How far can you go with Gamesalad
This is kind of a blog where i want you to know how far you can get with Gamesalad.
Why am I doing this:
This blog should help me and also other people to see Gamesalad differently. I want to let people know, who are also new to Gamesalad, that they are not the only ones who are developing with Gamesalad and that Gamasalad is a great opportunity to get started in game development. I want to make this blog about my app and i want other peoples here to share their stories and experiences with Gamesalad.
For who is this blog:
For newcomers and also for PROs to leave comments!
Who am I:
I am a beginner! I have no experience with Gamesalad and i don t have programming skills at all.
I am a german guy (so don t worry about my bad english), 17 years old, just finished school, (I was on a high level school but could nt hold the level in the 8. year, so i did this year twice. In year 10 at school i saw i could nt hold this level, dropped down to mid level and made my bad graduation.
(I love playing games on PC and iOS! I love great 3D Games with good graphics. I also love building high end gaming PCs. I also love doing sports like Downhilling (Mountainbike), go skiing. In future i want to do extreme sports like flying with a wing suit.)
Why am I starting to create an App:
It s simple. I always did nt like school at all. So i did not much for it. I never worked at all and i don't also want to start a normal job like other guys in my age do. I mean developing Apps is a great opportunity for us all! The AppStore just started to become popular in 2007. Now we are in 2014. It s a big competition but how is it in 2050. I will say: BIGGER. So why not just try it and maybe you can make money.
Problems i am having:
I mentioned it before: I didn t worked at all in my whole life. So getting started is a big problem for me. (Maybe not you)
I just have no "engine" behind all that, that keeps me working for my app. Well that s my only problem for now and that s also a point why I am treating this blog.
Well make so much money from my apps that i am developing that i can see this as my only job. (Years later I also want to be a part of an independent Game Studio, to make big projects. (In 3D, first person))
I will make updates each day what i have learned so far. What i have done with my project. Problems i have. And so on. I will also comment on your stories, experiences, comments.
When I see that are many people see this post as a no brainer, or this post has no activity i will end this blog. (It was just an idea. Don t know if this is an good idea.)
So for today i just started looking tutorials. I have my basic idea. (I have lots of ideas, but i have to start simple.) It will be a side scroller. It will be simple to play but hard to master. It will not be a normal sidescroller. I want to implement beautiful but simple graphics in the game.
30 views so far no comment looks bad
give it a few days, we have people all over the world, and right now most people are focused on 12.4 which dropped last night, the iphone release this friday, and updating their apps for iOS8 which came out yesterday.
Just keep posting, if nothing else it will be good for you to get your ideas down on paper so to speak!
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Gamesalad is a pretty decent software to use for people like me. I'm kinda like you. Just got done with school, Didn't know to much about game creation and so on.
I was interested in making games since I like playing them. But I didn't know any coding.Then I saw a video made by Jamie Cross on how to make a game called Buzzy Bee: A flappy bird like game. I followed his tutorial and thats what got me started.
Now I have one app in the app store with two more made and a forth on its way.
Once you get the ball rolling and begin to understand a few things it gets a lil bit easier.
GameSalad is a pretty powerful game engine for 2D games. I'd highly recommend it. And it also makes publishing a breeze
Gamesalad if you can make graphics on photoshop you can make a simple game in a few hours if you have experience , you'll get there soon , this has ups and downs , it means it ps easier and better but also you get junk apps because peeps can do it in a few hours , really you should spend about a month to two months on your frame to get it right and also market it and fix bugs.
At first thank you for your comments and everything. I am glad that i opened that discussion.
So for my first day (and yesterday) i did nearly 90 percent of the graphics (with Inkscape). They look simple but good. The graphics took me not just this day to create. I thought days about it.
Tomorrow i will start testing Gamesalad.
I hope i will not waste any time like i wasted it today. Like i said this is the only real problem for me: searching the web, looking videos and so on all about high end gaming hardware (especially, i know there s a lot more) (gtx 980 came out). That s my only problem (for now). I don t know, nothing keeps me working. I have to control me better. Tomorrow: That s the same thing every day. 4 Months now when i started to think about creating apps. Bad huh. Ok tomorrow... damn... I am not addicted! I sold my gaming pc last week and i decided that by myself. It s just, i don t know. Does anyone have had also problems like i am having right now and got it then handled? I mean i am stuck for 4 months now and i can t really handle myself... I am ill? By the way: What i say it s sounds also to me stupid too!
@ Speedy do have a second job? You all seam to me early in game creation (Not the Sous Chef) ... Did you make your first dollars with your apps?
I have a part time job and am currently looking for a full time... I just got pro and have a app waiting for review so I can earn revenue off ads... Im gonna sell my next app for $1 a download. I love game creation but since i haven't uploaded paid apps I need a full time job to support me... My dream is to make apps fully time though...
You really don't need much gear to work with...Im using a macbook 2009 and the Iphone 4.
Me...Im clocked about 150 hours in 20 days non-stop working on my new game...And since i just got pro i have a few more things to add.
Basically(And this is what i tell my brothers) all it takes is a few hours a day for a month or two to make a app(Unless you want to cram like i did). So instead of watching that tv show each night or playing games they could spend that time making games and maybe earning some $$$...
Its fun...I love the look on peoples faces when i say i made an IOS game... Its actually not to hard once you kinda know what your doing...Im still learning but with each day i get a little bit smarter.
you re funny, hope you will not to have to take a job! You re like my mum
Oh working is so good i like that, nothing will stop me...
No i have enough gear! iPad 3 iPhone 5 Macbook Pro retina connected to a monitor, so that s not the point.
(Did Gamesalad give you a notification because i posted something? I never wrote something in a discussion without being admin.)
So this day i just woke up hope i will be addicted the way you are.
(When i would have spent the 430 hours i played Conter Strike in App Creation, i would be a lot farer now!)
No one is addicted. It's something called discipline. Stop waiting to feel movitivated and make yourself do the work. It's called life.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
What he said... lol
Honestly, you can push the program as far as you can imagine. I have a background in 3D animation and game design and I have been pretty impressed with GameSalad’s capabilities.
In fact I am currently pushing the software a bit further with my current project.
For my latest game I have modeled and animated all of the artwork using an industry standard 3D animation program called Maya. Also I use Photoshop.
In sum, GameSalad is as good as the artist using it. GAMESALAD is an amazing tool with unlimited possibilities. It’s only real limitations are the ones that you place upon yourself.
Lastly, below is some artwork from my current project designed exclusively for the iPad and iPad mini devices.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
At robertkla> @robertkdale said:
But all the stuff you can do in this App is 2D, think so?
Looks amazing, looking forward to winter... Are you doing this all alone or are you in a group?
Guru! You nailed it. Are you just a Guru or are you doing also things in Gamesalad Creator? So i will try my best
So for today i not wasted time but i had no time doing things in Gamesalad. So i did just set up jumping, collide, speed that kind of stuff for a few hours for my sidescroller. The first problems are coming i see i don t know what to do, you will see this Questions under my profile tomorrow and you can answer when you have time and discipline.
Thank you a lot for posting something in this thread!
The Guru is not to be talked to directly, one must go through his disciples if an answer is what he seeks. If you desire an audience with The Guru, then you must complete the 7 labors of Gamesalad. Only then will you earn the privilege to go before The Guru and ask ONE question.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Hi Creator97
I am doing the entire game by myself and entirely in GameSalad. All of the 3D animation and artwork is rendered out in a series of png images which I optimize in Photoshop. After optimization I Import the image sequences into Gamesalad and animate them at 24FPS.
**Simply put the game is not a true 3D game. However the artwork as well as animation is render out in 3D. Thus giving my game the look and feel of a 3D game even though it is done with GameSalad’s 2D engine. **
Designing a true 3D game would not be possiable for one person to do in such a short time frame. My current production time with this game using GameSalad will be 7 months. Honestly, 7 months is pretty fast when designing a game, especially when you are doing everything yourself.
Conversely, with a 3D game engine such as Unity it would have taken me at least a year and a half or longer. Admittedly 3D game design has many more technical obstacles, such as the artwork, and animation, which can be just as complex and difficult as the programing.
**It's simplistic yet powerful production capabilities is what make GameSalad so special. Take the time to fully learn and understand GameSalad and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with this amazing program. **
My long-term goal is to utilize Gamesalad in order to create a world class Game Studio. My dream is to support myself by developing video games full time!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
**The_Gamesalad_Guru is right! **
I have spent hundreds of hours, perhaps many more working with GameSalad. It's something that GameSalad developers do because of our passion for game design.
Sadly, I have a regular and outrageously mundane third shift job and yet I spend nearly 8 hours a day using GameSalad every day as I work on my Game projects. Sleep is something that I wish I could get more of.
**Generally I develop and release two high quality games a year. My focus is on creating world-class games and producing the best possible content that I can. **
Although I attempt to focus on producing games that have some chance of producing financial rewards my core goal is to take the time to produce quality content that I am passionate about. I think that if I follow that principle then everything else will eventually fall into place.
GOOD LUCK with your gaming aspirations. Work hard, learn as much as you can and dedicate yourself to game design and you will be fine.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Now that's funny as hell.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks for the Postings. Ok i think i have to complete the 7 labors of Gamesalad!
@robertkdale: 8 hours is pretty good (hard for me) when you do this every day. But when do you do your third shift job?
Yeah I need passion for it! My Passion is more for 3d, first person but thats how you said just something for a team with money! Maybe i will end up doing this a bit later in my life... (Can you link the games you made?)
You said also you do what you like to do/play and then you believe that others a playing and paying for it. I find it hard to do so i personally say ok 70% what i would like to play and 30% is oriented for what others like or what the trend is. You know what i mean.
So for today i had not much time, so i just completed my art in inkscape and showed it my sister. She didn t know what it is at first. (She don t know that i am doing a plat-former)
But she was amazed. So I think it s good. When i do art I am all times very skeptic. I think i could t do 3d stuff because I always think mhh i can do that and this better so I now stay at 2D site.
Sorry for writing I like i.
@robertkdale Just what i think: The Hat of the girl looks extreme creepy to me! When you are longer looking then the design seems funny. I think the game is more for kids, is it?
Please help me with my question Resolution graphics. You see it under my profile.
i made a fps you can see it on my youtube channel
Oh I didn t update just because I have not to say much. I didn t worked very well getting a bit in a trouble now at the beginning. So pls help me with my newer questions (It s linked under my profile).
I didn t test that much that s because I didn t saw that something is wrong. So I have an rectangle moving with x velocity! Then I placed an object it is triangle with the one pike on the bottom of it. So when my actor is moving to this rectangle it is colliding not were the object begins. It is colliding where the with and the hight of the objects starts. So when you would have an red triangle that is having the width and the hight of your monitor. It is shown on your screen then it would collide were the screen begins. I know there is an option under option under physics. You can choose Collision Shape rectangle and Circle. But thats not what I want. I want that the moving actor collides where the object begins. How can I do that? BTW I am using png images.
The image type has nothing to do with it. You need to adjust you colliders to match your graphics. If it's a space ship or something, a simple circle collider might suffice but you might need to end up using different collision objects to match the graphics. Long gone are the days of sprite "pixel" collision.
I didn t get it. Is there no simple way that my object collides where it begins?
Can you link a tutorial for that from the internet or tell me how to do that! Why isn t that easy is that really a problem for the software or other engines?
The images have nothing to do with collision.
It's been ages since I used GS but from memory you can choose different collision shapes for your actors. You just need to get it as close as possible. This may mean using groups of colliders. I'm pretty sure you can do that in GS.
This is pretty much the way every modern engine handles collision. I use Unity and often have to build up groups of colliders to approximate the shape of my object. You'll need to do something similar in GS, it may mean using more than one actor. As I said, ages since I used GS, but don't be put off by collision not matching the .png image, as that's not how it works
From another forum:
Custom collision shapes are not available in GameSalad. The two possible collision shapes are rectangle and circle. It's possible to make ramps using a series of rectangles rotated to form a smooth-ish surface, but it's a pain to do so.
Technically speaking, yes it would be possible to manually make a custom collision shape, it would involve a lot of rules, and a couple of invisible actors constrained to the actor of your choice.
it would probably take around 30 minutes to an hour to achieve this.
Let me think about this:
Is that why NVIDIA is using VOXELS for its global illumination lighting. Because just then the light can bounce off again. I mean why is this so difficult?!?
So then i have to make several objects (rectangles) that are not shown as visible that are following (constrain x and y positions) the actors. Is that what you mean with: "This may mean using groups of colliders"?!