"This application is not recognized by Game Center" any ideas?
"This application is not recognized by Game Center" error appears when logging into game center on my published app.
Heres what I can confirm:
-game center is enabled in itunes connect
-the provisioning profile that I signed with has never changed since 1.0 of my build
-users CAN login if they enable sandbox mode in Settings > Game Center > Sandbox, which is obviously not ideal
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Best Answers
JSproject Posts: 730
I'm guessing that you have built it with one of the RC versions (all of them have various issues right now). I think the only solution right now is to publish using the current stable build which is Game Center is currently broken in your app and not only on IOS8. It does not work at all on IOS7 devices (the same error) and there is no workaround to that with your current build. Also, if you have saved your project in a RC version then it's not as easy as opening it in the current stable version. You would first need to replace "GSCVersion" and "PGFVersion" in all the xml-files so that it corresponds to the 0.11 version (can easily be done via a batch search and replace in an xml editor).
marc_greiff Posts: 250
It would appear this issue is resolved now. For me at least, game center seems to be working in my published apps as of yesterday. What ever the issue was, it was definitely on Apples end.
For anyone else having this problem, I would suggest trying game center in your apps again. If it still doesn't work, perhaps wait a few days for apple to rollout their fix to all servers/countries.
@JSproject Thanks for the quick reply, I didn't realize GC was broken in the rc builds. Looks like I'll have to update and publish with a stable build.
@marcgreiff No problem and good luck
Wait so has this been confirmed that GC is broken for any game right now?
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Browsing around forums and wbesites indicates that this message means GC is working just fine, but isn't being recognized as published. Are you sure this isn't an apple issue? When did the project go live?
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0.12.3 is definitely safe. I've published with it and no problems with Game Center.
That's good to know.
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@pHghost thanks for the heads up! I'll be much happier downgrading to 12.3 than an 11.x build
We do not have any active bugs with GameCenter. If there is an issue please file a bug in our Public Bug Database.
my bad, turns out I missed the enable game center toggle in ITC. Smacks hand on forehead!
Will be enabled in next update, 1.2.1.

Re-opening this thread - I have the exact same issue as the original poster, and his solution did not work for me
the game is 'Speedy Match - Artistic Colors' for iPhone...
Any ideas? Thanks
Same issue with me and I'm not using a RC...waited 12 days for review of an app that was passed yesterday...F'n Game Center not recognized. I don't know what the deal is. I checked my build...matching leaderboard ID's with iTunes Connect..:-(
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Mine having this too.
Mine having this too.
My update just went into review status, so I can report back by the end of the day to see if it worked or not...
Hope it will work for you after the new update!
It would appear that the update was not successful in fixing the game center problem. I'll file a bug report...
bug report submitted for builds made with creator v0.12.9.
Stable 12.10 is out, no point in filing a bug report unless its happening in 20.10 as well.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Same problem here with my latest game "Go home, you are drunk".
And it was made with GS 11x...
Any news about this?
There is a problem too with the splash screen on iphone 5, just a black screen with 4 red dot at he corners...
same problem here,I can't update my games because old version is work,if I want to update with 12.10,I get this error.
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
me too.
the same problems.
stackoverflow has a same problem:
-game center is enabled in itunes connect -the provisioning profile that I signed with has never changed since 1.0 of my build
and id is ok.
-if they enable sandbox mode in Settings > Game Center > Sandbox,it well.But if unenable sandbox,it error!
My mac os is :10.10
xcode is: 6.0
ios is: 8.1
gamesalad creator is:0.12.9
I went on the apple dev forums (which i recommend ) and it looks like there is an issue with apple's servers. We are not the only developers having this issue. We have not touched the GameCenter code in a long time and this is a new thing that started a few days a go. I would recommend any one having this issue report the issue to Apple.
@BlackCloakGS thanks for the reply. The only thing I would like to add is that I'm only having this problem with gs apps trying to access game center, other non-gs apps appear to be working with logins, post scores, etc.
Yeah, it seems it was on Apple side... After a few days, the issue with game center automagically resolve it self now.
@marcgreiff I would recommend at this point to open a support ticket with Apple.
I can confirm that this is indeed a bug on Apple's end. They are currently working on getting a global fix out.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Puh great to know that its an apple issue.
I just updated all my 27 apps on iOS if the Game Center problem would have been on game salad site. I would hang myself.
Good to know..
My Apps
This issue is affecting my apps as well. Has anyone received a followup with Apple's support team?