This Blows!!!
Just spent hours working on a "Wboko Monster Block" and had to go to another computer at the office and now I am getting this!!!!
I think I may have been working on the project with the RC version.... THIS BLOWS!!
Just spent hours working on a "Wboko Monster Block" and had to go to another computer at the office and now I am getting this!!!!
I think I may have been working on the project with the RC version.... THIS BLOWS!!
Install the latest RC on that computer and continue to work with your project. When the final 0.12 beta will be released you will be able to open the project there also without any problem.
The issue is I am updating "Wboko Monster Blocks" for the big "H"... Halloween!!! and we all know 0.12 beta will not be here before that.... SAD FACE!!!
@Wboko Worth giving this a go
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Which is the same instructions that I wrote on the forum 5 days earlier than his post, coincidence?
That is crazy!!!
I had just completed that before I seen your post...LOL
It works, but seems like a wild way to fix it... GS you rule again!!!
And that were discussed here months ago?
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months ago, ok - not too surprised about that to be honest, I've known about it for years myself
(years since I tried it myself but since then I have become wiser and don't do mistakes that requires that process
Oh, I am the wiser now.....LOL
I checked the computer at the house that used to make the changes and it was RC 12.4 which did not have anything to remind someone that is was the RC version...
Just don't loaded 12.6 and see all the warning stuff now, however built an Adhoc and put it on my IPad and it ran super, so maybe I will give this a run a little further and see how it goes...
That's just a general warning. It's usually fine to work and publish with RC builds, as long as you know what the bugs are and that they don't affect your game.
True that @pHghost !