How cool would it be to release your GS game on Windows 7 and Vista?

HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
edited January 2013 in Working with GS (Mac)
So GS is busy making windows 8 publishing more solid. Personally I would *love* it if we could also release on Windows 7 and Vista. This would mean we could submit our games to all the indie oriented PC stores like GOG, IndieCity, Desura, Gamers Gate and more. Yes, some of those stores have a mac section but PC is *much* bigger than Mac for gaming. Indie gaming in particular tends to be PC based.

Naturally GS could only think about this publishing option if enough users asked for it. So, if like me, you'd jump at the chance of submitting your GS games to all the PC stores then vote below!



  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    I agree with you, I think it would be cool. But I would rather them get through their list of things they already have to do first. (Like Android IAP, Universal Binaries, Mac UI Upgrade etc etc)
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    I like it!
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    @Braydon_SFX Well only the GS devs will know. But I would guess that it wouldn't be such a huge jump to incorporate Windows 7 and Vista publishing. As in, much of the framework would already be in place from current publishing options.

    @Chakku :)
  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    Honestly I would love to have access to the Steam market - but I'm not pro yet and haven't even published a title yet so I can be patient with whatever GS is planning for the future.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Honestly it would be nice but I see Microsoft slowing killing the .exe in favor of their new .appx format. Honestly I think Microsoft screwed windows 8 by not killing the desktop function all together but I would imagine it is going to take some time to covert the PC ecosystem over to .appx which is going to be their preferred format in the future, I'm sure. So For GameSalad to focus on a format that will slowly be weeded out I think would be counter productive to say the least. I would expect to see Steam and Other PC game Systems develop a way to run the .appx format and thus making GS fall right in place for those stores. just as long as they don't do something that will make a standard .appx not work.

    Hehe just my 2 cents. Could be way off but in my mind its dead on. :)
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    @Braydon_SFX Well only the GS devs will know. But I would guess that it wouldn't be such a huge jump to incorporate Windows 7 and Vista publishing. As in, much of the framework would already be in place from current publishing options.

    @Chakku :)
    If I understand correctly… .appx framework is completely different than the .exe, that windows 7 uses, because it is designed to run on intel based PC's as well as Mobile devices which use completely different Processors.
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    I have to say it would be cool but there is so many other platforms we can already publish to. I also feel it wouldn't be a profitable market because you can almost every game for free with a simple google search. It's the same for Macs in away but At least Mac has a decent store. But then again to see and play my games on the PC would be pretty cool so I got mixed feelings :)
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    @tenrdrmer .exe may one day die. But I doubt that would be for another 15 years Look how long XP lasted.

    According to this wiki entry XP *still* holds a huge 39% market share for desktop computers:

    You could argue Win7 is considered as stable as XP was. So it prob won't be going away anytime soon either.

    So if a new GS publishing option gave us "only" 10 years of stable productivity... I'd say that's pretty good value for money for all concerned!

    And other SDKs are able to wrap their html games to play on pc, mac and linux. And play nice and smoothly at that. So I'm sure the GS devs have the know-how to make it work if they decided to allocate the time to it.

    My overall point is that indie gaming/journalism still tends to based around the pc. Desktop gaming and mobile gaming are often quite different experiences with different audiences.

    It's great that GS are working with win8 and I'm looking forward to further improvements in win8 publishing. But for the next few years exe will still dominate over .appx
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited January 2013
    I think it would be really cool, because then our games could be played on ANY computer that is somewhat relatively recent (the reason why I'm not considering HTML5 games, is because it's soo limited by GameSalad; and for my game, it's unplayable with HTML5 due to screen size limit :( )

    With .exe, we could play it pretty much everywhere. This opens up GameSalad developers to a PLETHORA of new stores and opportunities (including many .exe game competitions, and such).

  • imGuaimGua Member Posts: 1,089
    It's one of the reasons I plan to switch to the Unity. Admittedly not the only one.
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    edited January 2013
    @SaladStraightShooter - Please could you direct some of your GS colleagues to this poll and also the message I just sent to support on the same subject?

    As you might guess I'm firmly of the opinion that .exe exporting would add a lot of value to GS and provide us devs with many more opportunities. e.g One of my games just got accepted to Desura, but they had assumed I had a mac *and* pc version. But it turns out I can't upload anything to their system as it can't accept mac-only games.

  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    I would LOVE to have it so you could publish to 7 and Vista! That means I wouldn't have to port my game to GameMaker Studio! That would be a dream come true! :D
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792

    With .exe, we could play it pretty much everywhere. This opens up GameSalad developers to a PLETHORA of new stores and opportunities (including many .exe game competitions, and such).

    I'd agree with that.
  • PixelMetalPixelMetal Member Posts: 283
    Any more views on this one?
    It'd be great to see this - but first, I wouldn't mind the platforms that are currently listed as supported being actually, uh, supported.

  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    Any more views on this one?
    It'd be great to see this - but first, I wouldn't mind the platforms that are currently listed as supported being actually, uh, supported.


    I don't see any problems publishing to any of the current platforms.

    I know Windows 8 had a major problem, but I believe they fixed that yesterday.

  • It would be rather amazing to see GS be able to export games to an executable so that we could submit them to Steam or other online services. Honestly, I think that's the only thing hold GS back from being the premier 2D game development tool.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited February 2013
    Personally I would rather they do one thing at a time and do it properly, as it is now we have all these publishing options but none of them work as they should or lacking vital features.

    I'd better shut up now cause I could rant and rant :)

    Steam isn't so easy..we sent them bumps and tumble jumble both retail games in the shops with publishing deals and they rejected both, not sure what it's like now but it was hard to be accepted a few years ago.

  • That should indeed be the case with any undertaking really. If you're going to release something, it should work right. But I'd take a difficult to use option over no option at all.
  • Team6LabsTeam6Labs Member Posts: 541
    I would rather the team focus on iOS, Android, Native Engine, etc.
    The possibility I would be interested in is windows phone!
  • You would take Windows Phone over being able to submit to Steam? To each their own I suppose.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    I would rather the team focus on iOS, Android, Native Engine, etc.
    The possibility I would be interested in is windows phone!

    I don't agree...

    .exe's can be played on virtually anyboy's computer nowadays, while Windows Phone apps can only be played by a (relatively) very small population...

    We already have publishing to Windows Desktops, and Windows 8, and I place Windows 7 as a more-wanted feature than Windows Phone.

    Just my opinion
    Chakku :)
  • Team6LabsTeam6Labs Member Posts: 541
    @Chakku I personally don't see the need at all for windows. I kinda regret that the GS team spent their time with windows. Instead of windows computers they should support blackberry and the windows phone. Maybe a little better html.
  • Well, if you wanted to maximize your audience, you'd want to publish to windows with an exe or something. Blackberry and Windows phone are such tiny sections of the market that they are barely worth the time and effort, if they are worth it at all.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Yeah...BlackBerry population is just so tiny, and since GameSalad already has Windows 8, Windows 7 should not be too hard (not saying it's an overnight process; it won't take as long as starting a new platform all together)

    In my honest opinion, GameSalad should not invest time, money, and time, manpower, and time on a completely unfamiliar platform that barely has any users...

    Why not make Windows 7 publishing?

    It's easier since they already have Windows 8, and it has the largest user base of any platform.

  • I think the real goal would be to be able to package and export an executable. That way it could potentially even run on XP.
  • Team6LabsTeam6Labs Member Posts: 541
    Perhaps. But there also arent many competitors on blackberry and windows phone. And personally my games arent complex enough to be sold on steam.
  • lol. Go play the game "Dinner Date" and then tell me if you're game is too simple to be sold on Steam. :-)
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    edited April 2013
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Any chance of a new market has got to be good - particularly for those of us sitting on a few games which could be easily pushed out to a whole new user base. Thats where my vote goes.
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