*~*Release RevMob and Chartboost?*~*
As many of you may know, the holidays are a very very BIG season for App Sales and Downloads. On Christmas millions of people open up their brand new iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android devices. These people begin finding downloading games and apps like mad with their shiny new toy.
One thing that sucks about the holidays though is Apple employees every year thus far have gone on a vacation from about Dec 16th-ish through until Jan 2nd or so. That is 2 weeks of nothing be able to be submit. A stand still. (BTW the whole iTunes Connect is generally down so you can't even release anything in that period either).
So lets consider GS current priorities. They are working on numerous thing. Bug fixes, Async multiplayer, Tizen, and Revmob/Chartboost. At their current rate, (and I'm sure they realize this), they will not be finishing this 11.0 update until sometime during Apple's break or maybe after it. Lets say though by some miracle they finish it before the 2nd week in Dec (I highly doubt it). Even if they did, what good does it do any of you? In that time you couldn't utilize ANYTHING. The mass majority of you couldn't possibly finish a game, test it through, submit it for Apples 1 week queue, and have your game live before they go on break. Unless you are just that amazing. (Keep in mind they are also flooded with review requests for the same reason)
So what of all the things that GS is working on could we utilize RIGHT now that will make the biggest impact on our revenue during the holidays and would be the quickest one for us to do an update adding??? ... RevMob and Chartboost. If they set it as a focus for testing for the next two weeks and released in a small patch update by the end of Nov we ALL can benefit. We can actually generate a decent ad revenue through the biggest season of the year! The code for adding those ad networks is done by GS own admission. They simply have it set behind other things to test that obviously won't benefit us this year.
It makes way more sense for them to release things we can use NOW, rather than release it in the New Year and miss the holiday rush right? What do you think?
P.S. For those who don't seem to understand. I'm not saying to throw at a bug filled ad network release. I'm saying it should be set at a forefront of testing to get it released in a solo update in time for the holidays.
One thing that sucks about the holidays though is Apple employees every year thus far have gone on a vacation from about Dec 16th-ish through until Jan 2nd or so. That is 2 weeks of nothing be able to be submit. A stand still. (BTW the whole iTunes Connect is generally down so you can't even release anything in that period either).
So lets consider GS current priorities. They are working on numerous thing. Bug fixes, Async multiplayer, Tizen, and Revmob/Chartboost. At their current rate, (and I'm sure they realize this), they will not be finishing this 11.0 update until sometime during Apple's break or maybe after it. Lets say though by some miracle they finish it before the 2nd week in Dec (I highly doubt it). Even if they did, what good does it do any of you? In that time you couldn't utilize ANYTHING. The mass majority of you couldn't possibly finish a game, test it through, submit it for Apples 1 week queue, and have your game live before they go on break. Unless you are just that amazing. (Keep in mind they are also flooded with review requests for the same reason)
So what of all the things that GS is working on could we utilize RIGHT now that will make the biggest impact on our revenue during the holidays and would be the quickest one for us to do an update adding??? ... RevMob and Chartboost. If they set it as a focus for testing for the next two weeks and released in a small patch update by the end of Nov we ALL can benefit. We can actually generate a decent ad revenue through the biggest season of the year! The code for adding those ad networks is done by GS own admission. They simply have it set behind other things to test that obviously won't benefit us this year.
It makes way more sense for them to release things we can use NOW, rather than release it in the New Year and miss the holiday rush right? What do you think?
P.S. For those who don't seem to understand. I'm not saying to throw at a bug filled ad network release. I'm saying it should be set at a forefront of testing to get it released in a solo update in time for the holidays.
Yeah, I really want these. Before or after Christmas is an irrelevant time frame based solely of personal desire. I'm not losing money by not having the two, since I've never had the two, I simply just don't have access to the opportunity to possibly gain a bit more revenue at this time.
Also I have to imagine if you are planning a game for Holiday release it should really be complete already and in the approval process to take advantage of the full holiday shopping season.
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Neither of you seem to understand such a basic concept. We do NOT have a functioning nor worthwhile ad network in place to earn revenue off of. Since ads are becoming a major driving force in revenue for apps YES YOU ARE MISSING REVENUE. ALOT in the holiday season.
@DeadlySeriousMedia How does that have to do solely with personal desire. Is the holiday season our peak season or not? By not having ad networks in place are we NOT losing money??? We are. If it is something they can have it out in time for us to put in our apps in time for the holiday season you are missing out. It is business smarts not personal desire.
@jamie_c How does having a game already really matter with the above argument. For example, if they added in Async Multiplayer a week before Apple goes on break, you couldn't possible integrate it in time. BUT if they release ads you could click check a few buttons in the publisher and submit it. That is a major difference.
@DeadlySeriousMedia Lets look at this a different way. If I was a middle man for you receiving your funds for your apps. Lets say you release an app and it generates a $1000 in a month. You need this money in order to add some cool features to your app that could potentially keep interest in your app, but I decide (being the middleman) that I'm going to place a 2 month hold on your money. Wouldn't this impact your business? Could this cost you money because your update can't be done for 2 months until you receive your money? By your reasoning... because you don't have your money you aren't missing out on anything right???
And your assessment was based on their obliviousness to what was being said.
GS has the ad network done code wise. IT IS AWAITING TESTING BEHIND OTHER THINGS. Put it to the forefront, not difficult. Refer to their Roadmap.
So instead of making sure you make the best game possible with gamesalad and the known problems, you would rather worry about how to make some money from a advertising. Don't get me wrong I would like ad revenue as well. But first and foremost I would rather have a better game to sell.
Let me throw it at you this way. No new ads is released before Christmas, and people get your new game. Well if it's that good of a game, then just update it with the ads after the fact. Because people will still be playing your game. So when you add the ads is not relevant. The key is making a game with replay and fun value. If you just want a bunch of initial downloads so you can get a one time ad fee, because people will delete it after one time playing, well good luck with that
They are always fixing bugs. When is that ever not going to be an issue. Besides I haven't come across anything so astoundingly bad that it will annihilate my game in the current versions. You are obviously misinterpreting what is being said. Of course any huge game impacting bug that can be fixed should be released as well, but I haven't come across any. At the moment the main thing lacking that could be fixed right this second is a functioning ad network.
I may get flack for saying this, but of course revenue is important to me. I have to live off what I make from my apps so how is it not? Yes I want to release a good quality game and I make them because I enjoy them not entirely for revenue, but I would by lying if I didn't say I do what I do to earn money. Do you go into work and work for free just because you like doing it? How do you pay your bills? Even GS understands the concept that a business needs an income in order to sustain itself. Why else do they constantly negotiate things to mutually benefit them with revenue? I'm also not giving them flack for doing so.
How do you not understand that the holiday season provides an enormous boost to sales and downloads? If we can just as easily have an ad network in and be making money off of it why not do so? In my past experience I have seen upwards of 10x the revenue on an holiday versus an average day on RevMob. FYI there are 2 holidays while Apple is on vacation. So you would prefer not to earn that? Higher paying ads run during those times, and it is highly moronic to miss out on the revenue if you can otherwise get it. Besides, it doesn't matter if you have the most amazing replayable game in the world. Many of the downloads you see are always going to be one hit wonders. That is just how this industry works. I fail to see how that is even a slightly intelligible argument.
But like @deadlyseriousmedia said above good job luring me in, I too try to stay away.
@KevinCross Look I get that there are things that are important that they need to get done. Many features needed yes, BUT all those fixes aren't likely to get here before the holidays right? So what purpose do they serve in having them be a focus right this second if ads can be pushed out now before the holidays? Many of us do use ads and for those of us who do, don't you think we would like to have them added before Apple's break?
Possibly. I'm not complaining about GS. They do a great job... well since their new members they have been. I'm not asking them to give me the world, just bug test and release good functioning ad networks through a mini update prior to the holidays. Like they said they already have it ready for testing and all I'm asking is a slight alteration to the priority list so we can utilize something now before the holidays.
This is really only for attempting to get support for that very simple request. Even if you don't use ads you must see how it is beneficial to those of us who do and would like to use them before and during a peak season.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
As for your edit... what does that have ANYTHING to do with what is being discussed here? Good for you. Maybe some of us depend on the earnings through the holidays and would like to maximize it rather than let the free versions earn nothing.
@FryingBaconStudios I assume that a lot of that is contract work and also even at 10k in a year that isn't a lot unless you do this part time but even then that is less than minimum wage in america.
@FallacyStudios I have no idea why anyone is fighting you on this! It is like they are arguing a pay raise! Revmob has unheard of ecpms, a Net15 payout, and amazingly fast updates to its dashboard! This is my #1 request because I am having trouble making money without it.
Lol thank you. I can't understand why so many people are arguing earning more money as well. The way people are blowing up at me over this you would think I just asked them for their money and that I'm not attempting to get them earning more.
-_- I didn't realize he said 10k this year. I thought he meant this month.
As for Revmob I'm with you on that one. I can vouch that they are an excellent ad network. I've been making a steady good income from them, better than what I was seeing with Mobclix (when they actually would pay up). Although are you sure they are Net15? I thought it was Net45 that I've been getting.
Yea I definitely agree with the RevMob part. You are certainly justified in what you say about GS based on their past performance definitely, but I have seen very good things since they got people like @CodeWizard and @BlackCloakGS. I have hope that they can spin it around. Getting these ad networks out will definitely make me shut up. It is really the only thing that is a necessity to me. Everything else they plan is great fluff whenever it is that I see it. The ad networks though are certainly important to have for the holidays. Especially since they need to rectify their moronic move of adding the dud Mobclix which has now left us ad-networkless for Android and with piss poor options on iOS. (I'm referring to whomever made the stupid call to add Mobclix in the first place).
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Also this is a super huge concern for me http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/61510/unnecessary-permissions-on-android-are-killing-sales-still#latest
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@FryingBaconStudios yes you may have worked less hours but in terms of financial success of a company, $10,000 after 3 years is not great. The app market is hard and I am sure you are one of the more successful people here but ads could greatly contribute to that revenue.
@Team6Labs Gamesalad is not for amateurs! It is for entrepreneurs. If you can produce games quickly and get the same value from those games (considering we get good ad networks) who will be making more money? It is also for beginners but to say that it is only for beginners is closed minded.
@imGua That sucks man. Although, them pushing ad networks into the front of testing (because the code is done) should not impact their coders fixing a server issue. I'm sure they have someone working on it. I'm sure they will extend the promo if it is their fault you didn't make it. Don't take this the wrong way, but I wouldn't say that is necessarily a higher priority than the ad networks anyways. The ad networks provide revenue across all 3 markets. Something that we do not currently have an option for. That issue really only involves 1 markets revenue and its only Amazon. In either case they should fix it and it is a simple enough update because it would be server side anyways isn't it?
@AlvinF agreed.