Monster Robot Game Salad guides!
Hey everyone,
I've started work on some guides that I HOPE will be helpful for some of the users here on the forums.
the first 3 videos cover:
1: smooth inverted camera swipe movement
2: quick menu system (using mostly the same actors as in the cam swipe vid)
3: making a platformer part I, how to make a walk, jump and attach animated images to your player.
Let me know if you like them and I'll try to keep 'em coming!
sorry the sound is off and I say "so" SO much, gotta get the hang of talking while working
Nice video, Ash! Thanks for sharing!
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@Braydon_SFX no problem, I hope to have making a platformer II & III ready next week
@ashtmj -- these videos are great! Keep 'em coming!
@ashtmj Many thanks for sharing the knowledge.
Great work Ash, keep it up
Thanks guys!
Just posted making a platformer parts 2-4, they should all be live in the next 20 mins or so.
in them I cover:
making a ledge that the player can jump through.
making a ledge that moves back and forth and how to make the player move with it when they land on it.
making a up and down moving ledge.
making locked doors that can be opened using a actor key and tables.
more to come
@ashtmj - where were you 6 months ago when I first started... hahaah
Great work and thanks for making GS community stronger than ever
Great i love them!!cant wait for the next!!
I'm sure lots of people will find your videos useful, top job.
Ahh sweet more tutorials are always welcome with the community. They help a lot. Thanks broseph !!
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Thanks guys! I should have some more next week.
I thinking I'll do camera/parallax scrolling.
Coin and score saving
and spinning ledges.
If anyone has a requested for something let me know and maybe I can do it
wooow!! Christmas is coming early this year!
Great work!
Thanks Ash!
Glad these are helping some people!
just posted 2 new videos.
collectible coins
and how to make a simple shop with a scrollable list and selectable items
Here are some new videos
Parallax scrolling

enemy health bars

Your videos are great! Clean, straight forward, very understandable and implementable! Keep 'em coming!
very nice tutorials you have, love the parallax scrolling.
Great vids again Ash
Thanks for sharing!. Your videos are amazing Ash.
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Thanks guys!
I'll keep'em coming.
and if anyone has suggestions for something they want, or a question that just pops up a lot on the forums let me know
Thanks again
here is one I got a request for.
Push blocks!
the first half shows how to spawn them in a layout then and the second half shows how to push them.
Amazing!! Great Job!!
Great job, Ash. Thanks for sharing with the community!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Nice tutorial! Thanks for sharing!
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Nice to have some more videos. One tip. Give more explanation of what and why something is done. New users really need this information, other than that good job.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks for the feedback @the_gamesalad_guru
Spinning ledges!

more to come
Thanks everyone
Great tutorials !
Slow down your presentation, remember people are trying to follow along and tell people why your doing what your doing. The idea is to teach a bit and so it's not just a copy and paste thing. In order to learn we have to know why we are doing something. Keep at it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I personally prefer the quicker tempo tutorials over the slow laborious ones! I learn by seeing what is put together to achieve the end result
I can see newer users wanting a bit slower paced video and more intermediate/advanced users looking for a snippet of code or quick video for a new concept/viewpoint, so maybe a mix of both would be optimal.
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