Help with converting ORBZ drawer template to Windows
Anyone have the Drawer ORBZAMPLE for windows? I tried downloading it from but its not formated for windows I tried to convert to windows it didn't work. Please help I really need this file.
Have you tried this tutorial here?
@allc1865 Yes I have tried it didn't work. Maybe you can try to convert it for me and send me the windows file. For some reason it's not working and honestly I don't know what to do..
Try this:
Hope it works!
Open that file on windows
@allc1865 it didn't work bro.. its still in the "gameproj" file... for it to work it needs to be in the "gsproj" file..
I tried to convert it again but it doesn't work.. please help bro 
From the tutorials I've watched it seems like on a Windows computer it'll pull up a file in a folder. From there you can then click the file.
He also said "as long as they're on the same versions".
I don't have GameSalad on PC, so I'm trying to help out as best I can.
What version are you currently working on?
I'll post a screen shot of what I'm getting give me a sec
And thanks I really appreciate you taking out your time to help me
and when I click the file to open it I get . I'vr been getting this for like a week now. I've spent countless nights to change this. Maybe you can ask someone on the gamesalad forum that you know to convert it. and I have . idk what to do and this is stopping me from starting my next app and this is exactly what I need to start it. @allc1865
How about this?