
michaeln93michaeln93 Member, PRO Posts: 68

I recently paid a GS member a couple hundreds to mimic a simple but addicting (to me at least) game and also add extra features. The initial process dated a few months back and he has delivered it, but it was full of glitches/bugs. I pointed them out and asked him to fix them which he did but it spawned other new glitches/bugs. Finally he told me to wait a few days and after the first week I suspect him of ditching so I emailed him asking if he had fixed the bugs. He said yes but kept on promising me "tomorrow" and "I'm busy today". Then I was sure that he wanted to ditch the broken project and kept my money since he told me this for 5 weeks now. I mean if it is finished all you need to do is attach the file, right? I knew from the first week he was bs-ing me, but I played along for 5 weeks! He told me last week he was free and would deliver but after three emails I have yet to receive a response. Yup, I got scammed a few hundreds.

If you are reading this, prove me wrong and deliver it, please...



  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    My question is - a) why did you pay the full amount. b) why didnt you set milestones

    This way, you have control over the final outcome. Even if I know the person/regular freelancer doing any kind of work for me, I NEVER pay the entire amount until I am happy with the end result.

    Deposit, see concepts, mock ups etc - discuss plan/roadmap set milestones if needed.

    Personally, I would name and shame any scammers.

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  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    @michaeln93 I'm sorry to hear about your problems with another member. You'll need to contact that person directly as you entered into a business relationship with him. This is the reason that people frequently recommend signing legal contracts and/or finding other ways to ensure that you won't get taken advantage of. Otherwise, you risk exactly what you describe.

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  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    I constantly say around here to beware who you hire! Many people think they can code but really can't and then they start offering services. There are many highly qualified coders for higher with quality reputations. Although these people like myself charge $30 per hour or more, remember you get what you pay for. When you hire someone on the cheap they tend to bail as they don't understand the work involved and it becomes not worth the short money they charged.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    I agree with the Guru here, you do need to be careful who you hire. There are many people who say they can do the job but dont deliver. I have repaired many jobs that others have started and not completed. The problem with this is, bug fixing someone else's work isnt easy.

    If im doing a game build I chage a deposit and a final fee. This protects both sides. If im doing an ongoing project, i sell blocks of hours so its convienient for the customers to pay and easy to book work in this works well for both sides too. But certainly in this case, you shouldnt have handed over all the money and Im sorry that someone has turned you over or at least not delivered the product you expected.

    With that said, Im sure we all would be interested in the persons identity...

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    Sorry to hear this, i hate to see posts like this :(


  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343

    Bad news to hear.

    So it's known I am able to admit my faults using GS...sometimes I have answered questions to relatively simple (to me) issues. They usually are guidance vs providing an actual breakdown of clean code...

    Example would be I certainly do not use code like when game.start is true...make attribute = 1...I'm a press start button and go guy. This is because I am still learning the value I along this equal true or 1...2 and such.

    At one time I thought it would be great to have a little side thing going...helping people with publishing, certificates and things...charged a few people at first...did help them...but also the reason I made tutorials. For the most part I have lots of views...helped many people but also realize they are not "pro tutorials" and most likely viewed by a few people (unspoken) to be not dirty code, but dirty tutorials. I certainly hope I have never been thought of that way. It's been less than a year that I came to GS. Still noob. Big time noob as I learn how hard it is to make clean code...and why. I'm not the guy he's referring to...but I can see how easy it would be to make a game full of bugs..just skirting the line of a game that jut doesn't function...and build it to a point of ending up spending a huge amount of time even to make simple adjustments...especially when building for someone. to hear a person feels they got scammed.

  • jamie_cjamie_c Member, PRO Posts: 5,772

    I hope it gets worked out for you.

    As others have mentioned above at least let it be a learning experience. Next time you buy any service from a freelancer I suggest paying in 3 stages, 1/3 up front to get them started, 1/3 at a pre-determined mid point in the project and the final 1/3 when you are both satisfied with the final product.

  • WbokoWboko Tennessee, USAMember, PRO Posts: 621

    Sorry, @‌michaeln93 that sucks!

    I agree with @The_Gamesalad_Guru‌ and @jamie_c that you get what you pay for and to always be clear up front about only paying in small deliverable parts....

    PM with what you have and I will see if I can't clean some of the bugs out of it for you. I am not really busying for the next week, that is if you want and also I am offering my time for free....

    Still sucks and I think it would be sweet to call their @$$ out here by name!!!

    Good Luck!

  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343


    Nice gesture to help the guy out. One awesome for you !!

  • WbokoWboko Tennessee, USAMember, PRO Posts: 621

    Thank you @Thunder_Child!

    It would just be really cool to get a chance to help someone and do what I dig, and that is build some Awesome games for people to have fun with!!

  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291

    Sorry to hear @michaeln93,
    that really sucks and it also makes it harder for you to trust people later on. As everyone above has said, cut your payments up. Either pay some up front, in the middle of the project then at the end, or half up front then the other half once complete. That's just two ways you can do it but there are many other ways you can go about it but the ONE thing you DON'T do is pay it all up front. Also, you got to make sure that they have previous work to show to you. Also, you need to make sure that it is clear on both ends what is wanted from beginning to end and including the layout, game play, etc.

    When ever I am working with a client we talk and message over Skype, email if need be, and use drop box for everything. The cool thing with using Skype is you can screen share what you have so far and see if it's what the user wanted. I also create builds along the way throughout the duration of the project for the user to test it so far to make sure they like it.

    Also as some have mentioned it would be nice to know who the person is so others know to stay away from that individual. Hope things work out for you!

    P.S.- @Wboko‌ gets an AwEsOmE from me as well! Very kind of you to offer that!

  • FajlajpFajlajp Member Posts: 666

    Sent you a pm

  • WbokoWboko Tennessee, USAMember, PRO Posts: 621
    edited July 2014

    Thank you for the AwEsOmE @KillerPenguinStudios!!!

    An and AwEsOmE back at you for agreeing that @michaeln93 should air the name here so no one else gets slammed by the same person!

  • michaeln93michaeln93 Member, PRO Posts: 68
    edited July 2014

    Hey guys, I can't put him on blast (just yet) that will destroy his profile and business. I am a very honest and good-hearted person so I am giving him a chance to fix this problem. I guess that's why I trusted him and paid in full, since I didn't think he would want to screw his business up by doing this. I'm still in college and that was pretty much all I had at the time, I was going to upload an app hoping I would get profit to pay off my debts. I was thinking of splitting them up but I didn't want him to think I was trying to scam him... guess that was my mistake.

    Also thanks you guys for offering to help me fix the template but I just got an email from him saying that he will deliver it tomorrow. I just hope I don't have to wait another week until his next email.

  • WbokoWboko Tennessee, USAMember, PRO Posts: 621

    @Fajlajp said:
    Sent you a pm

    @michaeln93 said:
    Also thanks you guys for offering to help me fix the template but I just got an email from him saying that he will deliver it tomorrow. I just hope I don't have to wait another week until his next email.

  • AdrenalineAdrenaline Member Posts: 523

    Even if you receive the final product now, so much time has passed that you have been scammed. It's selfish and disrespectful to draw out the process, dodge emails, etc.

    Handling the agreement, payments, delivery schedule, etc. is often pretty uncomfortable at first but it really shouldn't be overlooked - trust me, I've been burned many times.

    I'm with everyone else - this person's name should be shared because no one else wants to deal with this guy regardless of what he does from here on out.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    I agree he should be named it might save someone else from going through what you have.

  • lycettebroslycettebros Member, PRO Posts: 1,598
    edited July 2014

    Complicated in naming people I think...I have a curiosity to know but the lawyer in me says there are always two sides to every dispute.

    @michaeln93 is being cautious and to be complemented...I wish you good luck.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited July 2014

    @lycettebros said:
    Complicated in naming people I think...I have a curiosity to know but the lawyer in me says there is always two sides to every dispute.

    michaeln93 is being cautious and to be complemented...I wish you good luck.

    I think we should name him, have a fair trial and hang him but then again maybe @lycettebros has a point :smile:.

  • Tiny_IdeasTiny_Ideas Member Posts: 326

    Let's not all jump on to the band Wagon until the other side has a chance to defend against claims. No one else knows the details so to out right assume someone is in the wrong and go out try to publicly shame him and and attempt to ruin his/her business is another example of the unprofessional behaviour of some members.

    Well done for not mentioning his name and taking the correct professional measures to get this issue resolved. I wish you all the best :)

  • gamestudentgamestudent Member Posts: 504

    @Thunder_Child said:
    Bad news to hear.

    So it's known I am able to admit my faults using GS...sometimes I have answered questions to relatively simple (to me) issues. They usually are guidance vs providing an actual breakdown of clean code...

    Example would be I certainly do not use code like when game.start is true...make attribute = 1...I'm a press start button and go guy. This is because I am still learning the value I along this equal true or 1...2 and such.

    At one time I thought it would be great to have a little side thing going...helping people with publishing, certificates and things...charged a few people at first...did help them...but also the reason I made tutorials. For the most part I have lots of views...helped many people but also realize they are not "pro tutorials" and most likely viewed by a few people (unspoken) to be not dirty code, but dirty tutorials. I certainly hope I have never been thought of that way. It's been less than a year that I came to GS. Still noob. Big time noob as I learn how hard it is to make clean code...and why. I'm not the guy he's referring to...but I can see how easy it would be to make a game full of bugs..just skirting the line of a game that jut doesn't function...and build it to a point of ending up spending a huge amount of time even to make simple adjustments...especially when building for someone. to hear a person feels they got scammed.

    @thunderchild I loved the tutorials you did on iOS publishing! they helped me so much!

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    Let us know if and when he delivers your product.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    It's worth remembering that generally when contracting work the onus is on the contractee to complete the work and then invoice for the work done. Sometimes a down payment is paid in advance but not always. A similar situation should be expected when hiring a developer - agree on either an estimate or firm cost and pay the invoice when presented. Be extremely suspicious of anyone who demands complete payment up front - that's not how this kind of relationship works.

    Of course, the key to this working is in the word itself - contract work. If neither you nor they can provide one, agree on firm milestones and pay the agreed amount when each milestone is met. That way the risk on each side in limited.

    As for naming them... I don't think publicly naming them is appropriate at the point. If the initial post had been a "So-and-so took on a job, has been paid and has yet to deliver it" I'd feel differently, but this thread involves far too much criticism of this person now to be fair to drag him through it publicly. I'd recommend anyone wanting to know who it is PM the aggrieved party and perhaps he'll share that information privately.

  • ookami007ookami007 Member Posts: 581

    Been scammed myself MANY times. Scammed on oDesk... twice within the last year. They had good feedback, wanted 33% down... then just never did a darn thing.

    Been scammed on Fiverr.... but hey... it's Fiverr.

    Even been scammed here... worked was delivered... it was just someone else's copyrighted work... OOPS! I guess they thought I wouldn't know.

    I know it sucks... but there ARE good people out there.

    But one thing you should NEVER, EVER do is pay everything up front. If the person can't accept that... find someone else.

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692

    You can do a PayPal dispute if they don't come up with the goods, presuming you paid via PP.

    Might be an option..just my 2 cents.


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    Hmm I go both ways here. As a dev who does contract work I've been screwed enough by non payments I don't work unless you pay up front.

    The mod in me says we can't have these personal disputes flaming the forums. Though I also think its important for everyone to know when someone has shirt changed others so the buyer can beware.

    I guess for now we'll see how this plays out. So far it's been rather civil and for that I applaud @michaeln93‌

This discussion has been closed.