How much programming knowledge do you have?
This poll is to see how much programming knowledge the average Gamesalad user has. We are not talking about programming in Gamesalad, but rather programming in other languages such as html, css, C, C++, etc...
This is what makes Gamesalad so awesome. People from all levels of programming can partake in making great games! | Free Stuff
Would like to learn it though
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Just started learning Objective-C
Why not Swift?
I'm voting for the invisible fifth option: This must be one of the most pointless polls ever
@pHghost Well, I bought a course for Objective-C a while ago, only got into it the past few months.
I heard about Swift, has that fully taken over Objective-C, or only an alternative?
Anyway, no time wasted, barely learned anything
Swift is an evolution of Objective-C, while having knowledge of Objective-C is very helpful when trying to learn Swift, right not I don't see any reason to learn Objective-C anymore. It would be like wanting to learn Latin first, because it will make it easier to learn French.
@FallingBoxStudios , what @pHghost said.
Swift is also easier to learn.
Why so? | Free Stuff
People can get easily offended when conversation strikes about things/skills they may or may not have.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@raycur09 that's life. We have all been given gifts and talents. The world would be weird if everyone was the same | Free Stuff
I used to be okay, wrote some Mac apps and my first iPhone game was in Xcode. But Xcode is like a foreign country to me now, it's changed so much. I've been left behind. Swift might encourage me to get back into it though.
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@raycur09, @MattButlerStudios -- and since @Hopscotch is the only one who knows how to code fluently, it's not like you have to feel like an outsider, having no coding skills.
Plus, it's a learning process, and people on the forum range from teenagers to people in their 30s+.
@FallingBoxStudios --
Yes, Swift is basically Obejective-C, modernized. That means they took out a lot of archaic stuff and made it more accessible (but without compromising any features -- on the contrary).
WWDC 2014 made me really excited. This was an amazing move on their side. Especially going forward, with iOS 8, Yosemite etc., forget about Objective-C. All it will actually do is give you some bad habits you'll then need to get rid of once you need (or want) to switch to Swift.
It's really quite obvious.
Suggestion for the next poll that have about the same relevance to Game Salad: how many can do pole dancing?
Yes, that is likely the case for some.
I have no programming knowledge and also cant do pole dancing.
Where is my talent? ;(
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To be fair. This has NOTHING that can benefit GS other than boosting ego (and I code [so what?, is that unexpected? OMG!]).
Maybe we can also start to discuss the weather
well, its very nice wetter in the netherlands at the moment.
lets say this pole was to see how many persons could code in other languages to see if it is worth it for gamesalad to add these programming languages to gamesalad to add other stuff which is not possible in gamesalad.
why do you even bother if this is asked?
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Started on a BBC Micro!
Well, the GS devs will hardly look at this thread and say "hey, let's add integration support for language x/y/z cause some random dude created a pointless poll about it"
This whole thread is comical
@MarcMySalad you are starting to resemble a troll. If people want to participate in a poll on anything let them there is no need to ridicule them.
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@MarcMySalad You seem to be assuming that just because GameSalad doesn't need programming that everyone who uses it can't program and isn't interested in programming. This is just false. A healthy percentage of GS users have at least moderate programming skill, but choose to use GameSalad anyway. For example I love GameSalad because I can prototype ideas very quickly and I don't have to do lots of typing, which becomes very painful for me these days. I know at least one guy who could literally write GameSalad but chooses to employ it as it is so quick to get some things done. Just because people can do something doesn't mean they will turn down a faster and easier method to get the same results.
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You simply seem to be insecure about your own skills and full of anger. But there is no reason for that, it's absolutely normal that people have different skills at different levels. Why be ashamed of that? The forum is here for people to communicate and help each other grow. You can only do that if you know another person's strengths and weaknesses.
While the topic might not be about GS specifically, it is definitely about game development (unlike a poll about pole dancing). One other thread went from discussing an expression within GS to talking about the nature of randomness in the universe. That's absolutely OK. If you don't like a particular thread, don't read it. If you repeatedly come back trying to ridicule it, while everyone else is having a reasonable discussion, the only pointless thing in the thread will be your emotionally charged posts.
I have no programming knowledge - Then again I am not an app developer so it could be understandable. Every-time I have some free time I like to test new concepts and ideas. I then pitch off the idea to others who then do the work required. I have ever only been fascinated by the fact of design or creating something and the excitement of the first stage of starting something new.
There have been times when I have collaborated with other developers, but not focusing on developing aspects of it. GameSalad isn't coding - it is block building and guess that's why I still continue to use it. I managed to create something I enjoy doing into a small business without learning a single piece of code.
Thank you for making me laugh
I have no doubt in my mind in regards to whom of us two that is insecure and it sure as hell is not me. I will let you play for yourselves now and not spend any more time in this thread for no real purpose but voicing my opinion. It is a free world after all (in most countries) even though you yourself try to limit freedom of speach.
I agree, it's just a simple poll.
There's no point of ruining a thread with pointless attacks, if you think it's stupid then just leave & don't participate
get it?
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It is one thing to have an opinion entirely another to attack people. Hopefully a mod will see this and give you a warning and if you keep it up ban you.
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