Gems On Tap

DeadlySeriousMediaDeadlySeriousMedia ArizonaMember Posts: 838
edited March 2013 in Announce Your Game!
So I stumbled upon that free Push Panic template Tshirtbooth made about a year ago and thought it would go great with some assets I have already accumulated.

I purchased the gems and ribbons and BG awhile back thinking, "These suckers would go very nicely together in a project!"

Turns out the name "Gems On Tap" was not in use! ( is now :P )

This morning in the wee hours I threw together some mockups in Flash using the assets and my design for the Puch Panic Template layout.

As you can see I've gotten rid of the chaos of Push Panic by adding a grid more similar to Bejeweled. I'm hoping it improves the fun factor.

At the moment Oskar and I are still wrapping up Flip Runner, but I wanted to share. After Flip runner is ready and in Beta I might just whip this bad boy up. Shouldn't take more that a weekend! :D



Let me know what you think! :D


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