App Became Blurry On iPhone 6 After GameSalad Update
Hello everyone,
My game hasn't been updated since last August, and yet it looks great as is in the App Store on the iPhone 6/6 Plus. I have been working on an update over the past week, and got to ad hoc testing today. For some reason, the game has become super blurry on the iPhone 6 as I test my most recent update.
Has anything changed in the way GameSalad handles art assets? I usually work with overscan, and tried stretch just in case. Either one becomes super blurry compared to the version that is live on the App Store.
Any ideas, advice, or help would be greatly appreciated. For the three images below, first one is overscan update, second one is stretch update, and third one is live on the App Store version.
The post switched the order, the second one is now live version, and the third one is stretch update. Also, I tried retina independence checked, and unchecked without a noticeable difference.
In the publishing portal there is an option for Legacy Retina Independence, trying checking that. I find as long as RI was checked in the creator and in the publishing portal it covered all your bases.
Resolution independence is checked in both gamesalad, and the publishing portal, and the images above are what i got.
Hey @mactds10,
I thought I remembered someone posting something in regards to this same type of thing so I dug through the forums and found the below post which may be of some help to you in regards to your situation!
Hope this helps you out!
Try placing one of your actors in a half pixel positions and see how it looks.
Example: If normal position is x: 120 y:200 then change the position to x:120.5 y:200.5
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
The problem isn't old though, that post is from April 2013. The game looks great when I complied it in August. Everything is the same, and now it's blurry, and cut off at the sides when I compile it today.
What has changed since August with the gamesalad creator or publishing portal?
Really appreciate the help, but it's quite frustrating to see this happen when you haven't worked on the game.
Apple have changed their asset scaling system (with the launch of the iPhone6).
So I found this thread
My build created with a previous version of GS looks great on iPhone 6 & 6 Plus. Now you're requiring 2X and 3X assets that break everything? Why fix what wasn't broken?