I reached a crossroads, any recommendations?
(sorry for my bad English)
Hi all, although the user "casualevolution" have time in this forum, I'm new around here ... my brother is the veteran.
A couple of years ago, my brother created your username and purchased a Pro license GameSalad ... but since then he has been developing many things, and at the same time nothing.
Just over a month ago, I decided to take 2 weeks leave from my every day job, to be at home and program as before ... my brother recommended me that if I wanted to do something in those two weeks, I needed a shortcut... and he shared with me his account and GS pro license.
Then, I had a mission
I organised these two weeks on a daily schedule with clear and achievable goals, which began with "learn" GS in a couple of days
Everything went pretty well, but quickly I noticed that two weeks would not be enough ... and having to go back to my normal activity ... then this project was confined to the weekends, if my family "allows" me
Now I reached a crossroads ... the idea was to make something complete in a short time ... and I decided to do something original and maybe I went too far with originality :P
For worse, the idea is a kind of tower defense ... and later I read on this forum, the recommendation to avoid start with a tower defence because these are complicated as the first project and especially in GS.
But because a crossroads? because reading right here, I see that many have "success" making clones of popular games ... which I do not know if it's a sad reality or an act of intelligence.
Anyway, I do not know if I should finish my game (if I find the energy and time) or if I should leave aside this experiment and understand that was a mistake and it is best to leave at time ... UNLESS leave it to be precisely the error
Sorry, but I do not know if what I say is a presentation or a discharge of catharsis!
Anyway, thanks for reading ... perhaps you may seem that I have little time on this, but for me had been intense weeks
Finally, I must admit that this tool and this forum has enabled me, go much further than would have been possible choosing another development tool... so I also want to thank the GS team and thanks to all who help in this community without expecting anything in return.
Really, thanks to all!
I edited the title because it was not suitable. thx
"To be or not to be" wasn't suitable? Hmm.
Well said.
Ah, my Shakespearean forum friend, only you can answer that!
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Hang in there. We all have been where you are. Perseverance is the key to success!
Keep going!
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@tatiang @robertkdale thanks! I'm happy to have found something original to do, however the original thing is not necessarily good, because it's something untested and I have not enough experience to know if the gameplay is good
It is not a case of the gameplay being good or not from lack of experience or inability to produce what you want without trouble.
I primarily produce art assets and am having a learning experience myself developing a style that is my own and is also useful to others.
To paraphrase "It is better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all"
To be honest I would love to produce a game, and I am very keen on a tower defence myself, but I do know it will take a lot of blood, sweat and plenty of tears before it would come to realisation.
So take heart my friend, sit back, look at what you have already achieved and build.
Do not give up.
Good luck
@ogreofwart thanks you! but it is true that a tower defense is much harder to make than it looks in the first instance. Because there is so much information to handle ... At every step this project grows and grows ... today even as a rookie in GS, I join to the group of those not recommending a TD as a first project.
Yup its hard, all the different variables, constantly spawning new actors, keeping player attributes updated so on and so on can not be done in five minutes. It will take time.

Keep looking towards your goal, try different things to learn more and more but don't give up.
As are we all, looking forward to seeing your achievements.
It's a tough long slog..............
This isn't easy for anyone.
Many days I want to throw my computer out the window.
Many adjectives I've used with the word apple.
Lots of fun days too!!
I would hang in there.
I think that beyond the difficulties of making an original game and in particular whether this is a TD, there is another difficulty that many users suffer is the lack of self-criticism ... they publish in the AppStore and hope to get lucky, without asking even if what they have done has the sufficient level of development. I understand that not everyone has the same talent and possibilities, but I think almost always have to be able to be critical about what they do and understand that it makes no sense to do something that looks amateur and expect results... or move to the next project and return to make the same mistake.
So I think that before doing anything, we must first analyze what possibilities we have and adapt the project to them... 99.9% of the games we see in the top 100, regardless of size, are always super polished.
Then I hopefully not be one of those who suffer from this shortsightedness and lack of self-criticism
they publish in the AppStore and hope to get lucky, without asking even if what they have done has the sufficient level of development.
I'll just put this here... take a look at the number of weeks and the amount of money that went into creating this: http://blog.monumentvalleygame.com/blog/2015/1/15/monument-valley-in-numbers.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
Very interesting read, thx for the link.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Wow. 55 weeks. 800,000$.
Deep pockets.
@tatiang That it is!
We should not try to make something that is beyond our possibilities ... and I understand that we should always try to push our own limitations, but we must keep one foot on the ground to ensure we able to see when that we're doing is amateur, sloppy or incomplete.
So true. I think starting out on a large epic game will end in frustration. Start with a simple goal. Learn. Achieve. Add. Trip. Learn. Achieve. Add. Learn ......
Crap I think I just quoted Buddha.
When I started this project, I decided to do something that was within my capabilities ... but honestly the project has grown a bit and this worries me because I do not want to fall into the above problem.
But well, I'll go ahead! thanks for the support
Soon, I hope to present the game that I'm working ... you surely help me see what my myopia not let me see;)
But when I should show it? I think that's a topic for another post: