@ForumNinja said:
floatingwoo I'm downloading our recording of the video right now and will do my best to get it uploaded to YouTube today for you guys
@ForumNinja is really doing a summoning technique to call forth the video, and just doesn't want to reveal too many secrets.
I would attend @code_monkey but I'm from the UK so it's too late on a work night, I will be watching the download though so I am great full you guys supply them keep up the great work
THANKS i already signed up
Thanks. It was a fascinating presentation. I can't wait to see the replay so I can absorb it all.
@BlackCloakGS Path Find is great, too. Head spinning with ideas now!
@BlackCloakGS Ok so I missed it. So where can I see a replay?
Are you talking about actual custom font support, or the current workaround method?
Probably the workaround method, since it is with 0.13 -- the new custom font support will come 0.14 or 0.15 earliest, I suppose.
@floatingwoo I'm downloading our recording of the video right now and will do my best to get it uploaded to YouTube today for you guys
@ForumNinja is really doing a summoning technique to call forth the video, and just doesn't want to reveal too many secrets.
Mathtap.com (Android) | Fridgemanager.com (Android) | Breakoutofspace.com (Android)
Who wants to present in June?
@ForumNinja Thanks! let us know.
Here is link to meetup video.
I use google drive
Sorry if you are unable to watch it, YouTube link coming soon.
Our recording is currently being uploaded to YouTube as well. Hooray for loading bars!
Here's our recording!
@ForumNinja Just by the way, the Meetup category still shows 0 even though there are two entries in the Official GameSalad Meetup section.
Mathtap.com (Android) | Fridgemanager.com (Android) | Breakoutofspace.com (Android)
I would attend @code_monkey but I'm from the UK so it's too late on a work night, I will be watching the download though so I am great full you guys supply them
keep up the great work