Tell us about you're experience level.
Recently I've noticed a lot of misinformation being posted on the forums. I think it's important as a community that we have a robust knowledge base of reliable information. I've noticed an uptick in the amount of misinformation in the last few months on the forum. As having been a member of the community for roughly 3 years I know the people who know what their talking about. That's not to say even the best of us can be slightly misinformed from time to time but most of us veterans will make corrections when we realize we we're mistaken. I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread where everyone could post about their professional experience in media and computers to build a reference. I hate to have to offer this caveat, but please don't exaggerate and be truthful as this is for the betterment of the community and not self glorification or bragging rights.
So I'll get it kicked off.
I've been using computers since the earliest days. My first machine was a commodore Vic 20 at age 15. I used to store my stuff on cassette if you know what a BBS is then you'll understand. I learned basic programing. When the first web browser came out I learned HTML. I've been deeply involved with computers since that time.
I've got 27 years experience build custom hardwire control systems for large industrial processing systems and work at some of the largest power generations plants in the country including nuclear. I've build systems for some of the largest companies including, General Electric, Coors, Calafornia sellers, Dominion Power, Plymouth Nuclear Power Plant, Ocean Spray and many others.
I studied Radio and Television at Dean College, Sound Engineering at the Recording Workshops and Leadership and management at Regent University. Studied under Stanley Ralph Ross at the Maine Workshops and I was a WGA Television and screen writer in the 90's. I co-wrote and produced a streaming video cast for the CapeCod Cyber Arts Festival years before YouTube or any such services existed. We're talking the days of dial up. I've produced films for the Woods Hole Film Festival. I'm certified in Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro and Sound Track Pro. I've been using Game Salad for game design for three years.
My business experience includes being an operating officer for my families large scale electrical contracting business which contracted projects nation wide and had gross revenues of 4 million. I was Also involved with my families realestate development ventures and a few other small scale ventures.
My own Electrical contracting firm based on the Island of Martha's Vineyard with a client list of mainly people off the Fortune 500 list.
Start ups
MV-WiFi designed and built a mesh network on Martha's Vineyard.
Gleeson Goup Media this is how I got started with GS. The group owns a Golden Book Franchise called Kate Gleeson's Little Beasties.
Lost Oasis Games this is my partnership with @RP
As the Greatful Dead so eloquently sang "What a long strange trip it's been."
So I'll get it kicked off.
I've been using computers since the earliest days. My first machine was a commodore Vic 20 at age 15. I used to store my stuff on cassette if you know what a BBS is then you'll understand. I learned basic programing. When the first web browser came out I learned HTML. I've been deeply involved with computers since that time.
I've got 27 years experience build custom hardwire control systems for large industrial processing systems and work at some of the largest power generations plants in the country including nuclear. I've build systems for some of the largest companies including, General Electric, Coors, Calafornia sellers, Dominion Power, Plymouth Nuclear Power Plant, Ocean Spray and many others.
I studied Radio and Television at Dean College, Sound Engineering at the Recording Workshops and Leadership and management at Regent University. Studied under Stanley Ralph Ross at the Maine Workshops and I was a WGA Television and screen writer in the 90's. I co-wrote and produced a streaming video cast for the CapeCod Cyber Arts Festival years before YouTube or any such services existed. We're talking the days of dial up. I've produced films for the Woods Hole Film Festival. I'm certified in Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro and Sound Track Pro. I've been using Game Salad for game design for three years.
My business experience includes being an operating officer for my families large scale electrical contracting business which contracted projects nation wide and had gross revenues of 4 million. I was Also involved with my families realestate development ventures and a few other small scale ventures.
My own Electrical contracting firm based on the Island of Martha's Vineyard with a client list of mainly people off the Fortune 500 list.
Start ups
MV-WiFi designed and built a mesh network on Martha's Vineyard.
Gleeson Goup Media this is how I got started with GS. The group owns a Golden Book Franchise called Kate Gleeson's Little Beasties.
Lost Oasis Games this is my partnership with @RP
As the Greatful Dead so eloquently sang "What a long strange trip it's been."
I shipped PC MMO APB: All Points Bulletin 3 years ago, which sadly wasn't a great game, but got a 9 from IGN for 'presentation', which i'm very proud to say was largely down to me and our concept teams hard work. I then moved on to my current role as Lead UI Artist & Designer on a next-gen console title, which I've been working on for nearly 3 years now. So around 5 years of AAA PC/Console Development Experience.
The current side project I'm working on with GS was created during this years Global Game Jam, where it won Best Tech and Best Game awards at the event, and then Best Game in Scotland award, voted by BAFTA Scotland. That game is being submitted to apple in the next few weeks, once GS reply to my support request about Game Center achievements popping multiple times...
I've been working with GS for about 2 years now I think, and I'd like to think I know what I'm doing with it now
Things I Like: Sharing games templates for learning - a community helping each other
Things I hate: Selling games templates for cash where the buyer can 're-skin and ship' - pure market saturation of the worst kind. Please stop.
Lastly, as a UI artist, it really pains me every time someone asks about 'stretch' mode on their apps. It's ugly, don't do it. You wouldn't stretch photos of your loved ones into the wrong sized frame so they go fat or thin, so don't do it to your game. Don't make your squares become rectangles and your circles become ovals - if you are doing this, objectively put: you are doing it wrong
I've been playing games since Commodore 64, Atari 600XL days but fell into gaming big time with the Sega Genesis. I've also been an Apple guy (although less evangelistic these days) since I discovered the PowerPC at a trade show way, way back and joined the desktop publishing revolution in the 90's.
I've been using GS almost from the beginning and from a non-programer aspect (and I tried) GameSalad was a beacon of hope when I came across it in that I could create something visually and see the results quickly. Still takes a long time to get a complete product to my standards but being able to bring all my skills into one area is great.
Ironically When I first tried to make a game (pinball) I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted and gave up on GS briefly - but after a couple of updates and began to see the potential, I was hooked from there on.
For those who can't program I'm one of you but you can create something wonderful, just stick with it and the results will come.
Before I even finished school, I already had a job working for an Ad Agency here in Houston. I started doing video with Adobe Premiere, and Avid because Final Cut Pro was not out yet. The day Final Cut Pro came out, my boss invested in a entire setup for me, and I started doing videos and radio commercials for Kroger Grocery Stores, and for Hospitals (Methodist Hospital, UTMB Galveston, THR etc...) I did Krogers recruitment commercials, and I did all of their internal training videos for new employees. And I had to do everything - The art, the music/audio, the editing, and the motion graphics. If you ever worked at Kroger in the South/Southwest division, you had to sit through one of my excruciatingly boring videos.
Another job of mine was doing interactive CD's and DVD's. Presentations, eCards, company portfolios and Kiosk programs. Used Director and Flash for that type of work, and hated almost every second of it. And yet another job of mine was to be the companies IT guy. We used nothing but Mac, so that wasn't a hard job to keep the network up and running, it was pretty self sufficient.
One of my best friends was the Creative Director there, and he left the company to start his own, and 6 months after that, I left the agency as well, and we started our own marketing/ad agency. We also took Kroger with us. Actually, Kroger fired the Ad Agency I was working for, but they still wanted my friend and I to do their videos and radio/tv commercials. So we did that for the next 2 years. Also, if you ever walked through a Kroger grocery store, and have seen the big sticker ad's on the aisle floors, we did those as well. And my biggest achievement in this world was performing the entire music score, and did the sound editing for 3 documentaries about surfing around different parts of the world. That was played in film festivals around the country and Central America. Got a pat on the back from a Hollywood sound engineer for my efforts. He said it sounded just as good, and even better than some big time producers in Hollywood.
Without getting into the drama, my friend and I had differences about certain things, and I went my separate way. Moved out to the woods of East Texas for 3 years, and did minimal work in the field of media. Rode around on tractors, and mended barb wire fences, and cooked lots and lots of BBQ. Finally moved back to Houston, and went to work for a teeth whitening supplier. Making trap pages and literally hundreds of websites that spammed the internet and search words that would bring you to their product. Was absolutely disgusted with that type of ethic (or lack thereof) and quit that job. Which brings me to now. A friend of mine posted on Facebook about GameSalad dropping their controversial program (lets not get into that) and was going free, and had a less expensive Pro subscription than before, and so that's when I jumped onboard. Been here going on 3 years now, and have no plans of stopping. Met lots of great people here, and I consider them good friends, even though we've never met face to face. Looking forward to the things that are coming.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
From there I went off to college and got a BS in graphic design and a minor in art history. Since then I've worked as a graphic designer for my entire career, moving up (hopefully) through various companies and studios. Now I'm part owner of my own small studio, we do work for large global companies and small local businesses as well. At work I do lots of print and digital design. In addition to graphic design at work I enjoy illustrating and photography and do that as often as possible. I've been selling stock images online for several years now as well.
Over the years I have programmed in lots of different languages, BASIC, HTML, Java, Javascript, PHP, all of which I know just enough in to be dangerous. I've always dabbled with game design and programming when I've had the chance as well. Back in 2002 I entered a game in the uDevGames contest using TNT BASIC, I didn't win but the game did get a mention on insidemacgames.
I originally downloaded GS way way back in 2009 and played with it a little. I got serious with it about a year ago when I needed to quickly produce two projects for a clients trade show. After seeing how far GS had come since the early days, I've decided to crack down and really spend some serious time with it, which is what I've been doing for the past year. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I studied psychology with an emphasis in computer modeling and philosophy at UCLA. Did more C++, matlab, and java. But, from high school until the present I have been committed to creative writing and music. I went on to run a small recording studio in Los Angeles after college while I pursued a life in art and music, which hasn't paid well. I have worked as a substitute teacher to supplement my income, am now involved in the teacher's union, and started developing small math apps for kids because my girlfriend at the time said she couldn't find apps that did what she wanted for her kindergartners. Up until that time I hadn't coded in about 7 years.
I am using GS because I hate debugging code. And I know, I know, everyone hates debugging code, but I like the fact that for the most part, if I have a problem in my code then it is most likely a logic error. My current project is a prototype of an unsupervised neural network than I would like to create into a more robust AI system in the future which I would like to apply in games, or, in other applications. It might be a bit ambitious in GS, but the new nightly build additions is making it a reality.
Ohh.. I do have this though*...
*Most things in this post are not true...
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
@Braydon_SFX That cool. I needs to actually unlock your house though. And when you do it has to make this sound:
I'm only 22 so I can't say I'm an expert at anything yet so far.
I took up a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with Specialisation in Software Technology. I was a member of my college's Center for Language Technologies laboratory and as such my undergraduate thesis revolved heavily around Natural Language Processing (NLG in particular). So I suppose if anything goes, NLP is my expertise.. not that I can fully express this skill set with GS. I graduated college last October.
In past months I've been involved with 3 start ups, all web services.
I am knowledgeable in the following general programming languages, in descending order:
C#.Net, C, C++, Java
Right now I am taking up courses through Oracle University. I am one exam away from being an Oracle Certified Associate (OCA). I currently have no plans of getting the OCM certification (Master), but perhaps I'll go for the OCP (Professional). Yes, I want to be an Oracle Database Administrator.
When it comes to multimedia arts, I'm very well versed in Photoshop and Illustrator. I didn't have proper education with the tools and my artistic skill set, only self learning since way back in grade school. I do all my art with the exception of character art, where I start outsourcing to friends.
I'm "OK" with pixel art. No fancy skills with the style, I just felt like copying the Head Chefs' avatars
I like this thread. It's great to discover the backgrounds of persons you deal with in the forums (even though only a small fraction of the entire user base actually participate).
Here we go, deep breath:
Lifelong love of video games and arcades.
Got into game modding code/resource modding in the Command and Conquer days.
Art Center College of Design: Film (I love film and the school but I got burned out by the process pretty quickly).
Texas Tech University: Anthropology and Military Science (full time Army ROTC). Ended up at Apple.
Apple Computer (This was more like a university for me than any school I was ever at). Helped me find my focus. Picked up many skills and know how which led me to go independent.
Moved to Switzerland and started my own business specializing in video production, graphics animation, web design and just about anything involving multimedia development. While there I did work for various government and international companies such as Pepsi Co. Europe, Das Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), CIPRA international (Alps Alliance), Swisscom and Fast4meter. After 5 years, moved back to the states.
I wrote for an online Dutch gaming site in my spare time for a while. (We were a source and hub that dug up patents on the Wii technology and early versions of the Nintendo 3DS, that got around the inter webs). Some was technical, some reviews. Covered E3 '06. Gaming journalism is not really my thang. Moved on. creating original content and bumpers, intros and such for their online shows and news. Hosted my own show that explored the impact of art and creativity in gaming.
Participated in all sorts of betas, panels or as a tester for some AAA titles.
Shifted direction into Flash gaming, action script, javascript. Picked up Torque Game Builder and Game Salad.
Got involved with gaming industry trends/politics VGVN, ECA, ESA.
Did more web design, graphic design, betas etc. in the U.S.
Jumped back onto GameSalad to go full swing iOS development.
Now in cahoots with the Bacon Man at Lost Oasis.
I, like many of you, juggle different projects. That's what it's all about. Gett'n experience and learning stuff all the time. It always comes around full circle in one fashion or another.
Skills in Engineering, Film, Design, Audio and Production.
Love GS and dip in when I have a spare evening.
I studied web design and HTML with Microsoft FrontPage, animation with ToonBoom Studio, and computer programming with Visual Basic and Java - all of which I became pretty fluent and knowledgable in. When I got my first iPhone (the iPhone 3G), I decided to take my programming skills to the world of mobile app development. Even though I had been programming in VB and Java for years, I quickly decided that Xcode and Objective C was not the way for me to go. I stumbled upon GameSalad in 2010, and have been a member of the community every sense, recently crossing the 3 year mark.
I started a software development company called PDL Productions, L.L.C. back in May of 2011. Since starting the company, we've developed several games with GameSalad, and currently have 6 different titles available on the Apple and Amazon App Stores. We also offer our services in mobile app development, and have worked with clients all over the globe on a wide variety of projects and endeavors. We're currently in the middle of development on our biggest game title yet, which we hope to release to App Stores later this year.
In early 2012, I was involved in the development and launch of an online penny auction website, completely separate from PDL Productions. However, shortly after the launch, I didn't like how my partners at the time were running things, so I decided to leave. The site crashed and burned not long after my departure.
In early 2013, PDL Productions partnered with a local web design and media production firm on a new and innovative mobile project, which is still under development. More details on this project will be available in the upcoming months, though I will say it provides a revolutionary new way for businesses to develop mobile applications.
- Alex
I remember the first turtle i ever saw. And i was to draw a circle with it. That was my first intro to drawing on a computer. I was in class 2nd then. My father saw to my love for arts & computers.. so he bought me my first comp. I still remember, the HD was 5Gb and it had 128mb ram plus a b/w screen.
As a kid i always wanted to play console games, but dad would never let me do that. Me and my bro would rent up Nintendo 8bit from a rent to play shop. Though, i only watched, he would fire up mario and refused to die. I would keep waiting for luigi's turn to come only to find myself asleep and he would shake me up. '!@#$% !!! I died. Come on, its your turn now.' I would then gather up myself and face the first brown f****g bugger and die. 'Too bad. U died. MY TURN !!!'
I went to art college, one the most prestigious in India, Asia as well. Yeah i take pride in that. I opened up and explored a new world altogether. I started my first company with my friends. We would make ads, do photo shoots, do events, do logos, window displays, what all and what not. While still in college, companies would want us to core. Life moved on, we moved to new set of gf's and then our little company split. I didn't abandon ship though and decided to stay head strong. Only later i saw my little company being taken over by somebody i loved the most.
I had to come back home and remained clueless for two three years. I abandoned doing arts or anything relative. I would sleep at 6 in the morning. Those were dark days. Really really dark. Its like from being Mr. Somebody you become an ugly nobody. Some one who's got eyes but cannot see. I started to meditate. I got introduced to a very beautiful life philosophy. I gathered myself and began to find something that i truly would love to do.
one fine day, i googled 'how to make games'. Its been four years since i did that. I've done a game title with GS and my second one is coming up. Keeping my fingers crossed, that i'll be able to feel the morning sunshine with this one. I always like to mention my favourite lines from batman. The league of shadows had burnt down bruce's house. Bruce is down shattered and broken. Lying on the floor he looks up to Alfred and asks, "Alfred, why do we fall?" Alfred with an affirmative look, smiles and says,"So that we can learn to pick ourselves up." As it is for me, 'Play Again'.
So that's the bit of my story.
I’ve been in the Game Industry for 20 years now and I’ve helped ship over 40 titles on everything from the PC, Super Nintendo, Sega Saturn, MAC, PS2, XBox, GameBoy Advanced, PS3, XBox360, Wii, Kinnect, PlayStation Move, Nintendo DS, iOS / Android, and HTML5. I’ve worked at independent game developers (NovaLogic, Genuine Games, BlackOps Entertainment, and Brandissimo), top Publishers (3DO, Activision, and THQ), and I’ve freelanced as a Business Development consultant for toy companies such as Razor USA and MGA Entertainment.
In my experience, I’ve worked with the US Military on Mil-Sims (Comanche: Maximum Overkill, F-22, F-16/MiG-29, Wolfpack, Armored Fist, etc.), I’ve worked with Hollywood on numerous film / licensed titles (Spider-Man & Marvel, Kung Fu Panda & Dreamworks, Terminator, Fight Club, and Tony Hawk), I’ve worked on titles associated with the Music Industry (50-Cent, G-Unit, Guitar Hero), and I’ve worked on titles in the Sports Industry (NFL, UFC).
I’ve worked 9 years as a traditional Game Designer, generating full product pitches, drafting 100+ page Design Documents, generating game levels, scripting AI, and generating reward and balance systems. Additionally, I’ve worked 9 years as a Producer, both at a Dev Studio – managing Dev teams of over 60 people, and at publishers like Activision – managing contracts, finding and signing development teams & contractors, coordinating the PR/Marketing, QA, and Sales efforts with Development, and aiding in the development of new technology (i.e. the Guitar Hero Guitar Grip for the Nintendo DS). In the last 2 years, I’ve worked primarily as a self-employed contractor and consultant, splitting my time between helping other companies and designing and developing my own GameSalad titles (I’ve got 5 out and I’m working on some new ones while I split my time).
I’m hardly a Programmer and my Art skills are self-taught – which makes GameSalad my favorite platform to develop on currently.
This is an awesome community and while I mostly lurk in the background, I do chirp in every once in a blue moon to try and help a fellow Salad-slinger.. That said, don't hesitate to ping me if anyone has any Game Design questions.
(And no, I’m not an old industry Dinosaur either – I’m just 40)
- KS
Always had an interest in gaming, went through the c64's, atari, nintendo, sega's, microsoft, sony's and apple's smartphone!
Had a dream as a kid to make video games!
Studied computing in general but never went into a specific area growing up.
Living in the UK, i was fascinated around the hype of an iphone, got one imported from the US in the 2g days!
One day, I decided I wanted to make a game for an iphone and i went about googling how .. Along came GS!
I was a Windows user and made the plunge to buy my 1st Mac to get involved with GS. It was a small thing when I started, had no features like it does today, the forums were like a little local village, I had to save every 2 minutes but you know what, I loved it, I was home, it all just felt right!
In short, GameSalad has changed my life;
1. It took me off the ghastly Windows platform and opened me up to a whole new world of 'it just works right'.
2. Its allowed me and still allowing me to realise my childhood dream of creating games.
Self taught with no college or university training and been with gs for just over 3 years.
Plans for the future include winning the lottery and moving to Spain
I came in 2 yrs ago knowing nothing about computer programming or making a game. Now I'm making a living off it which blows my mind everyday. I've been a musician , composer and artist for over 20 years, but also have learned video editing , sound music editing , photo image editing software for a while now and that's why I think I picked up making games so quickly .
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I've spent most of my working life since finishing college in the TV and movie post production industry. I started out at a post production company called Todd-AO, part of the Ascent Media group. At Ascent Media we provided a complete post production service, although when I started out I was primarily concerned with the film development side of things. Every night we'd take the rushes (or dailies for you Americans), which were the reels of film that had been shot that day on various productions around the country. We'd process the film reels overnight, telecine transfer the footage to another format, often DVDs or digibeta tapes, perform some basic colour-correction and sound syncing on the way and send them back to the set the next morning for the production crew to watch back the foortage they shot the previous day. This whole experience taught me a lot about film development, colour theory and sound syncing.
I then shifted focus within Ascent and started training as an assistant editor. This was the next stage along from what I was previously doing, we'd take the processed and transferred footage and use Avid rigs to edit the whole thing into a final piece.
Unfortunately during my training Ascent decided to merge our company with another, all the while removing our editing facilities to house them elsewhere. This put a stop to my editor training, which I'm still a bit gutted about to this day.
I left Ascent and went to work at Framestore, one of the largest visual effects houses in Europe. This was great fun and quite a change of direction. Framestore focuses a lot on adding visual effects to edited footage. While I was there they worked on some awesome projects including Casino Royale, a couple of the Harry Potters, and the new batman films, as well as plenty of UK TV drama and indie films. However this was all at the height of the global recession, and redundancy struck a lot of us including me around that time. I decided that as much as I love that industry it's just too unstable, so I changed track.
My experience with graphics and media landed me a job as an interface designer and technical illustrator for an engineering company, where I've been for a few years now. However I'm currently trying to get out of employment altogether and work for myself as an indie game developer. You can follow my progress if you're interested at
Wow I just looked up at my screen, I never meant to type so much, sorry guys!
At age seven I was given a computer magazine with a picture of some Disney animation workshop software running on an Amiga 500. It just showed a few frames of a walk cycle… from that day I always wanted to be an animator…… and 14 years later I guess I become one when I left uni...I never got an Amiga 500…
In the mid 80's my brother and I shared an Acorn Electron (BBC computer), it came with a textbook full of BASIC code. We'd take it in turns to sit and type out all the code, saving it onto a take cassette, and loading it back each time to add more to it… eventually we had a working black and white painting program which let you use the arrow keys to paint with letters. There was no mouse… the painting program was rubbish but rewarding all the same... (It taught me to touch type before I was 10)..
I grew up loving Tetris and Mario on the NES, and Mario, Zelda and Expire Strikes back on the Snes. I've dabbled creating my own level packs for Quake on my Mums 386 PC, and setting up small LAN networks with friends.
Age 18 I went to Art College where I studied art and design and produced some interesting mixed media animation in Flash (when it was Macromedia Flash) as well as lots of drawing, painting, fashion design, photography and more. I then went onto uni in Southampton (in the UK) where I studied Illustration and Animation. Here I spent two years learning animation theory drawing over light boxes, the 3rd year I spent solidly in 3ds max. I was lucky enough to win a Royal Television Award for my student film 'The Tales of Heavens Waiting Room'.
It's old now:
Since then I've worked for a hand drawn kids company for 2 years, and 7 years with my current video production company producing a mix of hand drawn, 2D, 3D and filmed videos. Some of the highlights from my current work place have been the creation of a 10 minute long childrens animated short in stereoscopic 3D, which I got my first Directors credit on. Another was filming mountain biking in the Brecon Beacons over a week for Halfords new bike range. I've also done alot of motion graphics video work for Adobe, British Telecom, Mitel, BBC and about a billion less recognisable brands.
At the studio I'm now one of the Lead animators and know my way pretty solidly around Adobe After Effects to create all manner of visuals. On a normal day I help out a team of 3 or 4 junior animators. Keeping up to date with plugins and animation techniques and styles is still a daily learning process.
In the next 2 or 3 weeks Im packing it it all in. We've sold our house and we're buying one by the sea 4 hours away near Plymouth. I'm leaving my full time job (of 7.5 years) becoming a freelance animator. Hoping to have a lot more time to work on indie games whilst also building up my own animation studio (Stormy Studio)…
My own latest showreel of bits:
I'm 31 years old a father of 2 (Phoebe is 3, little Dexter is only 6 weeks old) I'm about to risk it all for a life by the sea and the independence of being my own boss… fingers severely crossed
I got into GameSalad during paternity leave 3.5 years ago. I loved the ease of the software and wanted to create something for the then booming App store... since then the app store is so big its just crazy. I've made 4 games to date (plus lite versions) (Quake Builder and the Asteroids, Contented Baby Sleep, Escape Artist and Audio Invaders). Plus about 25 unfinished projects, and a handful of templates. I've learnt an awful lot, been addicted to the forum on and off over the 3 years, and enjoy reading game design sites like gamasutra... the next game will be the one...right? ... oh and I'm still proud of GameSalads review of Audio invaders :-)
Hi Darren , I'm Spanish! in Spain I wait! xD
well I'll try to write a bit of my knowledge, sorry for my English, as I said before I am Spanish ....
I I started in the computer world some 16 years ago, now I have 28 and I'll have a baby in two months, I was always very self-taught, and have always moved in sectors such as computer, music, 3D design and now with GameSalad, I've always been a restless mind.
The post was 16 my first album of electronic music for sale under the seal HBO Records, after spending two years in the music and for personal reasons leave the music, from there i was doing 3D and web design with wordpress, I've also created some websites with Joomla for some companies. Above all in the field of virtual stores virtuemart.
When the iphone went on sale and saw its potential I knew I had to learn to develop games, but the code is not very well so I was looking through Google I found that GameSalad and I'm here two years.
GameSalad also changed my life, I have worked with the largest private TV company in my country, developing the official game of Formula 1 (trivial), and many other works, for the past year I have my own company and I'm working on time complete with GameSalad. I still have a lot to learn, but surely this fantastic community that nothing will be a problem.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page