LAD:Run - Now on the Appstore!
Hey Everyone
So I've not announced anything on the forums for a while, but I have been at work! I'm currently working on a follow up to my previous title 'LAD'
I decided I wanted to change the format of the game style in this one to be an Endless Runner. This could potentially then appeal to the more casual gaming market and can cross promote one another. I have one last follow up planned to 'LAD' after this one too, which again, will be in a different style!
Anyway, here's a couple of screenshots for you;

As always guys, would love to know your thoughts so any feedback welcome
So I've not announced anything on the forums for a while, but I have been at work! I'm currently working on a follow up to my previous title 'LAD'
I decided I wanted to change the format of the game style in this one to be an Endless Runner. This could potentially then appeal to the more casual gaming market and can cross promote one another. I have one last follow up planned to 'LAD' after this one too, which again, will be in a different style!
Anyway, here's a couple of screenshots for you;

As always guys, would love to know your thoughts so any feedback welcome

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Looks good, great followup game!
Thank you for your kind wishes
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As you can see from the video, I am utilising a 'What you cant see, cant hurt' feature. This will run on a power bar. When being used, the game will carry on but the screen will be blanked out. This is great for getting through tricky situations but it comes at a price ... A) Your score will stop counting.
To use this feature, you must have some power in your bar! The battery you see scrolling across the screen at the top is a one notch recharge, so it wont put you back to maximum, just take you up a notch (there is 10 in a full bar).
The video maybe a little choppy in places because of the screen recorder.
Any feedback welcome.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Making huge progress on this
I have now more or less got all gameplay mechanics working and functioning as I would like them too.
Work to integrate the shop has begun and there will be four various categories;
Characters - So far I have integrated 5 characters in total which you can unlock and play as. More may make it into the game before release yet ... hopefully!
Songs - This game will feature 5 songs uniquely created just for use in LAD:Run. You will need to unlock the other 4. I absolutely love the songs in game as well.
Power Ups - Instant full No Pain bar. Shield. Boost. Magnet for Coins. Headstart. Multiplier. Spawn Frequency. Pretty much all work done to have these functioning.
iAp - Typical get more coins as well as unlock all characters and music.
Coins, Coins, Coins
Today I have been finishing up the way the coins come into view. I have posted a template of the principal mechanics I am using in the Spare Code thread. I am using tables to pre-determine the pattern of how the coins appear. There is 5 tables at the moment, so 5 different patterns, I think I will add a few more before the game see's release.
The coins must be collected, not like most endless runners, where the character overlaps the coins, in LAD:Run, you must use your finger to swipe across the patterns to collect the coins. This proves to be quite distracting as like the magpies we are, when we see coins, we want them. Instantly swiping to collect the coins with no regard for what obstacles maybe coming will only lead to a certain death.
So there are a few twists within the game, you have the no pain what you cant see cant hurt, you must tap to collect the capsules to fill up your bar for this and you have the method of collecting coins. All in all, it can be quite frantic and gets both thumbs moving around the screen quite a bit.
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As for the purpose of this, yes you do get it
The disadvantage of using this is that you can release and have no time to react as you hit into an obstacle ... So its a gamble.
Overall, I like it though, it gives a player a chance to be forgiving on themselves a little .. Sometimes you jump just a bit too early and its infuriating to have that ruin your run, with 'No Pain' you just blank out your mistake effectively.
Lump Apps and My Assets
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
P.S. Let me know if you need a beta tester
I have a usual group I use for Beta testing but if I need any extra, i'll be sure to give you a shout! Cheers
Just a quick update today to let you know where i'm at with this. A lot of time has been put into and its beginning to get there
The game will officially be called ...
LAD:Run - The Beginning
It will be set as a prequel as such to LAD Its not going to be huge in story at all, it will just set the tone to the story of LAD
So what has been completed since the last update.
Tutorial This will be forced upon 1st play. It is very simple but will show what is what on screen, have the player jump, slide, use 'No Pain', collect capsule(s) by touching and coins by swiping.
Achievements I have added 20 GameCentre Achievements so far and a global leaderboard, These need to be coded into the game but all the previsionary work has been completed.
PowerUps PowerUp symbols have been added in game and all their behaviours have been coded in. You can now purchase these from the in game shop.
Visuals This is a simple thing. When hitting certain distances, a sign will slide down to show you how far you have gone. This is easier than keeping an eye on the score in the top right. Something small but adds to a better playing experience.
Coins/HUD Added seeing your coins total in the top left under your top score.
Here are a couple of screenshots to show you a pattern or two from the Coins;
- Thomas
- Thomas
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
On a side note, it may be a good idea to make the coins that you catch spin at the same time as the coin counter icon does in the top left hand corner. A small thing, but it'd be a bit odd if they were different.
- Thomas