Is game development good to live on?

Ok so im getting rather depressed. I got my GCSE's (final exams) next year. Im not doing well in school and I don't specialise in anything. How am I supposed to get a job when i'm 16 when I fail at most things I do. I can't even make a game through gamesalad.

Don't try to be more...
...Just be you.
So just keep studying and don't give up so easily. Years down the road you're going to look back and think to yourself how easy high school material was and how you should have taken advantage of your time back then. So don't let yourself end up regretting your choices!
Web design, Game development & Graphics. But for me there is no money in any of them.
I'm doing architecture at university and that is (generally) a seven year course that apparently ends up with dreadful pay unless you make a name of yourself.
I don't mean to go after something that pays nothing and that you are rubbish at but you enjoy, a balance of the two is good.
To say there is no money in any of them is just none sense
Now think about why....
Because they typically work for a large company that spends ton's of money on marketing.
You got to have someone to sell your product to. Just making a product does not make ANY money.
Sure, there are one man teams but they are exceptions for a couple reasons:
1. On top of being good at development they are sharks when it comes to selling themselves.
2. They have been around the block enough to know how things work from experience (Ask Joe what all he has done in his computer career)
My advice - Dont get all whiny about life when your only 16. Take everything in...Learn, Grow!
Slow down and enjoy it and pick something you can make a career out of. Start it after college though. You arent doogie howser... thats some TV, not real life.
I hate those shows where kids are 19 and already are millionaires selling mansions and !@#$%.
They never brag about how there parents gave the a 14million for start up.
And also learn how to play guitar! (thats actually the secret to life)
I didnt have a good job until i was 28 Thats why i said learn guitar!
Took me around the world... i was broke but it was fun lol
I know the guitar, sort of. I gave it up though. Which is kind of ironic.
you shouldn't be having middle life crisis yet.
stop whining and go do something about it. I'm sorry for the harsh words, but you wont get anywhere just complaining.
and hey, don't expect to get everything perfect on the first try.
With almost everything I enjoy in my life, I sucked the first ( and second, and third, etc.) time I did it. The point is to not give up. Growth is a product of failure. If we didn't have the capacity to fail, we wouldn't have the capacity to learn/grow.
Just read up on how muscle is built:
im nearly 15 now, i'm a genius at computers because i have been using them since i was 5 XD
I'm quite good at school and i have Italian exams (GCSEs) in less than a month!
Last year i was completely lost as you are now:
Went very bad at school, i had NEVER come across a mac, i did not have a girlfriend and i did not recieve 200-500$ a month as i do now thx to GS.
be positive! Time will help
Do you see what I mean? You won't be going into a career for a long while yet (likely anyway) and have soooo much time ahead of you. I am no expert being only slightly older than you, however you must simply persevere. If you can't do very well at something but enjoy it, i.e this, then keep at it, until you do get good. Then perhaps go to college or university and take courses in game design or something similar to your interests.
Anyway, to sum up. Don't worry! Just try your best!
I spent a year at art college, took up smoking and learnt that I loved animation. Then did 3 year course doing hand drawn animation and illustration. Taught myself other program like flash, 3ds max etc. Your obviously a bright super computer literate 15 year old.
Any luck with istax yet? What bits are you stuck on?
And yes take up guitar again. I've been playing for 18 years and still rubbish but love it.
With help from a good friend, I decided to focus on web design. Maybe I'll take up iPhone programming when I come 20-22. But because at the moment I make games with game salad as a hobby. I won't be buying another licensee next year because I simply can't afford one. Unless of course they do updates to make unlimited scenes possible and then somehow Istax makes me £150.
Maybe there is a gameplay modification that would get you around the GS limitation...No?
machine code, gamesalad appeared in my life when I turned 40. but I never gave up, worked
with web and animation in this period.
A big hug from Brazil
I've had to go back in time to visit myself at these points just to prevent a paradox
I've posted this before, but think this might help:
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I know what you're feeling about that point in life, but honestly, don't worry about it. Eventually, you'll sit down, be doing something, lose track of time working on it, and realize, "huh, I like this". The trick is to get good at it. You can make a very comfortable to extravagant income on anything depending on your talent and skills. It's the overpopulated ones that're tough, though. If you even plan on being, say, a general surgeon, you better be a really good general surgeons to get anywhere. If you're a neurologist, though, it's harder, but you've got a greater chance of success.
- GCSE's are achievable as it's just a memory thing just make sure you kick out all friends/
distractions 2/3 weeks before and then write down what you need to learn, every day try and shrink it down to key points & sentences, then shrink it again until you can have a series of cards with one word (or picture) on one side and an explaination on the other. Carry the cards with you every day up to the exam... Do your best.
- college/uni - do something you enjoy and not what you think will get you the most places or pay more as you will only come back to sething you enjoy in the end. Party very hard, travel on the cheap and enjoy the opposite sex (don't take a girlfriend to uni)
- getting laid: Read 'The Game' it's a true story about a pick up artist sub culture. Essentially they are geeks who work out ways to appeal to women... Pick up tips but don't delve and get TOO into it.
- games: start small, challenge yourself to make a game in a week but keep it simple like traffic ninja, doodle jump or red block remover. Once done try releasing it for free as hundreds of people will download it and will increase your confidence. Then try something bigger but plan first in a pad before hitting GS
this is only my opinion but hope it helps
p.s. You have a couple of years of having trouble getting beer and getting into clubs ahead of you. If you do try (which I would never recomend
@debugdesign I cant drink beer. I have coeliac disease. So It's just wine when I grow up.
@Tempowebdesign What were you doing with your iPhone near the toilet?
I can't sing, so I got a singer. I can't play drums (very well) so I got a drummer. If I wanted to play live, I'd need another guitarist and bass player...
And that Pachobel, eh? I can't believe he stole the chords structure from a Green Day song. OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...