Should i wait for an update?


I am in the process of making my first game, should i design it now with the iPhone 5 screen size or should i just wait for game salad to get updated with the new iPhone 6 screen sizes and then build it? also if i design it for the iPhone screen size how would i update the whole game to fit the iPhone 6 once that comes out or should i just wait for the game salad update all together?



  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited September 2014

    You could use 720p HD resolution 1280x720 its aspect ratio is the same as the iPhone 6 Plus 1920x1080 (w/h = 1.77778). If your game will also be available for iPad you really need to research universal binaries and make the correct choice now so you have one binary for all devices otherwise you could end up having to make two.

    Most developers are creating their games in iPad res and use overscan to other resolutions. See this thread to start with

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Should I have Fries or Side Salad? :D

    @salino2835 said:
    I am in the process of making my first game, should i design it now with the iPhone 5 screen size or should i just wait for game salad to get updated with the new iPhone 6 screen sizes and then build it? also if i design it for the iPhone screen size how would i update the whole game to fit the iPhone 6 once that comes out or should i just wait for the game salad update all together?

    Noone can answer that except yourself. Gamesalad uses a feature called "stretch" that will make the game fit the new iphone6 automatically. I personally would build it for the iphone 5 and use the stretch feature. Or at least start building it in the iphone 5 resolution and if GS does release a iphone 6 resolution, you can convert it in GS with a few minor adjustments.

  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828

    If stretch equals distortion of the aspect ratio. Then Stretch isnt a Universal anything.

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