Rag doll?
Hi Everyone I'm new to Gamesalad and this is my first post so I am not Sure if it's in the right place, but does anybody know if it's possible to make a rag doll in Gamesald because I was planning on using it for a game I had in mind?
You mean like a design a "rag doll" like art?
No, I mean like the physics part with joints, etc
Joints aren't supported in GameSalad currently (but there's hope that one day they will)...
You can "fake" it by constraining different actors to each other to give the illusion of joints, but that's as close are you're going to get.
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Hey Braydon, I just thought they may be implemented by now since I saw another post like this from 2012-2013 and said they will be here hopefully by 2014. Oh well, I can't wait until joints are added!
We'll see -- who knows what will come in the upcoming cross-platform Creator...
All sorts of awesomeness, no doubt.
Christ I've been battering this avenue for years and still no signs of joints!
This was something that I really wanted, pretty much given up on it now.
I think if we still haven't got really basic interface tools like guides or folders or the ability to do something as simple as zoom into and out of a project or even the ability to shift focus away from a window without losing your scroll position or window size, or even being able to select two objects at once with a drag-select . . . etc etc etc . . . . . if we still don't have this level of basic functionality then I suspect more advanced features like joints or custom collision shapes are a very very distant hope, if they even get implemented at all.
I think, as others have said before, dreaming of joints or access to the device's images/camera roll or microphone or custom fonts is an exercise in futility, best to treat GameSalad as is, it's still fantastic at what it does, and is slowly improving all the time, and who knows when the new GUI arrives there may well be a few of the basic interface tools people have been requesting for the last half decade, but waiting around for more advanced features like joints will just see the years roll by one by one until we are all old and bitter men . . . .
@Socks Bang On …..Wait, so I'm not really an old and bitter man? Bonus! I love GS and always treat as is, being around the time i have, i've learnt that the hard way … just want to see it move forward though
I'm sure everyone does, including GS themselves, but for whatever reason the progress on some fronts has been glacial . . . .
If we were to go back 5 years, when Tshirtbooth was just a toddler and the GameSalad forum was made from wood, and you told me that in 5 years time, half a decade later, GameSalad would still not have onscreen guides or some kind of basic snap-to-grid, or even a grid for that matter let alone the ability to snap actors to it ! Or that deleting images would still be an exercise in luck and that a project with 1,800 images would still require the user to navigate through a single folder-less, hierarchy-less window that doesn't retain its size or scroll position, and that you'd be dealing with the same 14 fonts and 2 basic collision shapes (etc etc etc) . . . if you were to tell me all this I would have said you were being wildly pessimistic.
Yet it's true that for all the manpower, money and time invested in things like the MarketPlace, GS commercial templates, numerous mobile ad systems (and so on), the basic functionality of the core product is largely unchanged.
@Socks, is this you?
And you just got the color selector fixed!
Lol, I love that guy, must have watched that talk half a dozen times, I might go a watch it again now !
Well, yes, that's kind of the point, these bugs have remained in place (and continue to do so) for years, literally years, not figuratively, but actual we-measure-our-lives-in-these-things years !
The fact that the colour (©UK) wheel ( and interpolate !!! and the animation frame rates !!! ) eventually got fixed does give me some hope, but a part of me also can't ignore the very real fact that it took soooooooooooooooo long, I'm not sure how representative I am of the typical GS user, but since first encountering a lot of these issues to finally seeing (some of) them resolved (and a lot of them still remaining) I managed to go through a few OSX versions, 3 computers (G5, iMac, iMac), 2 new addresses and my tiny little baby grew up to be a little boy who goes to school and beats me at Angry Birds GO! 
So yes, things got fixed, but even taking a very very generous view, the length of time it took for these things to eventually happen suggest something as revolutionary as joints or custom collision shapes is such a distant prospect you can pretty much dismiss them . . . as other more overarching factors come into play over such long timescales (erosion being one
Anyhow, like I say GameSalad is a pretty fantastic tool how it is right now, so maybe it's a case of managing our expectations, if we are waiting around for mythical features or even for a bug to be addressed things can get frustrating, just need to use GS for what it can do right now.
@Socks, I am with you on every point.
I may be more sympathetic - being involved in the same field, I know that keeping the users happy in an ever changing landscape is like spinning plates on high seas.
People are being hired and plans for the future look good, this keeps me optimistic.
More importantly, we have the likes of you to keep the pressure on.
As you say, GameSalad is a fantastic tool as it stands ...
(this always sounds akin to the secret to happiness, lower your standards to a point where they have been met)
... and should especially now gain a lot of ground as the rift between triple A titles and the indie market threatens to grows wider.
yep, same here.
Read this thread
@Fajlajp That's pretty good, I am still trying to figure out how to make the actor have gravity and bounce around, etc. Thanks Though for The Replies!
Yeah, it can't be easy, I haven't got a clue what it takes to produce a viable SDK, I imagine it's no mean feat.
Yes, the future looks good, it always looks good. We are always a year away from the revolution, custom fonts are always just on the horizon, or the super speedy LUA-free marvel is just a few months away . . . . and so on . . . . the future always looks good, but eventually you need to deliver that future.
That's not to say there's been no movement, but it feels like the overwhelming majority of progress happens in areas peripheral to core game making - so we get to access the MarketPlace but still can't access the camera roll, a dozen ad-networks come and go over the years with still no snap-to-grid or way to organise your image assets other than the throw-them-all-in-giant-folder-and-scroll-about method
Lol, I think if we've learnt anything it's that GS move at their own speed regardless of what's discussed on the forums.
It certainly is ! It's like a brilliantly talented 6 year old music prodigy, his parents have given him a $15 out of tune plastic keyboard with a missing F#, he can still play pretty damn amazingly, but you really want to see someone wheel a grand piano in front of his little fingers.
Not 100% sure where I'm going with this analogy, not quite sure if GS is the little kid or the parents, either way I'm calling Child Protective Services
Sarcasm? Pffft! I expect better from you!
I agree with you, more than once I have been on the verge of hopping into a plane to go ask the GS team what they were thinking.
But then, although I have experience in, and thus the option to switch to any of the other bigger tools (or go native for that matter), for projects within the scope of GS's abilities, I will always choose GameSalad. Because of ease, speed, fun and even stability.
Concerns are of course justified, but I don't attribute them to inability (not putting words in anyones mouth). To me it stems from an identity crisis, both in the community and in GS. GS is trying to appease and cater for a wide spectrum of users.
In before forum ban
I love you GS
lol, brilliant !