your games if you wait to post until you have something to show.

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  • PixelX_GamesPixelX_Games Member Posts: 3
    I've decided to cancel both games to make way for Dr Dad Returns!
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited February 2013
    You should probably calrify that you are not part of Yo Yo games but a user of their Gamemaker product.

    Being that Dr. Dad is a Gamemaker constructed game it is very unlikely that users here will know that. It's not on the app store (or any other that I see) nor has it been a topic in this community. Realize that most people in these forums are in the habit of and experienced in delivering commercial level apps.

    Lastly, Yo Yo games is GameMaker. So are these titles you are announcing being created with GameSalad?
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Why do people come to the forums looking to have their self esteem boosted? Everyone has the most amazing, genius, brilliant , ideas. Why not try humility and if worthy allow other to praise you or better yet just don't give a sh1t what anyone thinks.
  • TaidakenTaidaken Member Posts: 271
    Why do people come to the forums looking to have their self esteem boosted? Everyone has the most amazing, genius, brilliant , ideas. Why not try humility and if worthy allow other to praise you or better yet just don't give a sh1t what anyone thinks.
    Totally agree!, after reading all this. I'm not really looking forward to your games, cause I have no idea what they are. And are these being made using gamesalad? Or game maker, I'm a little confused, I have no intention of going to yoyo games to look for your other games ether, at least post some links or something

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