Anyone else seen the Giant Red Ball app on Apple?



  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    :)) :)) :)) :)) best comment I've seen^^^ :))


    (P.S you do know the whole thing is a scam don't you?)

    You really shouldn't spread rumors.
  • @Socks thanks I'll remember that ^:)^
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    :)) :)) :)) :)) best comment I've seen^^^ :))


    (P.S you do know the whole thing is a scam don't you?)

    You really shouldn't spread rumors.
    True, the game might have bounced around the top ten for a week due to its originality, gameplay, polished user interface and glowing reviews. :)
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    It's at -4 now! It's actually gone past number 1 ! OMG !
  • If that was possible that's when I would consider giving it a try^ :-q
  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    :)) :)) :)) :)) best comment I've seen^^^ :))


    (P.S you do know the whole thing is a scam don't you?)

    You really shouldn't spread rumors.
    True, the game might have bounced around the top ten for a week due to its originality, gameplay, polished user interface and glowing reviews. :)
    You forgot the "most anticipated game of 2014".
  • :)) [-X can't forget about that big one!!
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    I'm astonished the draconian Apple hasn't done anything about any of this.
    Has anyone tried to report him at all? That's insane I wanna know what he's doing
    People have been reporting him for years now, for all sorts of scams, taking people's games (Tshirtbooth amongst others on this forum) and uploading them to the App Store under his own name, 'selling' the rights to games (which might not have been his in the first place) for hundreds / thousands of dollars then once he has the money refusing to deliver the files unless he gets the same amount of cash again, if you complain he tells you to open up a dispute with PayPal (in the meantime he closes down his linked PayPal account and disappears with the cash) . . . this latest scheme is just one in a long line, he's a serial app schemer ! Because of his age (he's under 18) and the fact that he lives in another country (Canada?) it's hard to track him down / sue him / get your money back.
    I highly doubt he is under 18. I would be astonished. More than likely some 40 year old virgin type living in a basement somewhere running scam after scam. Anyone a talented hacker or know one? Find him lol. I think a lot of angry people want to have a word with him.

  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    Lol actually here is what I think Apple should do. Let him ride this out because he is probably dumping money into it to keep it afloat. After a month and before paying him, remove the game, ban his account, and withhold his "earnings". They can claim he violated TOU.

    Then this fishy scum bag might come out of hiding to try and sue Apple. When he does all those who have been lining up to sue him will have him out in the open. Smoke this SOB out of hiding lol.
  • Thats what they should do but in reality nothing will probably happen.
  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    Red Bouncing Ball Spike HD version now #49
  • That's just not right. People put time into there apps and end up getting beat by someone who did absolutely nothing
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I'm astonished the draconian Apple hasn't done anything about any of this.
    Has anyone tried to report him at all? That's insane I wanna know what he's doing
    People have been reporting him for years now, for all sorts of scams, taking people's games (Tshirtbooth amongst others on this forum) and uploading them to the App Store under his own name, 'selling' the rights to games (which might not have been his in the first place) for hundreds / thousands of dollars then once he has the money refusing to deliver the files unless he gets the same amount of cash again, if you complain he tells you to open up a dispute with PayPal (in the meantime he closes down his linked PayPal account and disappears with the cash) . . . this latest scheme is just one in a long line, he's a serial app schemer ! Because of his age (he's under 18) and the fact that he lives in another country (Canada?) it's hard to track him down / sue him / get your money back.
    I highly doubt he is under 18. I would be astonished. More than likely some 40 year old virgin type living in a basement somewhere running scam after scam. Anyone a talented hacker or know one? Find him lol. I think a lot of angry people want to have a word with him.

    Actually I think back in the day @tshirtbooth tracked him down and called his parents. He was like 14 at the time I think.

    But yea. He had a history of buying templates, taking free Templars, stealing games from the old version of the arcade and then trying to PM people and sell the whole lot of them for like $200.

    He'd also publish templates trying to make a buck.

    Mateen is a con artist. Everytime he was banned he came back for awhile.

    Only good thing is of he ever applies for a job and they google his name all this stuff will come up.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    What ever panned out from that? Did he talk to them? Honestly should get Tshirtbooth to post his address on the forums with pissed off people. Let them all go there and sue his parent into oblivion for allowing this. They are either the worlds most oblivious parents or are accomplices.
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,285
    Only good thing is of he ever applies for a job and they google his name all this stuff will come up.
    I doubt he'll ever need to apply for a job after this payday!
  • So true aha he's probably making a ton now with both games in the top charts!
  • Kratos21Kratos21 Member Posts: 3
    Hiya all.

    It's my first post on the forum and have a newbie question. I've been reading this thread about the Red Ball game and there has been some real negativity here. Putting aside the past behaviours of the creator I have a question about the use of templates.

    I have been looking at a few SDKs for beginners and GameSalad seems well supported. But if I was to build a game for public sale using a template is this regarded as wrong, immoral or scamming? Aren't they allowed to be used this way?

    Also on visiting the forums I'm getting a hack warning "You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *" Is this normal?

  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375
    edited February 2014
    Hiya all.

    I have been looking at a few SDKs for beginners and GameSalad seems well supported. But if I was to build a game for public sale using a template is this regarded as wrong, immoral or scamming? Aren't they allowed to be used this way?

    Also on visiting the forums I'm getting a hack warning "You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *" Is this normal?

    No, it is not wrong to publish a game made from a template. It is wrong to resell that template as your own.

    I believe that the error is normal since the forums are hosted by vanilla.
  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    edited February 2014
    Hiya all.

    It's my first post on the forum and have a newbie question. I've been reading this thread about the Red Ball game and there has been some real negativity here. Putting aside the past behaviours of the creator I have a question about the use of templates.

    I have been looking at a few SDKs for beginners and GameSalad seems well supported. But if I was to build a game for public sale using a template is this regarded as wrong, immoral or scamming? Aren't they allowed to be used this way?

    Also on visiting the forums I'm getting a hack warning "You attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as *" Is this normal?

    The negativity is not towards the Templet use or there use at all thats what there for, it's how this app made it too the Top in 1 day after being on the app store for a year.
  • Thats exactly what this thread was about.
  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764
    edited February 2014
    Red Bouncing Ball spike HD now #27
    Red Bouncing Ball spike now #2 and in top grossing #102
  • muoch10muoch10 Member Posts: 112
    edited February 2014
    If you go to the web browser page for red bouncing ball spikes ( and click on the "Red Bouncing Ball Spikes Support" link it brings you to which says:

    "We have social media accounts with
    thousands of followers available for sale.
    Market your brand, sell your products, share your music"

    Maybe he is using that? It only advertises social networks but maybe they made some type of deal for the app store?
  • Hes #102 in grossing now? just like 2 hours ago he was #170
  • TouchiMediaTouchiMedia Member Posts: 154
    I really don't understand how you can climb up the charts.. especially if it costs a dollar to download.. nothing makes sense!
  • I know I'm so confused on what he is doing!
  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    We would all give him $500 for his secret thou, maybe that 'll be his next trick! :ar!
  • haha couldn't be anymore true id love to see one of my games up there!!!
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    I really don't understand how you can climb up the charts.. especially if it costs a dollar to download.. nothing makes sense!
    It only costs him 30 cents to download . . . the theory is if you spend enough money getting an app into the top 10, then the inertia of genuine sales (sales by people who buy it because it must be a great game being in the top 10) takes you passed your initial outlay and into profit.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    @Socks that sounds like a scam.

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