


  • michaeln93michaeln93 Member, PRO Posts: 68

    Well it's me again guys.
    So here's the update of what happened;

    He emailed me back saying that it would be finished in a few days after I made this thread (which he told me it was done near week 2 or 3 but did not have the file with him).
    And yes, he sent me the project 2 or 3 days later. Hurray!
    I tested the game on my Mac and iPhone, found a few more bugs and old one that was not fixed yet.
    Emailed him the list that contained no more than 4 bugs/glitches that needed to be fixed.
    Said I will get it by the next day.
    Nearly two weeks later, current date I am still waiting.

    I'd been a bit satisfied if you respond to my email asking for the updates but nothing.

    Dude, why are you doing this to me? It's not like I wanted to bother you, the deal was to finish me a game and I held my end of the deal.

    The project dated back near the end of May!! 3 freaking months! :'(

  • pHghostpHghost London, UKMember Posts: 2,342

    So sorry for you, man. It's terrible when someone you trust doesn't keep his end of the deal.

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